Any word on the multiplayer beta? Been having a blast with an all Space Wolf party, a flamer on my Wolf Guard is just so much fun! Also using gift of the martian forges on my T3 dev just for a change its got a great visual effect!
I'm looking forward to my new playthrugh with a different (yet noob)team.Especially looking forward to use the wolf guard with the kraken flamer I'm using a tyrranic war veteran with a T3 flamer since a long time now and it has been a lot of fun.
I need YOU!! Everyone, I'd added a new tab to the Google sheet called weapon stats. It contains all of the information from all of the weapon cards that are tier 3 or 4 (along with some columns on dmg ratings that I wrote up). However, since my codex is still growing, I have not yet found every card. I need YOU to help me fill in the damage values of the cards that I'm missing (as indicated by "???" in the "base dmg" column). Please use the format "=average(x,y)" where x and y are the max and min dmg values from the weapon card and the rest of the fields will self-populate. Feel free to ask any questions you have about my format. Thank you all! Edit: for my damage ratings, I made 3 separate columns for 3 different levels of marines wielding the weapon in question: the first is the weapon alone without marine bonuses, the second is with with +40% acc and +10% crit from the marine, and the third is for a marine with +100% hit and +50% crit (the max stats). I mostly did that to see if certain weapons are better for leveling low level marines vs which weapons perform best in higher level marine hands.
Is that the one with the two sets of glands? Either side of a chasm? If it is, you simply have to get to the area marked with the skulls with all your marines and end the turn, after you have destroyed the four glands this area should be in the bottom left corner, that should do it.
Yes, it was exactly the area with glands. I was confused that the mission doesn´t end immediately when I placed the marines on the skulls area (as is was in all previous missions) and have to end the turn. Thanks a lot.
Just started leveling my tactical champion yesterday and got about 8 quick levels on him. Then tonight pops a wolf guard! How convenient! Barely wasted like 4k exp I've now got 1 of each t4 space wolf running with a t3 devastating and assault. I must say its a very enjoyable team comp. I bet I could run this group through the end of heroic, every upgrade from here on out will just be icing on the cake. Then again, I still haven't fought my first heroic carnifex yet, so I could totally be off base here.
Can someone give me some advice please. I just completed act 3.2, took everything out, activated all the switches in order, did the last one without losing anyone etc, only to get a Defeat screen and for all my marines to lose all their experience. There nothing in the briefing about a time limit or anything like that. Is it a bug or am I missing something?
My 4 tier marines 1 Sang Priest 2 Sang Guard 2 Wolf Guard 5 Lone Wolves Still no tier 3 or 4 Ultramarines Devs (really want either or a Long Fang) and only just got the Wolf Guard yesterday - anyone else with draws emphasised on certain cards? Before drawing the Wolf Guard I basically had 7 assault options and nothing at range. I do seem to get loads of the same cards, drew 15 packs yesterday and 4 were the Space Wolf Assault Champ. Any marines you just can't get?
I've never gotten a T4 Ultramarine or a T3 space wolf tactical, but having said that I am very happy with what i have, I have the 3 T4 space wolves and the 3 T4 blood angels. Having so much fun with an all SW party the lone wolf once he is levelled is an insane xenon killing machine and as for the wolf guard with the krakens breath flamer!
Rite of Ultramar does not stack I have one ultramarine with 2 rites of ultramar, and another with one. They both only gain 5% of max health at the beginning of each turn. It's useless to have more than one of these on a team.
I've got a full space wolf party too. They're awesome fun! Enjoying my new wolf guard, can't wait to get him leveled a bit more so he can start using frostbite effectively. From my numbers, frostbite is better than kraken breath except when the enemy is exactly 4 range away, when you can hit more than one enemy, or when the enemy is crit immune.
Thank you... I wonder if that's a bug or intended? Either way, I guess I should have tested it before farming 9 of them... Thank you
I farmed three of them before testing. At first I thought it was just the green health gained text that was wrong, but then I ran several tests and watched the health numbers. One of my ultramarines also has an ability to gain 5% health at the end of each turn and that does fire, so he gets 14hp at the beginning and end of every turn. My blood angel apothecary gains 5% health for each unused action point as well as each kill because of traits, war gear, and weapons. On veteran or lower he can wade into hordes and recover health faster than they can hurt him. It's insane. On heroic, not so much, which is why I'm farming Doom of the Behemoth now. Nuke em from orbit, only way to be sure.