Missing Re: Missing. Has anything changed about the way the "Miss" text is displayed? After the first patch I noticed that the zoom level has a lot to do with whether or not I can see - or maybe just read - the damage/miss texts. After the second patch the SM weapons don't seem any less deadly, but I am seeing more "Miss" texts. I don't know if something changed in the patch, or if I've just gotten better at spotting the messages. Feature request: Special effects for power weapons. They're often better than chainswords ... but I hate giving up that "Rowrrr!"
I'm betting that it does nothing but tease us and provide amusement for Rodeo. Or at least that's my favorite theory listed here. And since our esteemed representative from Rodeo games is keeping quiet on this one, I can only assume that this item is an elaborate practical joke. On another note, I can't believe that I'm still playing this game on a regular basis. I bought it on release, and though I haven't been playing marathon sessions lately, I still find myself booting up Deathwatch at least once a day. And being on the last Act of Veteran difficulty, I don't see myself stopping until I've beat Heroic as well. Talk about a ton of value for 5 bucks! My only wish is that this game had some DLC to invest in; I'd love to offer further support to the dev, but for personal reasons refuse to invest in any consumable, RNG-heavy, IAP's. Although an iCloud save system might motivate me to break my own rules. Speaking as someone who bought all the DLC for Warhammer Quest: C'mon Rodeo, give me something worthwhile to invest in!
I have this equipped on my current run through with an all Space Wolf team and after the first 4 acts of normal it doesn't seem to have done anything at all, so my guess is also that it is just there to mess with our heads and in my case its working I keep thinking "well it has to do something!"
Hmm some good theories here. It still should have something to do with time. I'll try some of the death options lol.
Here's a handy trick. If you use short, fast swipes, you can make the inventory skip to the end quickly.
Here's a little trick. If you use very short, fast swipes you can skip to the end of the inventory or space marine roster instantly.
Chrono In Rodeos last game, WHQ, they had a similar item: an epic white rabbits foot. Anyone found out if that did anything?
Bolters. I started a new group through Normal after the patch and they mainly use bolters. I just did a very quick test with bolters, heavy bolters, and flamers. I saw "Miss" several times from the bolters and heavy bolters, but not the flamers. Not even two firings of a flamer with a 60% hit chance. I do see the damage numbers from the flamers.
I'll second you there on the IAP. I refuse to gamble my money on random stuff, and I bought every IAP for WHQ, I wish they had some decent purchases for W40KTI. Sadly for us they probably make more money from this system as you can spend an unlimited amount... If you spend, expect to see this model going forward
A3m2 Keep getting defeated on Act 3,Mission 2,Veteran difficulty (iPhone 5s).Even when no one dies,as soon as I hit the last fuel switch it just says DEFEAT Anyone had this glitch/bug or know a workaround?
If people are still interested in the multiplayer beta, please send me your email address. Can you send your saved game to support please.
I remember seeing 0's for flamers in the past, but - watching carefully over several turns - I'm not seeing any now. I don't miss them, though.
I don't want to be shouting into the void, I want to help beta test multiplayer! I hope you got my pm!
I hope PVP comes out soon. I have zero interest in playing this game atm... Unless someone knows a way to keep all your gear and marines but erase all your progress so you can start from scratch @Rodeo - can that be done?
In Act VI on veteran and seem to be swimming in Tier 4 items since 1.2. Would like to have a toggle or slider to turn of the music. I want to crank up the vroom without the music. Really want iCloud saves. Use it all the time with WHQ. Thanks for a great game Rodeo.