Anyone else have a issue with non space wolves not being able to equip the T$ power fist xeno crusher? I noticed no one else can use them even though it is not taged as space wolf only.
The Xenos Crusher is one of the few items I am still missing. I've never seen it drop from a mission or from packs
Finally managed it with 2 stun grenades, an oath of invincibility, and 8AP plasma cannon blasts. And my reward for this feat? A level 1 bolt pistol. Great.
Don't seem to have that problem. What item is the marine you want to equip the xenos crusher with, currently wearing? If he's wearing an item that other chapters can't wear AND the xenos is equipped by a different marine - that can cause the xenos not to show on the possible items. Probably doesn't make sense.. just make sure no one has the xenos equipped then try a non-SW to equip it.
Ah I bet you are right, UM only axe was what I was trying to swap. And all my blood angels have the chain sword that only they can use... thats why I could not swap to it.
Opened my first pack since the 1.2 patch: Arghhhhhh! ... is what I would have said, had it been yet another Lone Wolf. As it was, I did get two cards I've never seen before: Incendiary Grenade and a T1 UM Assault. Yay! As for the previous RNG: I'd be happy camper if I could send Rodeo my save game and they replaced the duplicate T3 and T4 marines with random card packs. (I'd be ecstatic if they were replaced by random T3/4 marines, but random would be fine.)
Well, I for one am very happy with the recent fix to the RNG. I have finally pulled together the marines I need to max out and augment the Ultramarine Squad that I initially completed the game on all difficulties with. I have managed to pick up 2 Master of Relics to replace the Tier 2 and Tier 3 UM Devastators I was using and I also got a second Tyranid War Vet who I may or may not include in my UM team to replace the Sternguard I had used. A big thanks to Rodeo for acknowledging and rectifying the issues, onwards and upwards! Time to rinse through the game a few more times and get everyone levelled up!
Can you describe the hive guard hang as it currently exists? Cause I think I have it ATM is there any workaround right now?
Gets stuck on enemy move phase and does nothing. There's a work around ok this thread. It involves fingering yourself a lot. Search for pinch.
What I did was clear the app out of memory and reload it straight away i didnt lose any xp and the game went straight back to the start of the tyranid turn its worked twice for me so far both times on Act 9 Heroic.
Hi guys! I've been away for some time. You know, vacations and lots of rain Anyway... I got the update 1.2 (thanks again Rodeo for all your hard work) and wanted to celebrate a bit, so I dumped a couple of bucks on packs. Here's what I found in the first *_* The second is not that awesome (but still a T3 weapon and the other two cards are T2) I must admit I'm standing still a bit with this game. Haven't gone past act III normal yet, but so many good games came out lately. Still Deathwatch is on my priority list and it's not going off my phone for a very long time
Stuck in the Lone Wolf loop and not good enough Internet to download the patch - have four lone wolves in a row with some non 4 tiers in between, any idea how many more I will draw before I get a different tier 4?
We're looking for some multiplayer beta testers, if you're interested in giving multiplayer a bash in a sneak preview, let me know and I'll add you to the beta group.
Quick question about the 'cleave' ability, I activate it and the targeting squares of surrounding enemies turn red but when i tap i only seem to attack one? Am i doing something wrong?