I have a request, how about removing the items the marines start with from the packs, T1 bolter, bolt pistol, chain sword, heavy bolter, narthecium. Not one player needs these as an upgrade and you just feel cheated when you open a pack and get these items.
Hey everyone, This is my first post on this thread, but I've read bits and pieces of it. Just wanted to say hi and that I'm enjoying this game too! I'll probably be posting my full impressions of the game thusfar (I'm up to Act 6 of Veteran) at a later date. Welcome to the party MetalGear! As far as the stuck in enemy turn bug, this just happened to me yesterday as well. It took me about 10 resets to get the game to get free and I also have an iPhone 5, so try to be patient when attempting it. I was actually trying to rotate the camera and not change the zoom when I fixed it, so maybe try that, but that might just be coincidence/lucky. For me, the only time the grind is obnoxious is when I replace a fully maxed out tier 3 marine with a completely fresh tier 4 marine, although I am only up to act 6 veteran. Someone else in this thread had an idea where you could "liquidate a marine" for (at least some) of his experience and pass it on to his replacement, which I think would be awesome (and possibly monitizable? not that I'm encouraging that....... >.>) I think this the grind for skills is at a good place, and I haven't gotten to the point where I really start trying to push stats. That third wargear slot does kinda hurt though at 30k Hey Matt, like I told MetalGear above, I also had my game get stuck in the enemies turn just yesterday (and I am updated to 1.1). It was on Veteran A5M2 Setting Sun, on either the second to last or last spawn (when there are 4-6 genestealers in the top right corner from the default camera view). There were no Hive Guard alive, but the game was hanging up on a genestealer trying to use his psychic blast or whatever the AoE Dmg ability is called. After the tenth or so try of spinning the camera, it finally sorted itself out. Just figured you'd like to know But I like my free 4 RP (8 when I draw assault or apothecary!).
This is pretty much what we were going for, you'll need to assess if your going to use your new skills etc, because after enough play, all marines can reach the same stats, higher tiers just get there faster. We're toying with the idea of higher rewards for higher level marines when selling them, but this is just a discussion. We're reluctant to monetise anything, the card packs is as far as we'll go. I think I know what this is, it should be fixed in 1.3 I've been away for a little bit so i'll be going back through the thread to answer questions
I do not think I understood what do you mean with 'higher rewards for higher level marines sold' (I see it's just a discussion for now) but everything that can ease the pain of grinding, expecially after one has completed heroic and want to start trying new combinations is super ok in my book. Personally I loved earning the skills with much fatigue and dirty work during the 3 playthroughs. I loved the fact that I never really felt I had to have certain skills to pass certain missions, with a good use of what I already had at disposal (sometimes even a different weapon can make a lot of difference) but now that I completed the heroic campaign I want to try new squads and combination, and it's a bit impossibile without resorting to grinding. I started a new campaign with a mix of old (skilled) marines and new ones...but it's a bit less engaging. BTW, not sure if by design, but I seem not to be able to select the very first mission anymore....it's grayed out for some reason.
As in, if you sell a marine you've put lots of XP into, you get more RP back. Yeah, it's trying to load difficulty 4. Which doesn't exist, this should be fixed in 1.3.
Difficulty 4 not existing will be fixed? Excellent! This would definitely be my most wanted feature, even over PvP or new content.
My lucky day, opened a pack after completing Act 7 Heroic to be greeted by a Lone Wolf! I probably worried my neighbours I was that happy Will finish Heroic then go back and play through it all with a Space Wolf team.
Ah I see, thanks! (And welcome back) It's a nice idea to get more packs and eventually more marines, even if it doesn't address the 'problem' of training up a fresh tier 4 in the group. I thought you were discussing of getting his XP transferred to a new marine (or part of). Sorry, I understood wrong. Whoops! I see, no biggie. Can't wait for multiplayer already anyway!!!
How do I restore purchases after uninstall? Hello. How do I restore my card purchases after I uninstalled the App? When I reinstalled, my progress was reset and none of my purchased cards were available. Thanks!
An update is out!!!!!! New RNG!!! Ah!!! I can smell a Lone Wolf already!!!! EDIT: for a brief but very intense moment I thought MP was out.
It probably would be 32x harder as well. Some more health (maybe not 3x, but maybe). And all enemies have a chance for skills. Termagaunts with rocket launchers please!
Patch 1.2 Patch 1.2 is out NOW, It's taken a little longer than expected. Firstly I'll shed a bit of light on the subject to do with the random in the game. Please excuse the delayed response, we havent been ignoring you. (I've been off and we've been tracking this down) Weve identified an issue which can cause the random to become looping for some users. While this isnt limited to just Card Packs it becomes more obvious when card packs are the focus. Because of this weve had to completely replace the random generator in the game, which affects all areas of random used throughout, including; shooting, damage received, damage given, ability chances etc. everything. Due to this large change, weve had to ensure that there are no knock-ons anywhere else in the game. For a game based on random generation were disappointed that this has occurred and were taking steps moving forward to ensure that nothing like this can happen again. Because of this, multiplayer is now patch 1.3 but it should be out in a few weeks. Thank you for your patience, The Rodeo Games Team.
well lets hope this RNG update makes those lone wolves more scarce for me.. and gives those of you that want them all you would like.
@RodeoMatthew: There are still some outstanding issues: Are there any other fixes in the 1.2 patch for the crashes, locks, inventory slowness or XP exploit, or is this just a hotfix for the RNG? I find the crashes in particular very common when selling items, by the way. Assuming these are still outstanding, do you know whether it's planned to include these in 1.3?
Patch 1.2 only contains fixes for saved game corruption including the RNG. 1.3 contains fixes for issues relating to AI, the Hive Guard hang, some performance related issues, Mutliplayer and some other features.
Wonder those who thus far bought so many packs, open so many packs, or grind for the packs, got the loop issue, so they are going start spending again or grind again lol amazing