4 BAs and am a SW was my initial Heroic playthings too, nice team! What would be your ideal team @appwhore? What about everyone else? As I mentioned, I find the best team is the one you like playing the most but I find there is value in keeping the team to a single faction. Let's have some open, no-card looping discussion
I am sure this bug has allready been reported, but... On mission A7-M3 if you pick the lower right hand marine first when you start the mission he will fall under the map.
Great topic. After the obvious 'all chapter' my personal's been 2 melee up front to soak and give. I like a dev but for tactical I probably wouldn't mind just going with more melee tbh. They have the range for most confrontations with a Medusa but most of all their counter attack is just free death for all. Gear wise it's 100% dmg against big, 100% dmg mitigation, 5% per turn but 20% on kill and the rest crit. I soon stopped taking grenades as 5xcrit marines was paying better than a single grenade. Overall I found the management of my own debuffs and marine placement/enemy movement that turn the only thing to watch. Big lads right to the top are generally taken down by a solo marine barring the melter assault who's on tenderising and mopping up duties and only carries crit. Xeno smasher and medusa ftw! Need a U Dev for a full t4U team, thinking the mechanics of the team buffs and the dev plasma will change the details a lot on a personal level so keep grinding cards for him and codex. ...want a lone wolf *sob*
Presumably Rodeo Games plan is to ignore the question of looping packs and hope the talk goes away with the new update. Man up guys ;-) Marines: I beat Heroic with a team of 4x tier-3 blood angel tacticals and a T4 sanguinary guard carrying a tier 4 powerfist. The sanguinary guard really carried the team though as he was the only one capable of easily outputting 10k damage per turn. Beyond that I used lots of the tier-2 blood angel purity seal to massively boost damage. If you dont have any tier 4s but get good blood angels (I think their T3 tactical has a +40% crit skill) and purity seals I think this could be a good way to get through the tougher levels. Beyond that I found Wolfguard and krakens breath flamer far, far better than Id imagined: With 100% accuracy they have 24% chance to remove 1AP per shot! If several gang up on something big, the -1APs run off the edge of the screen. In addition, they can burst 9AP using only skills.
Funny, I'm in heroic and haven't dropped a single T4 Blood Angel. I'm running two Lone Wolfs, two Long Fang Ancients and an Honor Guard and am on 4.1. The Lone Wolfs are absurd in their damage output, and overcharged 8AP long fangs can handle anything else. The Honor Guard seems to tag along just to make the Lone Wolfs look better by comparison!
: ( I honestly wish I could trade or give you one. Not to boast but I have probably "sold" at least 2, 5 man teams worth. Just keep busting open packs until you get looping... Then you'll have your own army of them
I like that team! I have the marines to do it but would love to have a wolf guard to put in there too. With the exception of one sanguinary priest, I have 5 ( or more) of the following: Sanguinary Guard Honour Guard Stern Guard Lone Wolf Long Fang Ancient Master of Relics Give me a Tyrannic War Vet and Wolf Guard already! Stupid loop
Still see, to be stuck in the lone wolf loop..... I really hate assault style, I really would like to use a bolter team.
I must say I really tired of grinding. I'm trying to get grav gun to nail carnifex in the last mission but just no luck. Any advice? I got unexperienced team due high marines death rate, and really don't want to repeat those missions again and again to levelup and get new stuff.
Current squad / tactics I've been playing with a squad of SWs. I have 6 in the roster and sub in and out my second dev unit if it's a mission that has lots of big monsters that taking down fast. 1 lone wolf 2 or 3 t4 tactical 1 or 2 t4 devs Gear choice. Normal and veteran I didn't really use 2 devs until near the end of vet. Most of the time I used 3 tactical equipped with the t4 bolters that give +30% OW for 0AP. It means I go slowly through each map and wait for things to come to me because there's a 60% chance I won't use APs in OW. Same for my dev who used the heavy bolter for the same reason. On heroic the heavy bolter doesn't cut it enough so switching back to las cannon and switching out a bolter marine for my second dev. Lone wolf I used a chain sword until heroic when I need the damage from powerfist.
I completed heroic and almost never grinded. Surely not at normal. Do you have plasma cannons? Maybe in the capable hands of a devastator? Charge the cannons, fire, and hope for the best. If you want, you can sacrifice one marine in front of your squad to attract the Carnifex and finish him in 2 turns. I think I did it so first time I encountered and I didn't even had a plasma cannon.