Swapping items. You may have already noticed this. If you're looking to equip an item and another marine has it already, you can only swap if the item you're reading is usable by that marine. E.g. I want to equip a first company relic to my SW, who has a saga of the ironwolf equipped. If my ultramarine has the relic, it doesn't give me the option to swap. Because the UM can't equip the saga of the iron wolf.
Skills list Anyone come across a list of skills and XP cost online? I wondering how much I need to grind before taking on the Carnifex again...
Hi All, To answer some questions that have been asked. Big units are any units that take up more than one square. So the Hive Tyrant, Tyrant Guard, Carnifex & Hive Guard. I don't have an update on when the multiplayer patch is coming. We really are working as fast as we can as we want to get it out as much as you guys want it. The patch also contains fixes for the remaining major issues; getting stuck in enemy turn, marines disappearing and missions not ending. Multiplayer is completely balanced differently to single player. We've attempted to put people on a more even footing.
Depends on what stats you want. Skills - just look at how much they cost on each character on their stat sheet. Stats - it's a linear increase. Regardless of which stat you want to increase. Put it in exel and work it out for what you need. Hint. Each level goes up by the difference in the last level + 50. So starting from level 4 to level 10 the exp you need is: 500 700 950 1250 1600 2000 2450
Nice one for the confirmations. Just one Q on multiplayer...can I keep/use my shiny shiny marines and gear? Understand if you can't answer for spoilers
Cool thanks. Yeah so I'm currently in mission grinding away and should have checked how much I wanted to get before finishing! I know I could end the mission and check but was hoping to work it out without leaving the mission I'm in. Skills, I know have a set cost, which off the top of my head goes up to about 12k, and there's about 5 skills for each marine I currently have. So that's 12k x 5. (probably overkill) Stats wise I wasn't sure what the limit was, aka, how many times will I need to upgrade before I unlock 100% accuracy for example. I'm definitely up to / over the about 2450 for a stat increase, and I think accuracy goes up about 2% an upgrade right? I'm pretty sure health is +5 points each time.
Max stats are 400 / 100% / 50%crit. But you don't really need 100 accuracy as a weapon ways has some boost. Also, 400 health is going to cost a fortune in exp (assuming you've levelled up accuracy and crit.) So give you an idea of how much it costs to max all stats...5.5milion. I'd keep restarting that app and getting exp if I were you. Skills / wargear slots = about 100,000 for everything. (Wargear costs like 2,000 then 12,000 then 40,000 to open the third.
I see rodeo still won't acknowledge the pack seed / loop cards issue. It's probably because of the implications of people using iAp money.
Hi, HazeTI. According to you massage about "Card packs ARE random". I think it is not quite true because from some time (for example after normal difficalty finish) the random generator drops only just the same items you have. And it does not matter how many packs you open - 10 or 1000 - you wont get anything new. All you russian forum here have tested this bug. There is no way to complete the Codex. I have many marine doubles but i cannot get new marines. May be the random generator is broken or something. Also we have noticed that selling a lot of (10-20) IV and III gear increases the chance of IV and III gear item/marines drops in packs.
Hazeti is wrong. Or at least the algorithm for which items appear in a pack of 3 quickly gets into a loop when the randomness converges into getting the same items and marines in your packs. There's a heap of people posting their card results and even other members able to to tell you what your next t4 pack will be. Really, that's not random. We've also sent videos of packs being pulled. No response, to me, means 'oh shit. Let's fix this and keep quiet about it'
Thanks for clearing this up.At least i can leave my 3 relics most of the time at home now and have 3 more slots for something else. nope.Maybe"later".But you can access the save file via itunes filesharing and put it onto your phone.At least.
@Rodeo Anyone reported not having enough room for buffs? IPad mini 2 the abilities get pushed off the screen...I'd rather have them than the buff icons Any chance they can stack with a number on the icon's top left in your nice white? Cheeky