100% agree. Can't wait to try out my newbie Honor Guard team! Interested to find out how it will be balanced. @HazeTi Can you comment or provide time lines?
Don't know about heroic but it sure helps my master of relics in veteran. I am still only at 74% accuracy but my plasma gun with secondary fire never misses with this one.
@hazeti - are you going to fix saga of the ironwolf? (+2ap)? Says its till your next turn. It doesn't last till your next turn. You don't stay in OW if you've used it - even if you had enough points without it to go into and maintain OW.
It's a great game, get it. TA did a review on it, and you can search the first pages of this thread for some videos.
Not being sarky, honest question: what have you seen of the game? Have you seen the pics/vids at the start of the thread or any YouTube vids or read anything? Just to see where you're up to.
Can any of the developer confirm this? I mean a Broodlord is also using just one square but wouldn't anyone else think it is considered a"huge unit" as well?
Yeah I wondered if the genestealers (? The melee brutes) would be, they're in a very grey area if you're asking me about sizes. The other big lads with guns for sure...shirley?
Maybe in certain scenarios this is true, but I know I still regularly used Deadeye every with level 25+ marines. Not to mention getting to level 25 requires a significant amount of grinding in the first place. I don't know what all the debuffs are, but I regularly miss even with high accuracy percentages. Since the plasma gun on secondary is a one shot weapon, I want to make sure it hits if I can. Because the Deadeye has such a quick cool down (3 turns) I can use it multiple times each scenario. I don't like using my big crit modifiers unless that buff is up. It's a shitty feeling to give a bunch of damage/crit bonuses only to see that potential one hit kill shot miss. As others have stated, I have never had a marine miss when the Deadeye buff is active. Not once. Probably used it 100 times or more.
I can safely say that Deadeye+Plasma cannon let me complete the heroic campaign. Probably my most used skill during all heroic, basically I used it every time there was a big one. It must be said that for people who doesn't grind at all, having marines over level 20 is almost utopic....so that skill is super useful IMHO. Of course I can see that having 120 percent accuracy by default (so basically even immune to debuffs) on one marine makes the skill less appealing.
I also were hit by that bug. Did not happen the first 2-3 times i completed, neither some run throughs later (grinded for a bolter)
Now this is something I want to know. Am I going into the map with the real total or a hard 100% cap?? In which case, stuf* you debuffs!
I would assume that "Big" means "takes up 4 squares". Those units are hit twice by things like Cleave and Whirlwind, The Broodlord is not. The Broodlord is probably there to offer a different challenge and requires you to use different tactics (or just Plasma Charge everything!).
I'd agree with the above. To be honest it is, to a certain extent irrelevant. In later acts when you are facing multiple "huge" enemies, you can't afford to be wasting a First Company Relic on a Broodlord, it'll be needed for the Carnifex or the Hive Tyrant round the next corner.