Yeah I want to start one but don't play a lot of games so no idea what site people would use. To set it up and contribute to it.
too bad,those tyrranid warriors with 4500hp are a serious enemy now Not a surprise i can't one shot them even with some buffs and a full plasma burst from a triplex cannon upwards...need more crit seals/auspex
Sorry for what I'm guessing is a repeat question, but while I know you can grind XP, is there any way to grind better gear? While you only get a pack the first time you complete an Act/Difficulty, you do get an item on every mission completion. Would the loot table on a person's toughest completable mission (I'm getting stomped on Normal Carnifex 4.4 right now) give a decent chance at upgraded gear, or does it all come down to Pack luck + IAP? Apparently there are many weapons that would be useful that I've never heard of before (having sold like 80 bolters and power swords).
I also don't like assaults (maybe that will change with another T4 than the sanctuary priest,that i have) but i appreciate your kind offer
Pretty much all of the Assault Marines are lackluster. The exception is the Lone Wolf, who also has the distinction of likely being the best marine in the game. Nearly every marine has at least 1 or 2 less useful skills, meanwhile the Lone Wolf has a full set of great active and passive abilities. That said, I actually equipped my one Medusa onto my Sanguinary Priest. While the innate crit bonus is great on the Lone Wolf, the Priest's Adrenaline Rush lends itself especially well to getting big, or multiple overcharges when you really need them. Honestly, I have a good chunk of the T4 marines now, and I use 2 Lone Wolves, 1 Sanguinary Priest, 1 Wolf Guard, and 1 Master of Relics. I could easily see running 3 or 4 Lone Wolves though, as the Master of Relics is the only other T4 Marine that I see as truly being top tier. The Tactical Marines especially seem underwhelming.
I play a full BA squad, with 3 tacticals holding BA exclusive t4 melta with range 5. Oath of vengeance + oath of angels+ well timed black rage usually clears a big part of the map in heroic. Plus the tactical marine buff I can cycle through, they have been performing really well. Only lost once in heroic 9-4 and then grinded it another 20 odd times for t4 bolt cannon without losing However that's considering BA tacticals with BA specific buffs. I can imagine the other chapters not being that attractive
Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming the other Marines are unplayable. It is simply that Lone Wolves are objectively better than every other marine due to their skill layout and offensive capability. The combination of Beast Slayer and Killing Blow, not to mention Feral Agility and Evaluate Target, allows Lone Wolves to not only be effective at melee range, but to also be equally as good at range, especially against large targets, who generally present the biggest threat. The Master of Relics generally comes out on top as the best devastator due to Plasma Specialisation. Generally Plasma Weapons work best against big targets, so the Long Fang's Lascannon Specialisation simply isn't as useful, and BAs don't have a T4 devastator. I will say that if I was going to run a team of Tactical Marines, they would be Sternguard. I can definitely see how having several of them with good melta weapons could be effective. However, at the same time melta guns are not as versatile as plasma weapons, especially the plasma weapons that do not overheat. Granted this is largely because the Medusa and Doom of Behemoth are just really, really good compared to everything else in the game. I am not crazy about Tyrannic War Veterans and cut one out of my team. Steadfast is a largely useless skill, and the TWV overall is too defensive, something that is more of a hindrance in the higher difficulties when mobility is key. Really the only reason I use a Wolf Guard to fill a spot, is that he at least gets the benefit from Saga of the Ironwolf.
Fully agree on the T4 Devastator and UM exclusive T4 Plasma cannon. I field a T3 BA dev with T3 Plasma with some First Company Relics to as insurance. Lamenting why cant i get a strong one.
All this talk about assault Marines and Lone Wolfs, what is good and what is not. The best party is the one you enjoy playing the most and it will always be that way. If you have fun with a mixed squad, a chapter based team or 5 Sanguinary Priests, it's all about how you like to play the game. I run a party of level 87 Lone Wolfs, all with Frostskull's Strength, Medusas, Saga Of Ironwolfs and Concussion Grenades. Granted one could tweak the war gear a bit, I fail to see a better party. Heroic is an absolute joke and you're basically unkillable, unless you play stupid. This is zero fun for me. I'll often play 9-4 or 9-2 and immediately cleave 2 or 3 Marines to make it more challenging. Anyway, I do feel that some Marines are better than others but if you don't know how to play or aren't enjoying yourself then it's time to find a new party.
Give me an idea of your party, CampbellXL. I pretty much crapped myself the first time I faced the Carnifex. The damage and hit points were scary, but what really freaked me out was its ability to add 2AP each turn (or every other turn - it just felt like each turn the first time through). The way I ended up beating it was with a couple of plasma weapons on secondary fire, but give me a feeling for the kind of gear you have and I'll try to help you out without having to grind. Farming on normal might give you some variety, but it won't give you much in the way of higher quality.
I agree, to a point. I do think that discussing the best/worst of various mechanics can lead to interesting conversations about balancing elements in the game. For instance, "Steadfast", arguably the worst skill in the game. Why is the worst? Attacking does not trigger overwatch, making an ability to keep overwatch after taking damage rather useless. The obvious fix: make attacking trigger overwatch. The current system actually seems unintuitive with the core mechanic of having damage take a unit out of overwatch. It is a strange oversight. Another thing that might be looked at is Apothecaries. These units are lauded as support in the loading screen. However, their support is limited to a single heal that can be used every 5 turns. Rather than a bunch of passive and activated abilities that simply affect themselves, Apothecaries would be a lot more interesting with some more team buffs. Right now they are basically just weaker Assault Marines. One thing that especially bothers me is how generic their T4 melee weapon is. It isn't even named, nor does it have any abilities. Considering that Apothecaries have no choice what they use in their melee hand, one would expect their melee tools to be far more unique and reflective of the units support role.