Sorry but what do you mean by reclaim? I bought 2 packs to support Rodeo and I have no problem with loosing that. Did you simply mean to write "any iaps"? Then I am ok. And, thanks
Got a total of 5, two BA assult, both UM and SW tactical and a SW assult. I only ever had on DEV over lv 1, a lv 2 SW.
Anyone notice that you can make your marine spin around rapidly on the view marine screen? By quickly flicking my thumb to the left at the edge of the screen just above the Abilities he goes spinning like a top. I don't recommend this right before a mission as he the cannot fire due to the dizziness debuff ...
I guess I should mention what I have: I've got 4 different ones - several of each: SW Assault and Dev, UM Assault, BA Dev. 13 total. Insignificant sample size, but you've mostly got ones I don't, which I take as a good sign.
Just completed Heroic campaign. Simply sublime, one of best games I ever played since as a kid I got an Intellivision. All the three campaign playthrough felt pretty different from each other...and this is coming from someone that never replays a 'story' based game but it was too good and I'm glad I did (if someone told me this before I tried it first person I wouldn't have believe it). Rodeo devs nailed down everything in my book and as Alien is my fav movie, this was the best scifi 'Alien-esque' experience I ever had (yes I played Isolation and Deadnauts too). I thought I finally regained possession of my life and free time....but Levelling up the Master of Relics and finding a Lone Wolf wait for me....the call is too strong to resist. For reference, I have almost everything in the codex BUT tier 4 marines (I have just 2). I almost didn't grind ever (just a bit at veteran to get some skills I was about to get anyway, didn't want to risk). My team is fully skilled and slotted. I have a TON of tier 4 items, a ton of duplicates too. Goes without saying that multiplayer and more content (I would prefer new acts over everything else, including marines and loot) can't come soon enough. Bravo to Rodeo games, outstanding game. Many things stand out...the graphics, the sounds (nobody mentions them but they are fantastic), the variability, the deepness, the combinations....but what I liked more were the general atmosphere and the emergent 'stories' you live just by playing this masterpiece. I'm almost sad for Rodeo now...after Warhammer Quest and now way they can fulfill (my) hype for their next game
...what Brother Pitta said!! I'm now half way through heroic with my team of five fully skilled T3 champions. It's hard, but I hope I can make to the final act. And when I'm done with that, four brand new T4's are waiting to be skilled and played with... So I'm going to play on. And, of course, I can't wait for the multiplayer update!
For reference, without almost any grinding, I have 75% Codex unlocked (almost all tier 4 and 3). Marines : 76% Items : 74% Not bad...sad I miss almost all the tier 4 marines but I hope that having completed heroic the Emperor will be more generous with the Deathwatch. Now let's see what this Tyrannic War veteran is capable of....
Finally a third T4 marine, sadly not the wolf guard or lone wolf I am hankering after, instead I got a T4 sanguinary priest, oh well Some day that Space Wolf will be mine!
Still getting into this game. A couple minor gripes: 1) The selecting your team screen is not very helpful. It would be nice if a table was shown with each of your available team members and there related attributes in detail. Selecting the team could be as simple a ticking them off. The current setup requires research in unrelated screens before starting a new mission which is cumbersome. 2) I'm on Act II part 2 and I've only fought one type of enemy and not faced any real challenges. It would be nice to see a little more variety in the early stages of the game. If feels like a bit of a slough to get to the good stuff. I'm going to stick with the game but it could be more accessible to Warhammer newbie's such as myself.
1) You can rename all your marines, I have seen a few just name them for the weapons/equipment they use to make it easier to build a team you want for that mission. 2) missions on normal might feel easy but there are some supprises. depending on how fast you acquire packs also changes how easy things can feel. Use normal to learn the mission, vet and heroic is when things get real fun.
My goodness, you *are* a Warhammer newbie. If this were a true Warhammer game you'd have to flip between two different apps to look up stats and rules, new cards could only be gained through spending cash, and you'd have to color the 3D model skins yourself. Double-tapping a Tyranid should also allow you to engage the AI in a vociferous argument about just how far the unit can move next turn. DW is a LOT of fun. But, really, it barely feels like WH at all. *Sniff* Rather than count squares sometimes I use a little ruler to check ranges. When I'm feeling really nostalgic, I intentionally get it wrong.
Yeah you don't need to know anything about Warhammer to play this game, just take note of the little messages that come up. As you work through Normal you'll be introduced to MUCH more difficult enemies and as said, Normal is kinda a long, self propelled tutorial...and you'll need the practice
Lol! And which edition are we playing, because the codex you have is out of date and your not allowed to play until you buy the next one... On a side note I have restarted the game (by uninstalling and reinstalling after making a backup) and I'm challenging myself to use only the original marines I started with and see how far I can get. Did you know T1 and T2 are limited to 50% crit! I'm giving them better gear and after lots of grinding they are into the 40's and Vet 4.2
Easy way to beat A9M3 I did the trick I posted before of rushing down the map, killing the brood load and big-guy-with-gun quickly, then occupying the only area near the bottom where large enemies can spawn. I spread out my marines so that no large enemies could spawn in the first four rows, and most imprtantly did not allow myself to get pulled out of shape (it's easy to leave a 2x2 gap by accident). No more large enemies appeared I did have to deal with the usual pyrovores and genestealers though whilst maintaining a fairly fixed position.
Re: The real 40k game I want to like the game, but agree with everyone's comments here regarding playing 40k for real: -Having to stop your opponent every single turn from moving his troops an extra 1/4-1/2 inch -Collecting a less-common army then not having a new codex come out for 5 years after the new game version You have to give Games Workshop some respect for managing to get a wargaming store on most high streets. I happened to look up what they're selling now: The exact same models I painted 10 years ago, with few new models for the Tau. Worse for the Eldar players as they have the same models they had 20 years ago ;-) Except they cost twice as much and a codex now costs £25.
I enjoyed this game but I am begging to get board around the start of act 9. I find myself to make regular mistakes which just lead to me always loosing xp which in turn leads to a constant grind of older levels and I dont like to replay levels I have already done.