Finally, someone says something that makes me feel better. Changing the subject, here's what I've worked out to maximize my DW fun: Take a group of 3 T1s, 2 T2s and 1 T3 or 4 through Normal, using only the wargear they're awarded. Later (after there are enough experienced marines) take a group of 3 T2s and 2 T3s or 4s through Vet, limited advanced wargear picks. Later still, run a group of Vet-experienced T3s and T4s through Heroic. My current favorite marines are the T1 BA Tac. with both Reckless and Bloodlust (Dakka dakka, health goes down! Dakka dakka, health goes up!) and any guy with "FENRIS" carved on his chest.
I think the reason some games do it this way is to enhance replay value. "i just beat the game... Now let's try it with A brand new party". What they don't realize is many people don't want to go through the same grind again. I like your idea. Destroy a current marine and have his xp set aside in a "bank" you can use on other Marines. Even if it rendered down at a percentage amount (90%, 75% or 50, something like that, the number is less relevant ) it would still be Awesome and enhance replay value from an enjoyment perspective... Not making it a horrible grind. Good call appwhore
I have a T3 Ultramarine who always turns into a Blood Angel during missions, he's not quite right in the head So its definitely a known bug, just a shame he misses out on the UM buffs.
How do I move a save to my phone? I'm sure people have said they have been able to sync saves between devices, but I am stuck trying to add it from my ipad to my phone. Deathwatch is installed on both devices and I have the .save file. In iTunes (I'm using a PC), I can see the deathwatch folder in File Sharing but cannot open the folder to add the file, nor copy the entire old deathwatch folder into it. Are people doing this with 3rd party apps? My devices are not jailbroken.
You can't enter the folder. Just drag the folder you see outside iTunes (works on Mac, I guess it is the same on PC, can't try right now) on your desktop. Unplug device A, plug in device B (where you want to copy the save TO). Now do the opposite...just drag the folder from the desktop to the Deathwatch documents folder (the right panel). Voila...done. Before starting the game on device B, kick it out from never know. Before doing all this, I suggest a backup of BOTH never know. Works like a charm for me anyway.
Meanwhile, in the Astolat sector.... I'm literally sweating....just completed 8-4 heroic....after like 10 tries and a final epic struggle with those damn crab like things.... There are TWO at the end of the tens and tens of genestealers....I had everyone still alive when they appeared....BOTH WITH SKILLS.... One had the missile thing, the other one CRIT IMMUNITY and 30 REGEN....PANIC (plus, of course, the mega shield in the front). Long story short....half an hour later I have only Vasquez and his plasma tier 4 cannon and Ash...a tier 3 assault Space Wolf (also known as the poor man's Lone Wolf) with the tier 4 power fist and charge. Nothing else. After half an hour of chasing and fleeing...I noticed in the lower part of the level there is narrow path where the damn crab can't enter....but I couldn't damage it enough to kill it...and he regen always. ANOTHER half an hour later...I tried a new thing....risking getting hit once... Basically I attracted it to my devastator with hunker down...hit him with the assault from the back...and finally he turned I could hit him with a charged plasma...he turned again, and I finished it with the last power fist (charge). That was the only way I could kill him...because of regen...only 2 fists and a plasma charge with 100% accuracy could work. It was frigging epic. Vasquez and Ash are now eating lobster rolls.
Thanks Pitta, Drag and drop worked. I also beat A8M4 in the exact same way after I took a beating. Got a bit boring with the back and forth either side of that little gap though.
I know I'm a dev and I probably shouldn't say this but I hate that crit immune and regen skill! Such a #### to deal with every time I come across it! Haha.
......... The random skills add a lot to the missions actually on heroic. And I know I'll regret last sentence when I'll meet the regen Carnifex in Act 9.
I'm farming Tier 3 items to complete my codex. Do you guys recommend heroic or veteran to do so? Is likelihood higher for Tier 3 items on Heroic or just Tier 4 items?
@HazeTi If I send you my save can it be reseeded? Also, has Rodeo Studios been able to reproduce the loot looping bug we've all been talking about?
Blood Angel's codex Just an FYI. I have every single card in the Blood Angel codex, however, it's only showing 23 of 24
Enjoying this game so far. I'm certainly getting $5 worth of fun with it. Just finished normal and got a Master of Relics. This is my first marine above T2. I now have an all UM group with the Master and 4 Veterans. I have read this entire thread and understand people are getting reoccurring packs. So is it likely going forward in Veteran that I will see a majority of UMs? I have not purchased any packs yet and hesitate to if there is a bug resulting in the same set of cards. I do have a number of T3 wargear and just got a Kraken Breath.
This got my game unstuck with the enemies moving glitch! I don't know the method everyone else used, but I improvised after I read this. I would force close the game, re-open and after the loading screen for the level there's a small window of time where it shows the battlefield before it says "Enemy Turn". By keeping two fingers on the screen during the loading screen, constantly moving, you are able to manipulate the zoom and rotation during and a little after this window of time. I tried this many times doing different things before getting it right. While zooming in and out did not work, rotating the screen a good amount did the trick and the enemies took their turn!
I love your descriptions! I didn't do anything especially tricky. I make sure I kill off everything else, first. Then I have one marine with hunker down ability in view at a doorway in the bottom section. I then have a devastator with 6AP and every damage dealing modifier active, including a 60% added to crit chance, a First Company Relic, all the +40% damage modifiers in my company turned on, and then hit deadeye so I won't miss. Usually I can one shot it, or at least get it to a level where someone else can take him down. The key for me is running away while taking all the other guys down. I think you'll be fine on the first two levels of Act IX, because you can control how many enemies you face at once. Act IX map 3 is the tricky one, because it's tower defense, and so they just keep coming until you've killed a set number of them. I'll let you figure out your own strategy there. You're almost through! Great job!
I'm pretty sure I also use Hunker down, but as I have only the French names, could someone show me a screenshot of what it is exactly? Or just describe it? Thanks! Btw I had the excellent bolter Frostbite early on in a pack. It was translated as "Gelure" which means exactly the same in French. But I first read it as if it was a WH40K special English surname and didn't realize it was the French word lol. So I just realized I was very lucky. I also just did get the incredible TIV flamer Kraken sthg. So I'm not sure which one my Fenris TIII wolf should use? I guess it depends if you need more range.
Hunker down - 90% damage mitigation until your next turn. Icon is a shield with an arrow going down into it.
Just realized that Lone Wolf 's cannot equip Bolters... And thus cannot wield Frostbite... My heart is broken... But it makes sense because that would be game breakingly OP... More so than 15 Saga of The Iron Wolf OP