@Lickzy just FYI I've only got one T4 grav gun form a pack and no lone wolf was in it. I was looking out for it after your experience. I also don't think the packs were duplicates, but I would only have noticed this if there was some other notably high tier item in each of the packs, which there wasn't. Can they not fix your looping packs issue by modifying your savegame with a new seed? I do agree it's not acceptable that this can happen at all. If it was just tier 1/2 items them you wouldn't notice for quite a few packs.
@inuse78 Thank you for posting your pulls: This is exactly what is needed to give the community tier distribution figures. Please keep updating us. By the way, you have a blood angels T4 devastator listed, but I didn't think they had one? I also have no Master of Relics after a similar number of packs :-(
I mean have you asked whether Rodeo Games can change the RNG seed in your game, or create you a new savegame with the same items?
No I was unaware that was an option... However, I shouldn't have to and what about the 100's of thousands of other players who are getting ripped off and are not aware of the recourse you suggested?
On Act 6-2 Heroic and I finally got my second tier 4, a Tyrannic Var Vet who seems really cool but no way I'm going to baby sit him till I end heroic first. Then we will see. Even better got also an Emperor Maw which is already in the capable hands of my Sanguinary guard...which, thanks to some consecutive great missions, is only 5K short to unlock his third slot. Then my team will be fully skilled and slotted. Actually...my codex is looking pretty good. Almost have all items, a tons of tier 4. Almost have all marines too, BUT the tier 4. To be honest now I'm looking to complete the game on heroic more than packs...now even if I get some awesome tier 4 it would be too risky and time consuming using them. That's my objective for later, after I've completed the heroic campaign.
Hundreds of thousands players who are getting ripped off? What does that mean? Can you explain that? I don't feel ripped off. The game is awesome and a real steal for it's price tag!
We are still here. Sorry we've been quiet. We have been hard at work preparing the next couple of patches.
I was wondering if it would be of use to you guys if we collected together a list of what we've found/bugs/suggestions etc. Maybe add it as a tab on the loot spreadsheet? Would you look at it ?
Love to read your progression updates Pitta, I think they are a great counterpoint to the more hardcore postings. Keep it up! I just got Tyrannic War Vet myself as well and that was the last of the T4 marines I needed.
We mean that if the RNG / card seed table isn't working properly then for some people they've been unable to find certain cards (ie in a loop of what they find). I believe that isn't the intention for the iap.
"some people"sounds different than "100s of thousands" though.i probably count 2-3 in this thread who complain about this. Just out of curiosity:are you guys still buying packs although you know the system is "ripping you off"? @topic:finished veteran (and chap one on heroic) now.was not really hard thanks to a lot of helpful tips here and a good team/items.Took me about 3 dozen tries to get that damn Doom of behemoth though, Still have only 3 T4 marines (all UM) and not much luck with Space Wolfs.But i bought only 2 packs,the rest came from normal playing (and a bit of grinding).A lot of T4 items/weapons though.And i also would love to know what the mysterious chrono is doing (PS.sorry for stealing the idea with the Alien names )
Matt and I keep an eye on the touch arcade forum postings and investigate anything which people bring up which we feel warrants. Any serious issues should be sent through to support though.
Crabman I need to clarify something. The reason that a handful of people are complaining is because only a handful of people have bought/earned enough packs to observe the issue. It's possible we are the only ones it is effecting, however, I honestly believe it is everyone, accept not all have observed it yet. It took me 171 packs on a brand new save before i started noticing identical packs. How would you feel if you bought 200 packs, only to keep getting the same items and Nothing else different? To answer your other question, no I am not buying anymore packs. Would you like to see a video of the packs being opened?