Universal Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. jhoughto123

    jhoughto123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2010
    I just brought the game yesterday, and have been really enjoying it but I think I got the stuck on enemy turn bug I remember hearing about. The enemies turn won't end and I keep hearing a sound like an enemy in the shadows is trying to move. I've tried pausing the app, and also restarting it, but this causes the enemies to do the exact same moves and get into the same position causing this bug. Is there any fix to this? And will I loose all my XP if I quit the mission?
  2. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    If you quit you will lose all of your experience. Try starting the game up and as SOON as it loads up your game start moving the screen around with your fingers. This has worked for me and gotten me out of the bug. You can also try reaching out to Rodeo support. You can often send them your game and they will get you out of the big, however I have no idea the turnaround time.
  3. thegeordielad

    thegeordielad New Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    Hey guys new on the forum. Love the game managed to get to heroic no bother but damn it gets harder quick!

    I was wondering if anyone knows what the charmed chrono dose, apart from somthing mysterious? Had it for ages now equipped on lone wolf and nothing at all!
  4. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Welcome to the forums!

    At present, the Toucharcade community has yet to figure it out. The game devs have also been less than forthcoming with its function.
  5. thegeordielad

    thegeordielad New Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    Thanks for the welcome!

    Gutted I am itching to know what it will do! Has anyone been brave enough to sell one and see what it dose I wonder? Thanks anyway!
  6. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Possibly but not that I know of. I'll go farm one and get back to you.
  7. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
  8. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Quick question, by 3d you guys mean using two fingers to swipe to view the 3d models as angled right? & is there some sort of super visuals setting you can turn on? I've seen a few people mention the graphic option and 3d option. Wasn't sure if they just meant the standard game ( which is beautiful ) or if there was options to increase visuals & 3d point of view.

    Wish I still had my iPad to play this on. i6 doesn't do it justice.
  9. jhoughto123

    jhoughto123 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2010
    Thanks for the reply, unfortunately it didn't work though, it's freezing at the end of the enemy turn, not the beginning. Might just have to quit and grind out the next few missions to make up for the lost xp
  10. mr.incognito

    mr.incognito New Member

    Aug 12, 2015
    According to the load screen: "Chrono Grenades give extra AP to all units within their blast radius, but also have a small chance of causing those units cause [sic] catastrophic damage."

    So there you have it. :cool:

    Attached Files:

  11. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Chrono grenades are a different item.
  12. Gunslinger87

    Gunslinger87 Member

    Aug 4, 2015
    Thanks for clearing that up Matt.
  13. jamesp111

    jamesp111 Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2015
    I suddenly got the team I wanted all along: After 400 packs containing 2 lone wolves, I had another 4 of them in 20 packs (I don't think the packs were duplicates, btw).

    So now rocking a all-lone wolf team, all with following kit:
    T4 power fist (the normal one; not the space wolves one as it's crit damage is low compared to the normal one)
    T4 plasma pistol (3 of them anyway. The remaining two have a urus word bolter pistol, which is also great, and a fire pelt which will get replaced at some point as 3 range is too low)

    Saga of iron wolf
    medi kit
    T3 purity seal that gives 100% damage reduction for a turn

    I think this is the best line-up in the game: They all have 60% chance to crit anyway so I don't need auspexes or damage increasing wargear, freeing up space to use the above wargear, which I feel gives some duribility and safety to the team.

    I think A9M3 is the hardest mission in nthe game and these guys beat it the first time I tried whilst only using one piece of wargear.

    Now I think there are two things I can in the game:
    1. Complete my codex.
    This will never happen. Given up on ever getting a Master of Relics or Frostbite.

    2. Build a ranged team that can easily beat all the missions.
    I am trying this with a team of 4 wolf guard (all with Kraken breath flamers) and a long fang ancient with a T4 space wolves lascannon. They all use the same wargear as the above close combat team.

    So far they are doing well. The devastator isn't pulling his weight but the flamers are doing an excellent job; usually if they fail to kill a big beastie in one turn it doesn't have any AP left anyway.

    Has anyone built a ranged team that beats A9M3 with ease?
  14. Mandalay

    Mandalay Member

    Jul 25, 2015
    The flip side to your question is the question of to what extent someone who has paid for the game (plus any IAP) should be inherently disadvantaged in PVP, simply by virtue of their having spent less time than their opponent undertaking a grind which even its supporters acknowledge is mind numbing.

    For now, the way this (mechanically excellent) game is designed, it rewards dull, monotonous grinding.
    - for RP; you build a fast runner to repeatedly complete 2.4 in one turn
    - for XP; you set up your squad on 2.1 so as to repeatedly kill spawning mobs
    - for items; you consult the loot table spreadsheet and grind selected missions until you get what you want

    Playing the game "properly" provides rewards which are too small (XP per mission amounting to <10% of a level in many cases) and too high risk (a moment of inattention or a bad affix spawn can wipe out multiple missions worth of progress).

    The exp-loit is simply an alternative to hours and hours of pure XP grind. It's only an viable option because of poor design choices, which frankly should have been detected during testing.

    Bump up mission XP by [x] times, re-instate daily missions from Hunters 2, introduce random loot (or events) during missions as in WHQ, cut animation times, smooth out the accuracy penalty for using new marines and/ or higher tier weapons, introduce completion XP for missions... Some or all of these things would make the exp-loit method less attractive by introducing positive alternative time sinks or increasing the efficiency of time spent doing other things.
  15. Grand Master Azrael

    Grand Master Azrael Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    I completed it fairly easy using my current main team:

    Tier 3 UM Dev w/ tier 4 UM Plasma Cannon
    Tier 2 UM Dev w/ tier 4 UM Plasma Cannon
    Tier 4 UM Tac w/ tier 4 Bolter
    Tier 4 BA Tac w/ tier 4 BA Meltagun
    Tier 4 UM Assault w/ Tier 4 UM Axe + Bolt Pistol

    Granted I have one assault in there, but the devastators did most of the heavy lifting in terms of killing Hive Tyrants and Carnifexes. Once the accuracy is at 100% and you start ploughing points into crit the fun really starts :D
  16. inuse78

    inuse78 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    You need to give Mandalay a job in proposition.

    Speaking of which, @rodeomatt, have you guys acknowledged the repeating packs and inability to get pack-found item once you're stuck in a cycle of repeating cards?
  17. Carabak

    Carabak Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    #2397 Carabak, Aug 12, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
    This always works for me- when it is hanging, place thumb and four fingers on the screen. Squeeze together- the screen will shrink, exiting the app. Before it disappears, release. The screen will expand and the app will resume- just as it resumes, squeeze and release again. Do this a few times. It should break the loop and continue. The idea is to rejig it like slapping the side of a jukebox where the record got stuck. Might be worth a try before losing all your XP.
  18. thymegatherion

    thymegatherion Active Member

    Jul 27, 2014

    I was awarded a defeat when my marine reached the checkpoint for activating switch gamma which was part of the objective, I am playing 3.2 on veteran.
  19. inuse78

    inuse78 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Subject of crits:

    How are some of you guys getting massive crits? I thought you're limited by the +crit damage of the weapon - as a marine's crit skill only changes the crit chance?

    Is it all items?
  20. Blackharon

    Blackharon Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2010
    Game Designer for Ludia
    I got my first Tier 4 marine today! Suddenly I find myself having to re-integrate a heavy weapons dude into my lineup.

    This master of relics fellow has a lot to unlock!

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