Not having a go at you personally, but Jesus many times do we have to repeat ourselves? THIS IS NOT ABOUT TRYING TO COMPLETE A CODEX. THIS IS ABOUT A FLAW IN THE RNG THA MEANS FOR SOME PEOPLE, SOME ITEMS/MARINES ARE UNATTAINABLE. Which is bullshit.
I not moaning because 'why haven't I won the lottery yet?' Im moaning because I'm being sold tickets that have zero chance of winning. Aka fraud.
AT LAST!!!! Finally I got an assault Space Wolf (champion) to use the Fenrisian Frost Axe!!!! And in the same pack, I got the Triplex Alpha plasma cannon, which look super cool in the field!!!! Now I have to decide who to substitute....decisions decisions....I think I'll try 3 assault, 1 devastator, 1 tactical for the rest of heroic.
Finished 9.3 veteran, those Hive Tyrants with self regen, 7k HP, and immune to crit are tough :/ 9.4 ahead, my space wolves are tattoing #YOLO on each other! Hopefully my second Tier IV, the lone wolf will be helpful on heroic when I'll have him trained
Snap! Finished on the train into work! Interested to see how 9.4 will work out! Still no lone wolf though! Currently running a UM team with 2x tier IV assault honour guard.
Tier 3 UM Champion Devastator with 6 AP from being next to squad mates + Tier 4 UM Plasma Cannon Doom of the Behemoth + First Company Relic + Overload Shot = 1 shot Hive Tyrant on Heroic
Ha completed as well but not quite in 1 shot. Tier III UM Deb with II plasma and a +50% Crit = -4000HP and then a finish up with a good old Xenos slayer power fist! Now onto heroic, although not looking forward to getting it handed to me by some basic critters on the first level.
So far Heroic is a serious eye opener, Act 3 in particular, Tyrannid Warriors with 4.5k hit points? Yikes! I struggled through 3.1 and 3.2 and then swapped out my T3 bolter for a T4 grav gun on my BA tactical guy and it helped a lot, the key as people have already said seems to be moving as fast as you can and not stopping, not sure how i'lobe able to handle the waves in some of the missions in Act 5, might need to level a second devastator. I always go with my T4 Long Fang Dev, T4, Sanguinary guard with T3 power fist, T3 UM tact with the UM only bolter Calths Arrow , T3 BA tact and T3 SW assault guy with the Fenrisian frost axe. Still it is epic fun and like a brand new game
I'm looking forward to PVP. However, still haven't gotten over the EXP exploit and really hope that it doesn't impact multiplayer. If it remains single-player, by all means do whatever you want. Hack the game if it makes you feel better. However, there are usually three ways to do decently in any PVP game: 1) You use money (then by all means be OP... you are supporting the game) 2) You are very smart (you understand the mechanics very well, come up with strategies others wouldn't consider - by all means be good and benefit from it - "provided the game allows for this of course") 3) You put in enough time and effort to grind up in RPG style games (in my opinion the same as the above applies. i.e. maybe you aren't as smart, or willing to analyze all of the mechanics, maybe the game doesn't allow something similar anyways etc. but you have put in enough effort to be rewarded.) Or 4. Obviously a combination of all 3. Now any way you look at it, being able to jump into slot 3 with zero (or minimal) effort is just plain wrong. The game is rewarding you (and making you competitve against people who have put up cash for example) for something you haven't done (put in the time and effort). People who have spent hours and hours grinding rightly feel cheated. And don't tell me I (and others) can use the exploit as well, that isn't the solution. And not dealing with the underlying issue of an "age of entitlement". Some people just want everything and now and think they deserve it for nothing. I could also ask you to kindly opt out of PVP, since you claim to be doing this for the sole enjoyment of running through the single player campaign right?... and by no means at all in anticipation of pounding your chest and being proud of rolling over regular (or even paying) players and making grand claims of superiority in PVP. PS. So to sum it up. you have all paid for the game, so by all means you have the right to do whatever you want with it, bar make money or go against the ToCs etc. However as soon as PVP or any form of multiplayer is added to the equation, you aren't playing in a vaccuum anymore and must consider the consequences. PPS This is all speculation as PVP may not be affected by EXP at all, I'm just ....*angry*.... with all of this "I'm exploiting (cheating?) but its all fine." "The shopkeeper left and his donuts stink anyways, so he deserves to be robbed" attitudes. It is an exploit. It is called cheating. Some people cheat at exams (some even funnily feel smart about it). It happens. I know. That doesn't make it right and either live with yourself as a cheater, or don't. (or don't care). But please stop trying to justify yourself with these silly arguments. Neither do I think an "eye for an eye" attitude with the devs is any way to help the situation. ("pfft, (I think?) you snubbed me on a pack, have at it... ill exploit your game here.."... when in fact you are just hurting all of the other satisfied gamers. PPPS If I have offended anyone, I am sorry, just a (not so) minor rant and nothing personal. (and I do know every game has this and I shouldn't have gotten all worked up about it... couldn't help myself this time...) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit: I have also exploited the bug which allows you to repeat a turn from the start when one of my guys accidentally killed another when I mistakenly killed him with the wrong ability. Maybe did it 2-3 times. I am by no means a saint and that wasn't my intention. You could argue it was a victimless crime (or that on a minute level its the same, I saved some thousands of EXP and made progress on a level when I shouldn't have. My gosh, should I feel bad now??? But really it isn't the same. Out of curiosity: Would you be ok with it if it allowed you to get free RP? Would you be ok with it if you'd already spent a lot of cash on the game? (I'm F2P btw, besides the initial purchase). Would you be ok with it if it was free RP, you had spent hundreds on packs and thousands of players were now getting them for free? Now would you consider it unfair and a BAD exploit? I'm wondering how much it would take for some people to register that the only dynamic isn't you vs. Rodeo, but also you vs. everyone else. There is no such thing as good cheating. (an argument can be made for a good exploit, which for example allows you to get past a bugged portion of a game or overcome a faulty mechanic) But good cheating? No. Sorry. Not gonna happen. Rant over.
Yeah totally...just hit Act 3 on heroic myself and already lost Bishop due to my self confidence. 22K XP down the drain. Deathwatch graphics with higher tier marines and weapons is nothing short of amazing. It's even better in motion too, with so many animations.
Did they ever say pvp? I assumed multi / co-op and the rodeos guys seem confident that it works in a way that won't matter if someone else exploded.
You could also extend this argument: is it okay if someone has more money than someone else so has access to a better team, is it okay if someone has more time than someone else to level up, is it okay if someone else is smarter and uses their brain to be more efficient when playing and levelling and equipment choice? There's also a strong arguement that life isn't fair. Which is only a problem if a) you think it should be or b) are living a life of comparisons to others. Do what makes you happy and play how you want. If it ends up genuinely affecting other people in multi player, they'll figure out a work around.
Unless the devs step in and explicitly state "this is an exploit, we're going to fix it" I'm going to refrain from having an opinion on the exp-loit. I'm actually surprised that Rodeo haven't addressed it, though, it must be 50 pages of thread since it was described. Realistically, it doesn't detract from Rodeo's revenue stream, I guess. I think the easiest solution for the theoretical PVP issue would be to just cap levels. Cap accuracy increase at 50, crit at 20, etc.
So is there an Eta on another fix for ranged enemies causing the turn lock and forcing you to quit the mission? Anytime a ranged unit fires from the edge of fov, turn locks because the camera won't fix on them. I reinstalled the game to start my progress over after the update and this bug is still there. This is becoming incredibly frustrating as I haven't completed one play through of the game yet.
Dude. You can extend any comment far enough to make it ludicrous. But you are going beyond to questioning the concept of competition. So I hope you aren't serious... If you are, try it with sport. Obviously certain sportmen and women have access to better training facilities, but I think none of us have a problem with that. Doping however? Also, I'm never going to be a pro football player (though I once believed it possible) but whether I failed due to not enough effort, time, or even genetics or whatever other concept of fairness you could bring in to cloud the issue. That still wouldn't be an argument that doping is fine and the answer for me. The fact that someone has less time than someone else is a shame, but this isn't chess. Time (and money) is basically the only thing that separates people. How on earth else do you want to compete if not on those scales. It would be a different matter if you could actually "do well" in this game (perform better). Saying that not having time is the same thing and therefore it is ok to use the exploit just isn't right... Remember all of those thousands of accounts that get banned for using bots in games with only internal currency? I wonder why that is... no harm right? As for it not mattering, we are still just speculating and I can be sure that even if you aren't, trust me that there are plenty of people out there eagerly waiting to get into PVP and have any opportunity to exploit the system so that they have an edge. I've been there trust me. Whether it is bugs, avoiding matchmaking rules, playing in such a way as to for example gain zero exp, but only level up stats by running routine tasks over and over and over for days on end etc. I've seen it all It's the primary reason why most people don't go beyond the casual stage and switch games so often. After a while you hit a wall on people who would do anything to squeeze the life out of any game and then pound their chest in pride. Really. Just look at all of those games that have had to work so hard to force all of the mysterious level 1 million win, zero losses people out of top 10/100/1000 standings or had to adjust their mechanics constantly even though what they originally had was probably just fine for normal players.
It's Player Vs Player, not co-op. It shouldn't negatively affect other users, if people want to ruin the game experience for themselves, that their prerogative. This is an exploit, we're going to fix it.
You haven't read, or misinterpreted what I said. It doesn't affect you, unless you choose to let it. If it does screw up pvp then they'll look in it. But at the moment it's only their own experience of the game that's affected. Ps - you should have tried doping. Pps - these people exploiting haven't got something that other people haven't or can't get themselves.