Universal Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Grand Master Azrael

    Grand Master Azrael Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    #2261 Grand Master Azrael, Aug 9, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    Totally agree, can't imagine Rodeo have done anything maliciously. My issue, is that I have now spent £30 on the game and I have 5 tier 4s (2 Sternguard, 2 Honor Guard, 1 Tyranid War Vet). Plus umpteen packs opened through RP that I have grinded.

    I don't intend to spend any more money on the game. For the money I have already spent, I could have bought the better part of a AAA game on a current generation console or PC. No disrespect to Deathwatch, which I love, but it probably doesn't justify 60% of the money that I spent on GTA V and I'm still missing 6/9 of the Tier 4 Marines!
  2. Grand Master Azrael

    Grand Master Azrael Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    I'm rolling with:

    1 x Tier 4 UM Assault w/ Tier 4 UM Power Axe, Axe of Calth and Tier 4 Bolt Pistol, Murder
    1 x Tier 4 BA Sternguard w/ Tier 4 BA Meltagun, Firescream
    1 x Tier 4 UM Tyranid War Vet w/ Tier 4 Boltgun, Moloc's Gift
    1 x Tier 3 UM Devastator w/ Tier 4 UM PLasma Cannon, Doom of the Behemoth
    1 x Tier 2 UM Devastator w/ Tier 4 UM PLasma Cannon, Doom of the Behemoth

    I'm at Act 7.3 on Heroic. So far it's been all about the damage absorbing skills of Hunker Down and Oath of Immortality, Plasma cannon Overloads and stun grenades...
  3. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    I just got a healing (sorry dont know the correct name) marine are they any good?
  4. Grand Master Azrael

    Grand Master Azrael Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    He's an Apothecary. I've pulled 2 of the Tier 2 Ultramarine ones. They don't appeal to me really, as I understand it they don't have much in the way of offensive capability. I think there are some higher Tier options in the other chapters, so I'm sure others will know better than I how useful they are...
  5. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Hey thanks man!
  6. jrd

    jrd Active Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    I got one of these fellas. I think he's awesome.

    He keeps my team alive and is a pretty good all rounder
  7. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Oh ok thats good to know maybe I should try him out.
  8. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    I think the apothecaries can be good below heroic, and they might have a great place in PvP, but in Heroic PvE they don't do enough damage. They have their own specific melee weapon, so they can't use the Assault Marines weapons. The Tier IV Narthecium only appears to be available through card packs, so you can't even farm a map to try to get it.

    There are only three of them. Ultramarines have a Tier II apothecary, and the Blood Angels have a Tier II plus a Tier IV, the Sanguinary Priest.

    They have very good movement bonuses. The Sanguinary Priest could potentially move 11AP in a turn, plus a 20% chance of adding 1AP for each kill, before using any wargear. The ultramarine apothecary could move 10AP in a turn. The Blood Angel Tier II can move 6AP (but cannot shoot in the same turn).

    So for healing, they can all self heal as well as heal an adjacent marine for 50% of missing health. They're like a roving wargear health pack that can do a little damage and renews every 5 turns (I think it's 5). Which is nice on the lower levels, but not so great on heroic where bullet sponge enemies are constantly surrounding your party. Everyone needs to be able to do damage, and in that sense, the apothecaries don't really cut it. IMO.

    I'd much prefer another assault over an apothecary. The Tier IV assault Lone Wolf is arguably the most powerful unit in the game. The high level assaults for ultramarine and Blood Angels have limited self healing ability. The Tier III Blood Angel assault can heal 5% hp per turn for adjacent blood angels. I just think overall you're better off putting a high level assault in the squad over an apothecary for end game.

    But up to heroic, they can be a nice addition. Those are my thoughts, at least.
  9. Mandalay

    Mandalay Member

    Jul 25, 2015
    Sharing my experience, I've opened around 120 packs and received two tier IV marines, both blood angel assaults.

    Approximately 40 packs were opened in my aborted first play through (30 iap plus act and sale packs up to act 7 normal). One T4 from those.

    In current game, I've had 30 iap plus packs per act up to heroic act 3, plus many bought with RP. One T4 from these.

    Echo your comment re comparison to AAA games.
  10. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Wow. I don't feel so bad. I had one Tier IV Sanguinary Priest in aborted playthrough with a 10 pack purchase, and now am working with 2 Tier IV ultramarines with 2 separate 10 pack purchases, plus Heroic Act 4. I love the game, but I've spent more than enough money on it.
  11. AchillesReborn

    AchillesReborn Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2008
    I'm getting endless loading in scenario 1:3 after my first turn. On the latest patch. Should I just quit and lose the experience points, or is there some other solution?
  12. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    Do flamers multi-hit large creatures like cleave does? Has anyone found them really useful compared to a melta?
  13. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Has anyone had Frostbite drop? The T4 SW only bolter?

    Don't see it on the sheet and haven't found one in packs yet...

    Care to give us the location @RodeoMatt
  14. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    I love flamers for close in work. They hit for damage in a straight line, and sometimes one square off of that. Beware, they'll also hit your own troops if they're in line as well.

    They hit for good damage with crit bonuses.

    I don't use meltas in general at this point. For my big damage I use plasmas, and set them to secondary fire. At one point I was running with a marine that had a 15% bonus to melta damage, but he's been surpassed in the squad by others.

    Right now I have 2 plasmas with my devastators, a bolter with 1 tactical marine, and a grav gun with the other one, and the assault carries an ultramarine exclusive bolter with an 8 tile range. The grav gun I swap out for a flamer when I want more damage.

    I'd love to hear other experiences, but that's what I've been going with.
  15. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    It's on the far side of items that only drop with packs. Of course, that changed with the Wrath of Damocles recently, so maybe Frostbite just hasn't dropped because of a low RNG.
  16. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    #2276 lilgac, Aug 10, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015
    Not fixed at all. stuck enemies turn, act 5.1, post update. Have to pinch it after reopening to get it to work. And ya, inventory mgmt is a painful and slow process.
    A slow mo game.
  17. Grand Master Azrael

    Grand Master Azrael Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    I use a Sternguard with Firescream (the Tier 4 BA only Melta) in my otherwise purely UM team because I think it's absolutely brilliant. I have always gone plasma over melta for the devastators though, the lack of melta range is too much of a hindrance for them.

    I dabbled with the grav guns, but decided to equip 2 or 3 of my marines with stun grenades instead so I can maintain damage output while retaining the stun ability. That plus a couple of hunker downs and an oath of immortality seems to be enough that I can finesse the big enemies.
  18. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Yeah, I don't have those resources. That sounds like a good setup.

    I don't like any other plasmas outside of the devastators. The overheating issue is bad enough if it happens to one marine on either overwatch or his first shot. When it happens multiple times in the same turn it can be catastrophic.

    The grav guns is not an every mission type of occurrence. Just too little damage. If it stacked it would be too powerful, so I get that. But that's what I go with if I'm not using the flamer, rather than the damage dealing melta.

    I only have one stun grenade, but I love it! Much better than the grav gun, because they don't have any action points at all, and it has an area of effect. I also like the ear ringing sound effect that goes with it. Another good job by Rodeo Games there! If I get more, I'm carrying more.

    I do a lot of swapping along the front line of hunker downs (3 marines with the ability) plus a couple of immortalities, and one marine with a passive 80% damage mitigation from melee, and 50% damage mitigation from range. As long as the tyranids are coming from a single front, or I can outrun them, it's not an issue. But if they're coming in from multiple fronts I can quickly get in trouble.
  19. inuse78

    inuse78 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015

    It's not a dropped item. But I haven't seen it in from a pack either. We all know my thoughts on that!
  20. lilgac

    lilgac Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2013
    After using powerfist on my turn, I can't do anything anymore with the assault marine or other marines though it's the beginning of my turn. Clicking on marine doesn't show any thing, as if all the AP are gone. Happens three times now. Have to restart app

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