Universal Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Tyranid Invasion (by Rodeo Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    As my old age memory fails me, I started to keep a screenshot since last pack opening...I'll see next ones.
    I can certainly say the marines in the packs were all tier 1 or 2 during all veteran campaign and first act heroic.
    I still have 1 tier 4 and other 4 tier 3 marines since normal, I was thinking it would have been the other way around.
    Had more luck with random loot at end of mission...several tier 3 and 4 weapons and items.
  2. BobP

    BobP Active Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    Me too. Pretty staggered this hasn't been acknowledged by the devs. For a premium selling app relying on RNG, any sort of weighting or limiting of rewards should be treated as an extremely serious issue when people might be shelling out £28 to kick start their squad. Doubt Apple would think too highly of it. I am now down about 8 duplicate packs
  3. chuboi

    chuboi Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2010
    Spending an hour just to sell inventory is getting old fast. The constant freezing and crashing not to mention reshuffling of inventory after each sale is frustrating. I hope this can be addressed by 1.2.

    I think a simple fix would be to allow you to sell cards right after you open them instead of wading through all your existing cards to find it again just to sell it.
  4. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
  5. inuse78

    inuse78 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    EXACT same problem. Given up with cards until I know it's fixed. Had the same issue before the patch. The new patch seemed to fix it at first but it's just a new batch of repeated results.
  6. inuse78

    inuse78 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    #2246 inuse78, Aug 9, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    Short note/tactic on heroic.

    Level up a sacrifice marine. (All they need is enough exp for two maybe three wargear slots). Maybe hunker down as a skill. Use him as bait. Get everyone else to run while nasties try to chew on him as you use up hunker down and mitigation items.

    Everyone else can leg it and only he dies
  7. inuse78

    inuse78 Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2015
    @devs - is any item/marine possible from the packs? If hadn't heard people here confirming the existing of certain marines and items, i'd swear they were coming soon.
  8. vicsark

    vicsark Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #2248 vicsark, Aug 9, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    Thanks a lot to you and others for your replies :)
    I managed to finish 8.4 veteran after a few tries.

    I reshuffled my full space wolves team, putting my best leveled marines adding a TIII tactical Ultra Marine and my Assault TIII Blood angel killer.

    The key was indeed to equip a space wolf with a grav gun to slow down the genestealers. I also had a tactical with TIV melta gun mowing the enemies spawning on the stairs up left.
    I lost the assault marine that went in the middle of the two Tyrants to distract them so the others could finish the rest of the Xenos and go around.

    Act IX here I come!
  9. Carabak

    Carabak Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    Game hanging on enemy turn

    Latest hang for me this worked (iPad Air) - while screen is hanging, place thumb and four (three works too) fingers on screen. Draw fingers in like squeezing a rubber ball- the screen will shrink. Release- it will expand. Do a few times. The four finger gesture opens and closes the app and seems to rejig it.
  10. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Good on you, vicsark! Rodeo Games did a great job on Act IX.

    I'll give you one spoiler, because you wouldn't know about it unless you make the same mistake. Be careful about Blood Rage around the vortex bomb. You will destroy it, and it will end your mission in defeat immediately. There are comments on this thread about it, but they're not understandable until you've gone through the mission. I'm not giving any other spoilers, because it's more fun to experience that "oh shit" moment yourself, but the Blood Rage/vortex mission failure one is just a bummer. No upside to experiencing that yourself if you don't have to.
  11. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    How is this happening to people? I don't know if the processor for my device is better? I'm running a 6+ iPhone. Or do I have less inventory? The only lower level items I have are for codex purposes. Any duplicates get sent to the trash immediately. I keep marines around for codex purposes, too. I make sure they're all equipping higher level items so I can delete the lower level items.

    Any time I get a new item, from either cards or from finishing a mission, I immediately go into inventory to sell it for requisition points. It's not as efficient as going into inventory all at once to sell off excess inventory, but it means that I don't have to deal with the glitches you're referring to.

    Normally I'm the worst at keeping all kinds of gear around that I'm never going to use again on rpg type games, but I've tried to keep my inventory relatively lean and mean on this game, just because it's such a huge pain in the wazoo to shift around gear if I'm trying to go for a different emphasis with my squad.
  12. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Keep banging the drum, Lickzy. I couldn't say if I've had a repeating pack issue. I only have 2 Tier IV marines, and it's tough to remember what I'm receiving below that. For the longest time my codex was more than half ultramarines, but it's now 19 ultramarines, 12 Space Wolves, 10 Blood Angels. Not exactly even distribution, but the other marine types are gradually catching up.

    What I do know is that any RNG for paid content is open to abuse, whether intentional or not. I absolutely refuse to believe anything like this is purposeful on Rodeo Games' part, but I do know it has to be addressed seriously. There's going to be a very low percentage of people who will have enough data to support a duplicate pack theory. Either they have spent boatloads of money, or they have grinded the game to a ridiculous degree.

    I've spent about $55 on the game already. I don't want to spend any more except for new DLC - maps/missions/new characters with a guarantee I'll get them. $55 is too much, IMO, although I don't begrudge the money I've spent. I sure don't want to think people might be getting ripped off if they pay for content, though, even if it's an accident of some sort. That's not right.
  13. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    It's sad to see so many people who have paid for a game, put countless hours into it, and are still dropping tons of money trying to get content unlocked for them. So sad that no matter how much you play the game, how hard you work, you'll never earn some top tier stuff unless you play slots.

    To the devs, your game is awesome. How can you sit and read these comments about how much money people have dropped trying to obtain certain items and gear? Does it not upset you that these people can't obtain certain content from your game even after dropping 100 hours & hundreds of dollars? Is that the way you wanted it?
  14. Lickzy

    Lickzy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 28, 2013
    Director of Sales
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Rodeo is aware of the issue and I don't believe it has been done deliberately or with malice. I was told that I was the only one effected but I sincerely doubt it. I'm in the process of putting together an "experiment" (more on that later) and we will all see firsthand if the RNG is broken or not.
  15. Confused.ie

    Confused.ie Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2015
    whoever thought this was a good idea is an evil genius :)

    Attached Files:

  16. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    You have two choices:

    1) One shooting the Carnifex.
    2) Dying.


    Today I discovered another nasty new skill I never noticed before.
    Basically a psychic shout that disable ALL YOUR SKILLS for a turn.
  17. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    Yeah, except let's get it right. It disables your skills for a turn...EVERY turn, until you kill the enemy. Yeah, it's definitely panic inducing.

    And how about the stun a random marine each turn? It's great to go to your big time damage dealer that's lined up for the perfect shot on that big bad ugly bearing down on you...only to find he's stunned for the turn. Oh well, I didn't want him to live through this scenario anyway.

    Last, how about orbital blast, that hits your guys from anywhere on the map as soon as the enemy appears on screen? I especially "love it" when you have a great overwatch set, then orbital blast shows up to nullify it for everyone that doesn't have the trait that allows overwatch even after taking damage.
  18. r:kidd

    r:kidd Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    The good news is you got rid of the tyrant guard. I didn't particularly enjoy that one time I had the tyrant guard on the left side of the pillar, and the carnifex on the right side.

    Oh, and a wall of death barreling down on you from behind.
  19. Phoenix24

    Phoenix24 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 7, 2012
    Lancashire, England
    Haha I faced this issue yesterday on the first bridge mission where you have one marine separated from the squad. I was being bombarded, stuck on the bridge and one of the tyranids kept screeching my team. 2 of my marines were freaked out for about 3 consecutive turns until I took him out.

    I must have spent about an hour on that mission alone, and lost two brothers two squares from safety....It was exhilarating stuff.

    Having even more fun in Veteran, but not sure whether I'll be saying that about heroic, but I really love the drama in your posts Pitta. Keep sharing with us :)
  20. Pitta

    Pitta Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2008

    The regroup mission is fantastic.

    So far, for me, Heroic>Veteran>Normal...but I'm not sure I would have appreciated these so much if I didn't play them in order.
    Every 'mode' for me was super, tense and nerve wrecking until I tried the next one.
    And the weirdest thing is that I'm generally a 'story' type of guy, and I never replay the same game.
    For some reason I hav yet to fully focus on, the next modes feels fresh and I feel in constant progression from act 1 in normal to last act in heroic.
    And the emergent gameplay 'stories' that the game let me live everyday and that sometimes I share here, are one of the best part.
    So, sometimes it suffices to change just a weapon or encountering a xeno with a new or different skill, to have a completely different outcome.
    And a different drama.

    To me just this is quite an achievement.

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