You take all your marines in, you pick a squad just like single player, only you don't lose XP if you get slain. There are various balancing tweaks for multiplayer, to make it more of a competitive environment.
Really hoping this game overturns Games Workshop's stubborn refusal to make a game that is turn-based and might compete with their tabletop business. So far I like it and using the Deathwatch setting to allow us to use different chapters right next to each other was a good idea. Only did the first couple of missions last night, plan to do more when I have time today. Hoping the first impression is the lasting one.
Really loving the campaign so far. I've never played any of your previous games before. I know it might sound silly or too early but would you guys consider creating a similar game in the Alien universe or something? I'd instabuy that.
Hi Rodeo, My game is stuck in a code loop somewhere I think. Even when I hard close the game and open it goes right back to "enemy turn". It then sits forever on "enemy moving..." I'm in the middle of prologue 4 mission
How can one change the members of a squad? Tried to delete one to free a slot, but that's not possible. So what do I miss?
Are there any videos that show the gameplay from an isometric view? Also, is there there a cover system or terrain effects?
All of the environments offer something different, so hopefully you get the first impression excitement everytime you complete an act.
Yes, but there haven't been any decent turn-based games based on GW properties for a very long time. The closest was a Panzer General reskin over a decade ago, that was actually pretty decent and featured Eldar as the primary protagonists. There was also a somewhat lacking squad based tactical game based on a somewhat lackluster WWII game. It was solidly ok but you aren't going to be a better game than the engine allowed and they had to depart significantly from WH40K lore to make a lot of it work. Late last year there was WH40K Armageddon which is actually the second game like it based on the old Epic WH40K. The original game, the name escapes me, was actually pretty good but it was large scale and avoided the more down and dirty aspects that I prefer from regular WH40K. This might be the first unit based, granted rather small, turn based game they've made that would be rather decent. Unless you could Space Hulk but I see it as a different game style in the same universe.
Some early impressions: I'm nowhere near as wowed with this game as I was when I first played Warhammer Quest. Mission selection is generic, menus are generic, and much of the interface lacks the feeling of polish WQ had right from release. WQ's map with infinite side missions offered a less linear-feeling way of progressing through the game. Even though the story was still fairly linear, the play had at least the illusion of choice. While some complained about a lack of info in WQ's journal, DW seems to lack a journal-style database completely. Perhaps it comes later? Although I'm still early in the game, I can't seem to check any information about enemies beyond the very basic health and damage. In regards to gameplay, wow is this game slow and clunky. The marine and tyranids make terminators in space hulk feel graceful. There needs to be some option to speed things up dramatically. All that said, overall the game has potential. It feels a bit rushed, and hopefully we seem some serious patching that introduces a lot of the missing options. The combat system seems to work, although the line of sight ends up making some of the game feel like hide-and-go-seek as you peek around edges to see the inevitable tyranid simply waiting in a corner just out of sight. Will keep playing, but so far I think I'd actually prefer RG to just go back to adding more to WQ as it seems like an overall better game in many ways.
My biggest complaint w/ Warhammer Quest was the impossibly small maps. Anyway, Arcane Magic is en route. Looking good.
I would love a pure Alien the movie setting too. Or a Star Wars one, with this GW, FFG could give Rodeo the rights to implement a digital version of Imperial Assault But believe me, the game sports already some entire Acts that are straight from Alien movies. Actually, this is my squad names (I changed them all): Ripley, Ash, Bishop, Hicks, Vasquez.
Nasty bug in mission 1 of act 2. Last of the 10 turns and the enemy got stuck in the moving process. Restarted the app and a ranged unit of the enemy would make it to either 2 / 3 of their their 4 ap attacking and then it would just sit there. Had to quit the mission.... Lost 25000 XP. Not amused.