Hi Everybody, We would like to share the completely renewed and rebooted version of WARDWELL HOUSE (an atmospheric horror game). We used 360-degree spherical panoramic photography to add unprecedented levels of realism and atmosphere to the game. We released the original game 6 months ago and based on the feedback, completely remade the game. We found one of the writers from this very forum so we really appreciate this community's opinions. Please check out the new trailer and let us know your thoughts. The game is a universal iOS app. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Wardwell House Moolion Inc With over a million downloads, see what the cult hit horror game is all about. Reviews: "Horror adventure Wardwell Hou… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsWith over a million downloads, see what the cult hit horror game is all about. Reviews: "Horror adventure Wardwell House is a creepy experience, magnificently made" - CNET "Wardwell House is all about the unparalleled experience that it creates making it well worth picking up" - Apple N Apps "The App Store is filled with games that are easily comparable, and fit into particular styles and molds. Wardwell House isn’t one of those games, and instead creates a completely new experience" - Apple N Apps Touch Arcade: "Nothing scary's even happened yet but there's this looming cloud of something over my head and the game terrifies me." "I can tell you that something doesn't feel right." "Atmosphere's killer" Description: After being lost on the water for countless weeks, you finally drift to a mysterious island. Your ordeal has left you exhausted and delirious but you start discovering horrific artifacts and gruesome remains. As you make your way through the forest, you approach a gloomy house in the middle of the island. Discover the forbidden history and terrifying secrets that slowly reveal themselves in Wardwell House. Wardwell House is an innovative and realistic horror game with outstanding atmosphere. You must find hidden clues and objects of interest that slowly reveal the haunting story. Feel the build-up of fear as you traverse the forest and make your way through Wardwell House. Information Seller:Moolion Inc Genre:Adventure, Simulation Release:Nov 11, 2015 Updated:Dec 22, 2022 Version:5.0 Size:919.7 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (8) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Attached Files: IMG_2556.jpg File size: 213.6 KB Views: 2 IMG_2557.jpg File size: 118.6 KB Views: 3 IMG_2558.jpg File size: 146.4 KB Views: 3 IMG_2559.jpg File size: 97.6 KB Views: 8 Vovin ð® Spam Police ð Nov 28, 2009 6,514 3 38 Germany #2 Vovin, Nov 11, 2015 This looks really good! Btw., what do you mean by P.T? Edit: Nevermind, just found out. O.k., bring it on, my mind is fearless and ready. mooliongames Active Member Feb 22, 2014 33 0 0 #3 mooliongames, Nov 11, 2015 Hi Vovin, thanks for showing interest in our game! P.T. was a horror game that came out for PS4. It is known for being one of the scariest games ever made. I sent you a few promo codes to test our game out metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #4 metalcasket, Nov 11, 2015 Holy crap, this looks AMAZING! O_O Could you please describe the controls? I'm assuming it uses the gyroscope exclusively for movement, right? Capronissimo71 Well-Known Member Sep 5, 2011 1,305 137 63 Male Italy #5 Capronissimo71, Nov 11, 2015 Good job guys!!! Lukeycloud Active Member Oct 16, 2015 39 0 0 #6 Lukeycloud, Nov 11, 2015 How does this game maintain a scary feel? Is there jump scares? Just a bit confused it looks good though Mikiesque Well-Known Member Dec 7, 2013 203 0 16 #7 Mikiesque, Nov 11, 2015 If it's anything like P.T. then this is a MUST!!! Looks phenomenal! Cant wait to get into it. Bring in the release date # ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 20, 2010 4,234 131 63 Male Sojourner Washington D.C. #8 ColeDaddy, Nov 11, 2015 Wow...I'm not into horror games for the iOS, since most of what I've experienced were cheap jump scares lacking creativity, but this seems to build up a genuine undertone of fear. Looking forward to hearing more... mooliongames Active Member Feb 22, 2014 33 0 0 #9 mooliongames, Nov 11, 2015 The game is available now! jgeirge Well-Known Member Apr 8, 2015 290 0 0 #10 jgeirge, Nov 11, 2015 Me too, since there's like no movement ip4weather Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2012 1,659 13 38 #11 ip4weather, Nov 11, 2015 looks awesome metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #12 metalcasket, Nov 11, 2015 Taking one for the team right now. I'll be back with impressions in about...I dunno...5 mins. Really super quick impressions since I need to sleep and be up in 6 hours. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #13 metalcasket, Nov 11, 2015 Alright, so 5 minutes isn't going to be enough, but I can tell you that something doesn't feel right. Nothing scary's even happened yet but there's this looming cloud of...something over my head and the game terrifies me. Atmosphere's killer. Whackado Active Member Feb 17, 2014 35 1 8 #14 Whackado, Nov 11, 2015 Oh man, I need to know more! Very interested metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #15 metalcasket, Nov 11, 2015 Wish I could play more right now, but I'll mention that the game's just a hundred MB installed, and it can be played either with the gyro (ideal) or if you're just dying to play in bed for example, it's a little more cumbersome but you can swipe. Again, I have no clue how scary this is going to get, but its already looking grim. Ladies and germs, we could possibly have something special in our hands. ip4weather Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2012 1,659 13 38 #16 ip4weather, Nov 11, 2015 this reminde me to Hysteria Project 1 mooliongames Active Member Feb 22, 2014 33 0 0 #17 mooliongames, Nov 11, 2015 Thanks metalcasket for the comments! Keep playing till the end. You won't be dissappointed EvilDucktator ð® Spam Police ð Sep 28, 2011 490 0 0 Walt Disney World Cast Member Brisbane, Australia #18 EvilDucktator, Nov 11, 2015 Hmm how long is the game? mooliongames Active Member Feb 22, 2014 33 0 0 #19 mooliongames, Nov 11, 2015 @Zendorphin: I can't give that away now can I? Aliens New Member Oct 30, 2015 4 0 0 #20 Aliens, Nov 11, 2015 Last edited: Nov 11, 2015 Huh why not? Unless your game is so short that you don't want people to know about it. Most people judge a game based on quality and length, to see if it's worth the money. Also maybe it's just me but the use of panoramas instead of actual graphics makes me dizzy, not to mention everything is flat especially the plants. Everything is distorted like you're in some kind of funhouse mirror maze? Not sure what the appeal of using panoramas is... you're way better off just making Outlast-like monochromatic graphics. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 4 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
This looks really good! Btw., what do you mean by P.T? Edit: Nevermind, just found out. O.k., bring it on, my mind is fearless and ready.
Hi Vovin, thanks for showing interest in our game! P.T. was a horror game that came out for PS4. It is known for being one of the scariest games ever made. I sent you a few promo codes to test our game out
Holy crap, this looks AMAZING! O_O Could you please describe the controls? I'm assuming it uses the gyroscope exclusively for movement, right?
How does this game maintain a scary feel? Is there jump scares? Just a bit confused it looks good though
If it's anything like P.T. then this is a MUST!!! Looks phenomenal! Cant wait to get into it. Bring in the release date #
Wow...I'm not into horror games for the iOS, since most of what I've experienced were cheap jump scares lacking creativity, but this seems to build up a genuine undertone of fear. Looking forward to hearing more...
Taking one for the team right now. I'll be back with impressions in about...I dunno...5 mins. Really super quick impressions since I need to sleep and be up in 6 hours.
Alright, so 5 minutes isn't going to be enough, but I can tell you that something doesn't feel right. Nothing scary's even happened yet but there's this looming cloud of...something over my head and the game terrifies me. Atmosphere's killer.
Wish I could play more right now, but I'll mention that the game's just a hundred MB installed, and it can be played either with the gyro (ideal) or if you're just dying to play in bed for example, it's a little more cumbersome but you can swipe. Again, I have no clue how scary this is going to get, but its already looking grim. Ladies and germs, we could possibly have something special in our hands.
Huh why not? Unless your game is so short that you don't want people to know about it. Most people judge a game based on quality and length, to see if it's worth the money. Also maybe it's just me but the use of panoramas instead of actual graphics makes me dizzy, not to mention everything is flat especially the plants. Everything is distorted like you're in some kind of funhouse mirror maze? Not sure what the appeal of using panoramas is... you're way better off just making Outlast-like monochromatic graphics.