This game is very similar to a fantasy war.. Something like fft but much much simplified and automated. I think there's a similar game which recently came out. What I like about this is the implementation of auto for every thing Hahaha. It makes things move faster which is perfect for mobile game. Gonna give this game a try.
I'm seeing the same text bubble problem. But more importantly, is anyone else experiencing major lag? Every action that involves communicating with the server (which is most of the game, including every move in battle) takes three seconds! Makes battles so slow... [update] ugh never mind, it was either my phone or my Wi-Fi acting up. After switching to cellular and then back to Wi-Fi, the lag is gone now.
Yeah some text inside the bubble got truncated.. Happens during the beginning later on the text resized by itself to fit into the bubble.. Not a game stopper IMHO. Currently I haven't encountered any lagging.
My only gripe with the game so far is that there is "free" premium currency (earned through achievements and missions) and bought premium currency. It's the same exact currency but it's obtained differently. The shop has things that you cannot purchase with "free" premium currency. Feels very greedy to me.
As long as Gamevil didn't worsen their monetisation, based on Spirit Stones, Dungeon Link and Dragon Blaze, i can say that their freemium aspect is far from horrible. If you put in the time and genuinely like the games, you can earn premium currency moderately. Personally, i spent less than 50eu on all three games combined, spent them as a thank you because i play them for years, and sure, i can't top 1% but if i try, i can get top 20% for which the rewards are good. Not to mention with every seasonal update they give away awesome freebies. Gamevil has one of the more agreeable F2P, a far cry from Gameloft and EA. You really can clear all content for free, as long as you dont wanna be the top. I just hope it is the same for this game too.
Forced german text Why oh why do i get german text only in the game? I see no option for language selection...
I agree with you on that and this game is very good It's better than Zenonia in my opinion my point I made back a few posts ago was if this was premium it would be one of the best games on the App Store
Game seems particularly easy at first, but I guess as updates pan out that's where the difference will be most noticeable.
i think it's Fantasy War Tactics. But if you want them for SRPGs, better go for something deeper. This game -and its similar, less artworky-brothers are to be on auto fast speed to enjoy the flashiness, not the tactics. Premium SRPGs is where the tactics are.
I agree to an extent. The auto is there to grind out character levels on previous adventure levels but if you want to get all the objectives completed on a level, you can't have auto on. The objectives require more tactics than simply trying to plow your way through and kill all the enemies without dying.
That was quick. So, in about three hours and fifteen minutes the game will go under maintenance and once it's back up there will be new content (heroes, story progression, etc.) available. Patch notes can be read here.