Can someone help me out? I lost all my decisions. Basically, the save game vanished after installing season 2 and as it wasn't backed up - its all gone. So, has anyone played season 2 having lost their save game? How detached do you feel from the story arc considering everything you did previously has now been randomised? I just don't think I can find the time to play through season 1 all over again.
First off: this isn't a game!!! What it is, is a poorly done, very badly written CG movie with 1% "interactive" elements. And 5 beans a pop?!? What an absolute disgrace ....
Honestly, this one didnt grab me the way the first one did. I think Wolf Among Us is better than this too. Nonetheless, im still completing this.
not yet, still one left. agree with EP, the first one was so emotional and the ending really catch my curiosity to what will happen on the next season. still, will finish it for sure.
One might argue that she's already grown up - part of the sadness of this season is her final and complete loss of childhood innocence.
I hate zombies game, but it changed me because of the season 1, it just sooooo good on all the aspect especially the story, that I paid full price for all the chapters. I didn't buy any chapters for season 2 yet, coz' I hate to wait (like incomplete) so I get use to wait for all chapters available in order to start playing... but the main part - "story" that I read here is not that great any more; hum, may move to play Wolf among us instead....
My opinion: I think episode 4 is *a lot* stronger than 1-3 - I think the weakest episode of series 1 was episode 4 (still very good), and I think S2E4 is stronger than that, and in the same league as anything from TWAU. Have to see how it ends to know for sure, though.
My daughter is currently playing through season 1. Wish I'd bought the full unlock instead of individual episodes. Are the prices for season. 2 the same? She's hoping a sale hits before she finishes the first as I'm making her pay for the second one herself.
Well the first one went free after a while so maybe after all the episode second might go free. But I don't think there will be any sales on season pass!
I'll most likely end up getting the season pass and the get my daughter to do some some stuff help her nan or something to repay I probably sound like a dragon lol at the moment the deal is she gets one paid game a month, plus her Xbox live subscription paid for by me, she gets a console game every two or three months paid for by her dad, she gets his loose change from his pockets on a Friday which is usually three or four quid and this is for her to get whatever during the week, magazines etc, my logic is it would take her many months to get through the walking dead if I stuck to the one game a month thing, and I guess technically it's all one game so I'll probably either encourage her to get a voucher with the cash she has saved or pay myself on condition she helps out a bit around the house. She's 9 so I think a few jobs won't harm her. I hope ,,,,, lol.
you must be a nice dad, please read the age restriction for this game "You must be at least 17 years old to download this application."
I'm not one to tell others how to raise their kids, but have you played this series? I'd never let a 9 yr old play this.
You always know when someone starts a sentence with "I'm not ____ but" it means they are going to be doing exactly that.