It scans your device for S1 and picks up on the most completed save file there. If you don't have one then it creates a save file for you with randomly generated choices.
Thanks! Reinstalling TWD S1 and dropping my backed up saves into the Documents directory worked. After I began playing it imported them.
No but I've played the first season on ps3 and ipad air and thought that it looked better on the ipad. It's also more personable on the ipad.
I'm lagging. Completed episode 3 last night, got episode 4 - and will d/l the 5th on Thursday. So, question: Can I delete old episodes that have been completed? How does it work?
Yes, you can delete episodes once you have completed them without affecting your game save. (apart from episode one obviously, as it is built into the app)
Cloud saving or lack there of This may be a stupid question, because it has already been answered, not because the question it self is stupid. But, WHY DOES THIS GAME NOT SUPPORT CLOULD SAVING!!!!!????? If I had to choose one game that needed to use it, it would be this one. Who just leaves these massive games on their device when they are done playing them? Is it really that hard to implement? As you can probably tell I'm a little aggravated by this. I just did a factory reset on my iPad mini, at the request from Apple support, to try and fix my iOS 7 problem and I just found out that I also have to start over on The Wolf Among Us. This wouldn't be that big of a deal because it is fun to play but, I had already played through 3 different times making different choices each time.... WHY WHY WHY not use iCloud?
Omg yes I just got it!! It's downloading now can't wait . I only got past episode 1 in season 1 but I know how it ended and stuff.
Like the first one I'm going to wait until all parts are out so I can play it all the way thru without having to wait for ages for the next part it come out. Same with wolf among us.
Which is why I respect the guys who did Warhammer Quest more and more because they implemented iCloud seamlessly. No manual backing of saves, etc. You delete the game, and when you reinstall it a couple months after everything is sti there the way you left it - it just works.
Game is a lot of fun, but on my iTouch 5 it lags during the cool scenes. Like where a gun is fired to kill someone or during any combat scenes. It's really annoying, still gets 5 stars for me and is for sure in my GOTY nomination list.
Guys just asking, Will this, by any chance, work on the Iphone 4? Because i've finished TWD season 1 on the 4 without lag, and I wanna see Clem again. hehe
I cried like anything playing episode one. Poor Clem. I had two freezes at the end of the game but otherwise it played perfectly on my iphone 5.
Yet another here who hasn't bought this due to the lack of iCloud. Not out of protest or anything - it's just I played through the first one twice but the game is HUGE and I needed the space a long time ago. So I won't get this until I play through the original again so I have a save to continue. It's kind of nuts that there wasn't some feature, iCloud or otherwise, that allows people to continue without having to leave the whole first game on their device. From the sounds of it, I'm certainly not alone and that means it is costing them sales.
As someone who's been playing video games for 30+ years and generally likes them violent and emotional, the suture scene in episode 1 affected me unlike anything I can remember in a long time. Had me totally feeling for Clem and cringing the whole time. Outstanding writing.