Can you only choose random history? Or does it do a quiz to select what your previous choices could have been ala Mass Effect 2 on PS3?
Hi, Even though i left TWD Season 1 on my ipad to save my progress, but TWD S2 does not recognize my savegame. This is also with the ipad of my girlfriend. Anyone else has this problem?
Xmas has come early what with this and San Andreas eating up all my free time! Luckily all I've got is free time!
Omg it's really out! I know that choices you made in season 1 and 400 days would affect the gameplay. But they are two separated apps. How does this work?
The season two app is meant to scan your device for a save file from the season one game but it seems like it isn't working as well as it should.
Same here...deleted my old one and didn't know it didn't save to cloud. FAIL!! Spoilers: Did anyone take the watch? I didn't coz I didn't think it was useful or I'll get in trouble later on. Should I have?
Guys I haven't played the first one! Should I play the first one first or just jump onto this one! Will I miss something??
I haven't played this second one yet but it sounds like the first season has quite a lot of influence on this game. Although I do recall telltale saying that they wanted to make the game so that it carried on for season one players but also would be playable for new customers. Either way I think if you are interested in this one then you should definitely buy the first one anyway because it's amazing!
It follows the story of one of the main characters from Season 1. Granted, the story from season 1 has ended, but there are flashbacks in the beginning of Season 2 to help you. I think if u haven't played 1 you don't have the same type of emotional attachment to the character as you would had you played it.
Hey guys, I'd appreciate some assistance with this: I've deleted the game from my device, however, before I did so I backed up everything in the app - saves and whatnot. If I download the app again, restore those saves will they carry over to TWD 2? Anyone know?
I don't think I've ever been so sure of my convictions with anything else over this when I say please don't play this first! The first series was an absolute roller coaster of emotions and I cannot express how much I adore it. To think that you could have some of the major twists spoiled just makes me feel sad. Hopefully they put the original on sale so you can pick that up first, just make sure you backup your save or leave it on the device for the second season!
Finished it last night. It's everything you wanted in season 2: playing as Clem feels different; you're forced to be manipulative as opposed to getting physical when necessary, and you feel Clem's vulnerability so well throughout the entire game. The plot is, as of now, more of a meandering attraction. This episode's essentially a character study of Clem herself, or rather, who you decide she is. There are some truly wicked dialogue options here. Spoiler Interestingly, apart from the scene in Season 1 where you had to chop someone's leg off slowly with an axe and perhaps the whole cannibal themes in episode 2, I never felt overly taken aback with the violence in the game. Season 2 really changed this, with one scene in particular involving a dog making me quite uncomfortable. There's also a very cringeworthy and gruesomely realistic scene in which you stitch up a gaping wound - this is all compounded by the fact that you're playing as a young girl. It's still in good taste, but not for the weak of stomach. I do appreciate that they toned down the overall gruesomeness of Clem's death scenes as opposed to Lee's if you fail a QTE. Oh, and the framerate is noticeably improved over S1 on my iPad 4. I noticed perhaps two minor framerate drops, but no transitional freezes or slowdowns in heavy action like past Telltale games. Sweet that they included console visuals, too. The resolution is also noticeably higher than gameplay I've seen - but that might just be video compression.