This game is very worth it. HOWEVER. Terrible framerate drops during scenes that you don't want to miss... It got to me during the first episode so I haven't gotten the rest yet. This was using a 4s which the app was optimized for at the time.
We all need 64 gigs. Well, some of us do . It would be wonderful to actually be able to keep some music on my take videos... I have a Terrabyte of ios apps and about 13 gigs (after ios) to use them on <-double frowny.
Playstation Plus members got the first episode for free also. It was enough to hook me. Brilliant game.
I've watched some people playing this, and found the characters to be annoying and hate-able, just like the ones in the tv series. I really don't understand the fuss over this show, are these really the kind of people that will end up as survivors in a zombie-filled world? If so, you can count me out.
Play it yourself. The characters are likeable, it wouldn't have done so well otherwise. You can actually have an emotional connection with them.
The Walking Dead! Thanks TouchArcade for letting me know this game was Free. I'll play it soon, after my finals are done.
How much space does the whole season pack eat up? Is it possible to delete a chapter if you can't fit all on your device? Edit: Anyone have the Xbox version to compare with? Thinking about getting that nstead. Hmm
Sorry to revive this thread. I just want to ask if the IAP for this game has ever went on sale. It's not that easy to drop $ 20 for a game that I already played on a PC. I want to get it but since I already have it on my PC, I think it's more practical to just wait for a sale or something.