Does anyone know where the save files are located? I am trying to locate them through Phone Explorer because I need to get my save game from my iPad over to my iPhone.
How much is this going to be in the end week sale? Not normally my type of game so haven't paid full price but I might be tempted to this week. If it's good then I might end up adding this team to my watch list after all.
wakingmars/Application Support You can basically copy that folder from one device to another if you want to transfer your save.
Does anyone know how to make some feran zoa explosive seeds? And does anyone have a list of how much biomass each plant creates based on what soil they are planted in or something close to that?
You have to find those seeds or get them from a feran zoa. Acidic zoa only have one biomass as they can't be enriched. Feran are 30 and prax are 40. Your best bet for biomass is either making terrain acidic and planting praxes or enriching soil and planting halid zoa which are also 40 if enriched. Hydron zoa is 10 and only 20 if enriched. Ledon zoa MIGHT be more than 40 when enriched, but I don't think they are and they are usually unreliable in terms of impromptu seeding.
They drop them over time the same way halids do, just don't be near a solid surface and miss the catch.
Is there a way to turn off auto-show for the buttons on the left bottom corner? I hate how the three buttons keep popping up after 1-2 seconds idle, so they're not there when I rest a bit, but then suddenly pops up when I want to go left. It's just annoying after a while.
Same. It is especially difficult to walk to the left. I must say I picked this up when it was on sale and I'm sorry I never bought it at full price. Especially when spider is one of my favorite iOS games. I've learnt never to doubt Tiger Style again. Lol
One of my Top 3 iOS Games ever! First off, I am not a hardcore gamer. I usually get games that look interesting, play them for a while and then forget about them. It's very rare that I "finish" any game at all. One of those rare occasions is Waking Mars. I just can't put it down ever since I got it and already sunk almost 12 hours into it. And I was under the impression that I almost had finished it until I read through the postings here. I never thought about "Core Power" but now I wonder why I only have 26 when others have 72? I am at 84% now, others are almost at 110% ?? What am I missing here? I've been at the Base Station, I found Octo and I thought I had been at every location there is. But some people mention "The Helm" and I have no idea what/where that is? Also there are absolutely no more of those plants that produce the explosives? There were a lot of them down where I found Octo, but those blue thingies took over the whole place and none of the other plants are left. (Forgive me, but I really have a hard time remembering the correct names of all those plants and stuff) So what am I missing? What/Where is "The Helm" ?? What to do next? Grateful for any help ... Stooney P.S.: Here's my Map so far