Yeah, I won't make any excuses for the controls. On the one hand, I really like that they opted for touch controls over a virtual d-pad (which I generally loathe), but it's still awkward for this game. That being said, the type of gameplay that's here isn't terribly demanding in terms of control, so it's easy for me personally to overlook. I have fun gliding around on the jetpack as is, but perhaps it would feel more intuitive if he was more buoyant, or if steering him around in the air was more natural.
Agreed. I was more or less making an observation and sharing my opinion, and I agree with you this game is otherwise very well done. With such a beautiful game and elegant exploration mechanic I'd like to be viewing the game more and the back of my hand less.
Thanks for the game, guys. I finished it last night and loved it. I'm not sure it happened quite right, though. Spoiler At the Helm, after opening one of the pods I got a message that looked like the sculpture on the right (the large plant). I went to it and awoke Mars... before being told to feed the Power Station. After talking to the sentient some more I was told to go do that, so I did. I was a bit confused when I got the beam of light cinematic after seeing the giant plant cinematic. This was before I downloaded the jetpack update. I also didn't return to base until after finishing the game, because I thought that would be the end. It was only later that I tried doing that before finishing (being at base is nice!). I was paranoid that I'd miss something... But really, thank you. I loved the concept, the atmosphere, the characters... Liang and Amani struck me as being unusually realistic for game characters. At first I thought Amani was a bit over the top, but I really came to appreciate her mannerisms (and company) as it got lonely down there. Liang was very easy for me to relate to.
I find you get more biomass per seed by creating new cycots (the jellyfish-like guys). Like the phyta, they stop reproducing after they hit a certain limit. But I do help phyta reproduce so they can feed the larians, because enriched halid zoa (or ledon if they're present) are great for biomass. I also try to make sure all the acidic spots have prax zoa on them, because the other options are basically destroyers. Feran zoa blow stuff up, and cephads are the worst. Not only do they contribute a paltry quantity of biomass, but they can wipe out an entire cavern (replacing all life with their own pathetic selves). Their seeds come in handy, but I don't keep them around.
Hey Tim, Just as a point of reference -- the way I play is with one forefinger. You shouldn't really need to "drag" your finger, just touch and hold where you want to go. Not suggesting that you're 'playing it wrong' or anything, the controls don't work for everybody, especially on iPhone where the screen real estate is reduced. You might really enjoy the jetpack you get Spoiler from 0CT0 ... if you play that far into the game!
Thanks Carlesimo! There is a bit of weirdness with the endgame scripting. Spoiler It was originally the case that you couldn't unlock the "bioshelter" ending until you had re-activated the power station, but it is possible that you can raise core power enough for that ending even without going through the power station quest. Unfortunately this results in some awkward conversation. Glad you enjoyed the game
Had a couple of rain days, and Waking Mars filled them up perfectly. played for 9:18, Biomass is at 17216, saw three endings and am at 108.6% complete (not sure where I missed the other 1.4). Great game, and thanks to Tiger Style for this and Spider. Looking forward to more of course.
I just started playing this game and it is really interesting and intelligent as well as enjoyable. I love the music and the graphics are absolutely stunningly beautiful on my new iPad! The raves are well justified here.
After having been away from the game for awhile, I finished the game today with my 12 year old son cheering me along the way. This is one of the best games I've ever played on the iOS platform. I also had a chance to buy the soundtrack as well as the HD version of Bryce Manor. Tiger Style is my kinda company!
One glaring omission. Just finished this game after buying it a few days ago, and loved it. However, I had a nasty shock when watching the credits: you have Terri Brosius on board, and there's no voice work in the game? Not a single megalomaniac AI? Not even one disguised forest demigoddess? (Actually, either one could work in the context of Waking Mars.) I'm a fan of the writing in Thief: TDP, though, so it's nice to see her in the writing credits, anyway. At any rate, it's heartening to see that the veterans of Looking Glass Productions are still making games, and spectacular ones at that.
I think the controls largely work okay. I applaud the developers for striking to keep a simple control scheme. However I do wish they where refined a little (not exactly sure how) to allow for smoother one hand control, especially when planting. Smooth effortless controls go a long way to keep the player immersed in such a heavily designed and polished environmental experience as Waking Mars.
I need feran zoa seeds for the "hopes and dreams" level, but there are none... Is the game borked? -Verxion
How do I get the second and third(?) endings? I have all of the biomass areas at 5 stars and the core power is 36 and I haven't gotten the gate open yet.
Spidery thing in "Missing Pieces" You don't need to do anything with it. It is just to show you how to open the pod, which will come into play later. The spidery thing is inactive.
Feran Seeds for "Hopes and Dreams" No, the game is not borked, you'll need to use the map to travel to a previous room so that you can collect seeds from one of the plants. I usually go to "The Meadows" when I need Feran seeds.
You haven't found enough rooms. My Core is at 72 and I am not finished. Has anyone found the 2nd fossil?
I'm loving this game, but I have to ask why the astronaut is so pixelated, especially compared to the rest of the images? It's particularly noticeable (and jarring) when you get to the base and everything is gorgeous retina but the astronaut looks like 8-bit graphics. I'm running this on a new retina-display iPad 3rd gen device, if that makes a difference.