David, By "compost", are you referring to the carcasses left behind after a Prax Zoa consumes a Phyta? I haven't found a use for these. Also, what are the yellow spores (carry max 5) for? I can't seem to find a purpose for them. Feel free to shade them with a "spoiler alert" if I'm asking for too much info or PM me.
Spoiler Compost - put it into any soil (not acidic soil) and it will 'enrich' the soil which gives you an enriched version of the zoa (slightly bigger and better, and bigger biomass) Yellow spores turn normal soil into acidic soil (and kills any plants that happen to be there at the time) Purple/black spores do the opposite
core power for alternative ending Does anyone know how high the core power has to be to get to the alternative ending? And how does one raise the biomass in that chamber with the roots with all the PH-things?
Core power to get the second ending = Spoiler 60 To raise biomass in Lethe Gorge = Spoiler you need to fix the broken reservoir... if the roots are visible and active, you need to help them connect with the bottom of the chamber by fending off the Cephad spores
yeah. I've already got the roots down and they are green now. But now the biomass is at 40 and how do you get the biomass up? The broken reservoir is already at 5 stars. But I need the 5 stars also on lethe gorge. Got the same with feranmaxxes
Spoiler No idea on the core power thing, I am not there yet In the roots chamber though, My plan is to turn all the soil acidic , then feran bomb all the zoa (plant a couple feran plants so you have a steady supply of bombs) and once you are rid of all the spore plant thingers, plant the +40 biomass zoa (cant recall their name) in the acidic soil. I have no idea if this will work at all, but it is my best guess as to what I need to do there. It will require traveling to another area a few times to farm seeds.
Totally... Spoiler but something strange happened: went back to the meadow and every plant and creature was gone and biomass was level 0... only in that level (were scared for a brief moment)... but had seeds and in a brief moment biomass was far more than 1500.... and zero Feran
Some strange things: Every time I start the game it messes up the brightness. I haven't changed any brightness settings in game. Messing around with the brightness shouldn't be the default behaviour of any app. Spoiler 1st playthrough: found the 2nd fossil before finding the 1st one (with OCTO's digging marks by it). When I found the second one it said something about 'oh this is like the one OCTO found', but I hadn't found the one OCTO found yet! Then I found the 1st one, which gave the mission objective something like 'find another fossil like this', going back to the 2nd fossil didn't complete the objective. so I restarted the game, 2nd playthrough: I have the objective 'help the roots reach the bottom of Lethe Gorge', but I have already done this. There appears to be no way of getting rid of this objective. endings: - I entered the core and stood where the creature wanted me to stand. Everything started shaking, a crystal grew out the ground, then all of a sudden I was in a different cave/room with no access to the map. I then went to the base camp which ended the game. - I reloaded my save, to see what would happen if I went directly to base camp. Going into the camp didn't end my game so I walked back to the caves, but again had no access to the map or my seeds. I exited the app and reloaded it, I was in the cave with access to the map, but all my seeds were gone...
^Blackouts.. waking up in distant locations with no memory of what happen. Signs of aliens.... Sorry HLW but I think there might have been some probing going on.. if you know what I mean.
You can disable the behavior in the game's Settings menu, just change "AUTO ADJUST BRIGHTNESS" so that it is off. Good bug reports, thanks! Spoiler The first one about the endgame -- that's 100% the correct behavior for the first endgame. Reloading after credits should take you back to Helm right before you initiate an endgame sequence, but you shouldn't have been mapless or seedless, so I'm not sure what's up there. Stuff to look into...
lol! Off should be default. I've never encountered an app that changes the brightness before. Other than the fiddling with brightness, and the bugs, it's great! I love the graphics and the growing things mechanic. I liked the character portraits - the man looked suitably serious considering he was exploring dangerous caves, and the woman in contrast was safe and relaxed at base camp. I loved the robot/AI (Art? I never remember names...) and his emoticons. I did encounter some slowdown on iPad 2 when there were lots and lots of the little crawly monsters. But there was only one cave where there were enough to cause the slowdown.
not sure if i hit a bug or what but Spoiler i cant seem to get the research for the megazoa to register on levitroph.. i did what it asks by getting what will rise to bio level 5 but the research just isnt registering
Did you get the cinematic showing you Spoiler the megazoa activating? The research item gets checked off inside that cinematic. Which should happen at biomass 5 in What Will Rise, and if it doesn't, that's a bug I haven't seen before
The strange pod and spidery object in "Missing pieces" Anybody know what to do with the strange pod and spidery object that drops out of it in the "Missing pieces" cave?
Hey Headbug, Spoiler There's nothing really to do with what comes out of the pod... it's more of a story object. If you haven't already, you are quite likely to run into similar pods later on that may or may not contain different contents.
Hi, Ahaha, I have started a new game to fix this "broken reservoir" biomass problem and finally I had the same problem. Impossible to get my 5 stars. I done my best to get my highest biomass level: 31140 points but in the broken reservoir I still had the same problem. Spoiler In the frozen, broken reservoir, I think there were 2 lendon zoas, but after I fixed the hole white the cerebrane and fix the roots things, when I came back instead of lendon zoas there were two acidic patches, so impossible to get the 300. Maybe the were in the air two yellow acidics spores I didn't saw. Wichone killed the ledon zoa between the moment everything had been fixed and the moment I came back...I don't know. Mr David Tiger, I you have an idea? Awsome game. Ps: I apologize again for my poor english.
31140??? Holy cow, the highest on GameCenter a couple days ago was only ~18000. Spoiler The only way to kill those guys is with a stalactite and you probably accidentally dislodged one without realizing by landing on top of the megazoa. It'll be fixed in 1.1 whenever Apple gets around to approving it but yeah, it's been a problem here and there. Thanks for playing!