I'm trying to give the sentient at the core what he is asking for but nothing is happening. He also isn't in the top of the that room/cave. Any advice? Could this be a glitch or does biomass have to be at a certain level to proceed?
I too am having trouble with the broken reservoir, and I'm certain that there never were any Ledon Zoa in that area. It is the last area that I don't have 5 stars in too.
hey guys, so for the broke-r tip: Spoiler -there is a ledon zoa underneath the icicles when you first enter broken reservoir. if your first instinct is to go knock the icicles all off the ceiling, you'll probably miss that they will kill the one ledon in the room, thus screwing you from getting bio 5 (which requires fertilized ledon). that icicle placement isn't a bug per se, but it was unintentional and discovered too late to fix for release. it'll be dealt with in some update for future playthroughs. honestly you guys, I'm so so so thrilled by your excitement over WM. I came back tonight and there are 7 pages since I last checked the thread. so right now we're all at GDC repping and promoting the game (and I'm volunteering at the conference) and checking out lots of great talks from other game developers. Randy Smith, our designer, gave an awesome post-mortem on the game just today. we are going to totally continue supporting the game and, just, well, you guys totally lift my spirits with this overwhelming positive response. we want games to be so much more than they are right now. who needs to make another space marine game, who needs another nfl blitz, or angry birds physics puzzler clone? it is totally our pleasure and privilege and hope to continue making these games that do something different. thanks so much again!
Congratulations!!! [size=+3]WAKING MARS[/size] [size=+2]Touch Arcade Forums Game of the Week 29/02/2012[/size] [size=+2]Thanks a lot for your votes![/size] Check out this week's new releases [thread=118476]HERE[/thread] Start nominating your 07032012 TAGOTW [thread=125018]HERE[/thread] Visit 2012 TAGOTW Hall of Fame and Archives [thread=119439]HERE[/thread] - DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AGAIN -
Well deserved! Is it wrong of me to be wishing for updates and a sequel before I have even finished this game?
Giving the sentients a ball and three stripes! Hey! Can anyone let me know where to go when I need to find the ball with three stripes for the sentients? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey! One more new member... Welcome to this thread mate! I didn't count but you are 5th or even more.. Don't forget to give a 5 stars on this theme
Someone buys this game (49 reviews, 4.5/5 rating on app store) and runs into trouble/ gets stuck after playing the game, googles 'waking mars review' or 'waking mars help' and runs into toucharcade for the first time. Finds waking mars thread and registers to post.. This is so far fetched a scenario? Besides that you have no proof that the new posters are the ones voting the game 5 stars. You havent even played the game so Im really not sure what your beef is with its rating.
Why you hate me? I'm not saying anything bad for this game.. Like you said, I don't even have it. Ofc any scenario is possible but this one looks like someone is bumping this thred every now and then. And if this person was involved in making this game, I'm just saying it's a lame way to increase its sales. Sorry, but I bought too many games because of this forum and would buy this one if I haven't seen so many new members here. But hey.. It's just me! Sorry for bothering.. I'll never bump this thred again ... And ye... Just to stay on topic.. This women's portrait above 45 ratings on appstore is really, really ridiculous.. Or better to say retarded!
Ive got nothing against you bud, I just really like this game and don't want other people to get the wrong idea. Its the kinda thing that can hurt sales. You are right IF the new people are involved with the people that made the game, that is really lame. Hopefully that is not the case, however for a game this good (Game of the week!) maybe you can give them the benefit of the doubt a little. If this was any other piece of crap game, I would find it suspicious too I am not saying you aren't entitled to waiting for a sale though. This game IS worth $5, but there is no harm in waiting. Just do yourself a favour and play it now, or 6 month from now, or a year from now, don't just forget about it
Whelp, I'm broke right now, but I can't wait to pick it up sometime in the future. It's funny, my wife and I were just discussing how it would be cool if there was a sci-fi adventure that, instead of shooting and killing stuff, you actually felt like you were on a real science-exploration mission. Not sure if we were picking up on the collective unconscious, but glad to see something like this on the market.
I'm a new member but I'm not new to the forums. I've been reading posts here for about a year, definitely not affiliated with Tiger Style, I decided to join because I needed help with this game (which I still haven't got a response to ), I didn't rate it but I would give it 5 stars without hesitation, it's a masterpiece as far as I'm concerned and you're missing one of the best experiences on ios if you don't pick this up.
You know what... I'm going to buy this game right now and will post impressions later after kids go sleep when I'll have time to actually try it (even it's womens day today and I didn't buy any flowers ) Please add me on GC so we can compare achievements..
I didnt mean to pressure you! Lol, but I hope you love it and I didnt steer you wrong. Get the woman some flowers though will ya? Adding you to GC now.
I don't know about you, but I am on TA forum for an year and I don't post much because my englishs sucks and in most cases I don't know how to exprese what I think about game in english like I would in croatian... But when I buy game which I think it's great.. I just can't sit not coming here and say it loud here on forum to support devs and maybe help a bit with sales. Is this game really that good I guess I'll find out in hour or two Can't wait to come here and spread the word!
Looks especially nice on ipad too Best played with headphones on. In the dark. To lose yourself in the atmosphere. (pun intended)
It's a bit late here to buy flowers now but there is always a next year hehe.. But if there is some kind of flowers in Waking Mars I can show them to her... And that would probably be the end.. At least for playing games on this iphone