Waiter... there's soup in my Alien

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by BoxedMayhem, Feb 27, 2018.

  1. BoxedMayhem

    BoxedMayhem New Member

    Feb 22, 2018
    I've never been a fan of long melodramatic cinematics in games
    so for my game I decided to go short and ... strange

    here are 3 of the level Intros for "Against the Cosmos"


    we shall help you

    become one with the cosmos

    extra crispy style


    you have interrupted

    our space opera

    how very rude


    in space

    no one can hear you



    there are 9 more these in the game
    but you'll have to get it to see them

    Store - http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BoxedMayhem.AGAINSTtheCOSMOS

    Video - https://player.vimeo.com/video/256144848?rel=0&showinfo=0


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