VludKin ClaNz 2.0 Update just in time for Halloween

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by Winterflood, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Just in time for Halloween VludKin ClaNz has now received the big 2.0 update, bringing a number of enhancements and additional customisation options to the original stack building card game.

    Update highlights:

    3 new Ai players with move advance skills and abilities
    Portraits for all 6 Ai players, now giving your enemy a face to hate beyond just a name
    Portrait art for the human players
    New 1.5 and 2.5 deck sizes adding an extra set of the Power cards for more strategy
    Added random Power blocks so you can play without knowing what Power cards are in deck
    New versus and victory screens using the portrait art
    Old Info page showing victories is now called Stats and moved to new Info menu
    Stats page expanded to 2 pages to include games against the new Ai
    Info menu also contains new World section which gives more details on the VludKin
    Background about the ClaNz has now been moved from the Rules to World section
    World section also contains details on the Ai personalities and strategy tips
    Facebook and Website links now moved to Info menu

    Now you can get more VludKin, with more choices, just in time for some Halloween fun.

    Store Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Winterflood.VludKinClaNz

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