Verizon $300/$400/$500 sale on iPad Wi-Fi 1st Gen

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by SSquared, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. SSquared

    SSquared Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2009
    Software Developer
    Pacific Northwest
    I tried searching the forums, but did not find anyone else mentioning this.

    The Verizon stores are currently having an incredible deal on the 1st Gen Wi-Fi only iPads. They are $299 (16GB), $399 (32GB) and $499 (64GB). I couldn't believe it. I had been looking at the refurbed iPads on the Apple site and saw the 16GBs sold out a few days ago. Then today, the 32GBs sold out. A few minutes after seeing the 32s sold out, someone at work told me his friend mentioned Verizon was having a sale on iPads. Sure enough! I found links on-line and RAN from work across the street to the mall. Sure enough, I got a brand new 32 GB iPad for $399!!! Even the refurbed one from Apple was $429.

    I'd hurry up, though. I can imagine them selling pretty quick. I got mine from a kiosk in the mall, but my wife went into a store elsewhere in town (in case the mall didn't have them) and they had some, too.

    EDIT: Wait...what? I thought I posted this in the Lounge area. Sorry. This needs to be moved and I can't seem to delete it.

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