FYI that your Lite subscription does carry over to the desktop as well, it's unified across all platforms. So if you already bought the game, and have the free month, you can just go through the conversion process on your ipad (adding a password and email address to the one-click account, basically) and then install the game on your desktop and log in there with the same account. The game does take a little while to learn on a touchscreen, but it does actually work pretty well once you get the hang of it.
Could you please submit a Support Ticket through your account on our game website? ( We'd love to talk to you directly about your crash situation and find out the specifics of your device. I tested exactly what you describe on our own iPad4, and never had it crash; we'd really like to track the problem down, and would appreciate any help on that.
Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in the ring; I've been a Vendetta Online player for 9 years and 10 months, and during that time I've spent over 1200 hours in game (recorded). It's literally one of the best games I've ever experienced, for a very specific list of reasons. Ayjona touched on a few of these earlier in this thread, however I wanted to add some of my own perspectives: *The customer support is amazing; the devs stand behind their product, and you've seen some of that here in this very thread. What's more, they really listen to their user-base over the long run. This creates a sense of loyalty and community that you will not find elsewhere. *The world has years of depth, and is highly interactive; prices for goods fluctuate depending on trade activity, Hive AI expands and takes over sectors rich in ore causing missions to appear calling for aid, convoys depart hourly which can be ambushed, shipments redirected that will affect weapons production. Territory can be dynamically won or lost in the Deneb War which will cause blockades to occur in unclaimed space. Stations can be conquered by guilds or groups of players. Nearly everything you do will have a tangible impact on the world that you and others inhabit in this game. *Everything I mentioned in my second point is available to players on the $1/month Lite sub plan. This is one of the best games out there; I say that having grown up in Tokyo and having played all the old arcade games like Street Fighter Alpha, Virtua Fighter, and computer games like Sid Meier's Civilization, Escape Velocity, Master of Orion, Marathon, and X-Wing. You do not want to miss this experience. Like a wise surfer once said: "Ride this wave".
Sure thing, I'll submit it tomorrow. It happens every time - ipad mini and I'm using a lock screen. The second my mini sleeps the game crashes.
I was trying to avoid addressing certain subjects in this forum, however, certain people like to intrepit things that are said and try to take them out of context. My apologies, however, criticism requires clarification. While this is an open forum where everyone is entitled to voice thier opinion, Lost_Deputy seems to only feel his opinion matters and repeatadly argues opinions differant from up his own. My opinion was that I will will forgo this title and its $10 dollars monthly fee for the full version, no mention of it being too expensive. I also stated that I felt it was deceitful not to disclose the $10 monthly fee for the full version, albeit that their is a Lite version for $0.99, on the Apple store. I never stated that this was the fault of the developer precisly, I do feel that the App Store has been rather linient in the disclosure of what is being presented for purchase. Numerous tiltes have been listed only to be discoverd that the full game or certain content required additional purchase. Most of the time, when a consumer purchases a product, they expect to have disclosed what is being purchased up front, not once the product has be acquired. Whether it be a $1 game, a $5 food items, or a $32K auto mobile, not disclosing what the consumer is purchasing up front I feel is deceitful. So, Lost_Deputy will take this, interpret it in whatever manner his seems fit, reading into it whatever he feels most benefits his opinion. I have stated my opinion, which is that, my opinion. As with any comment I have made, Lost_Deputy will try to force his opinion on someone else's. So, weary readers, beware of people trying to push their opinions on you or take out of context writings from someone else. I am sure many are smart enough and mature enough to understand tit for tat. So, have fun with it.
Ok any tips of which licenses to aim for 1st? I was thinking about combat obviously but I'm not sure if that's a bad option for noobs
Hi all, Still working my way through the training missions but really enjoying it. Wanted something like this for a while. Few questions for the devs or anyone who may know ! : - where on earth are the subscription options in the app ?!? - there are graphic options in the pause menu, do these change anything on the iPad ?
Please, let's get back to this game. You've had your say. Clearly. You don't own, don't plan to own and have obviously stated your dismissal of the game as a whole. That's fine. Now while you have the right to post anything, anywhere, but as you have mentioned maturity I believe you understand that all you have said is all that needs to be said, and any more childish fighting and foot stomping simply isn't getting anyone anywhere. So can we ALL please stop and move on? Ahem, I shall step off of my soapbox. I would like to speak the praise of the support. I was responded to almost instantaneously. I THEN was able to converse with the support team in the game, where I was responded to quickly and in real time. Is the game perfect? No. It's clearly built for a mouse and keyboard, with most games like this. With that said, it is very passable and controls as well as the majority of the games on the platform, all of which I struggle with regularly. There's no getting around my inability to do well playing games like this as a whole anyway, but if it's this or nothing, as I do no playing on the computer, only the iPad, then I'll deal with having to put up with touch controls. Ask me in 5 hours don the road when things are getting more challenging, and I may change my mind. But hell, even then who cares, I'll have easily gotten my dollar out of it! One interesting thing of note, there's no actual way to pay any more than a dollar a month in the app. For all intents and purposes, I believe the majority of the people playing on the iPad will happily stick with the $1/month subscription. Those that simply must have the extras of the $10 subscription will be getting their money's worth, surely, but time will tell how this will all go on the platform. I think the runaway success of O&C has shown this is a platform capable of sustaining these kinds of accessible MMOs.
Yes yes yes. I'd like to know this too! According to the devs, they are set for max on the iPad. I wouldn't suggest fiddling with them too much. I wish I hadn't, and I think I may end up paying for it later. There re no subscription options other than the basic $1 subscription. To get the higher tier it has to be done from the site. I do truly hope that they add this later, as I'd like to subscribe inside rather than having to do it elsewhere. Especially when I can get iTunes cards on sale
There won't be anymore drama in here mate. Sorry for the ruckus. I'm loving the depth. It's a little scary how deep this thing goes. My main concern is if I commit to this thing who is going to raise my kids. The guys online are great and the tutorial is thorough. I hope they give it a few extra coats of polish because it really needs it.
HAHA Just ducked, weaved and subsequently destroyed 20 armed drones with no problems only to then take a full 4 attempts to land in the docking bay
Ah ok that makes sense about the sub now. I had a fiddle with the settings oops ! Will try to put them back as they where ! Thanks for the reply.
Something that worries me is being so far behind in progress than those who have played for many years. I'm assuming us iOS players will have a huge disadvantage? Also, can you use your iTunes Store credit to pay for the sub fee?
Soooo... Is a gamepad support planned? This would be the most awsomnest thing. I found the tochscreen control a little jerky (compared to GOF). Apart from that i'm thrilled but i assume that ipad vs. Pc players stay no chance? I cant imagine how. But i keep playing anyway
I guess it's a case of crossing that bridge when we come to it. So far all the PC players have been really welcoming. They want to boost the players in the system so the ipad launch is really exciting. I'm officially in love with this game. Probably more with the community than anything. It's awesome. Once we have some time under our belt ill start a TA channel and get busy
Definitely agreed. So, has anyone started a TA guild yet? Do we have any VO vets as lurkers on these boards?
In my experience the "catch-up factor" isn't really too big of an issue; it's more about how you play than what equipment you have available to you. Even with years of practice, I've been surprised by new pilots who have been playing for as little as a month. See my post history if you are interested in some philosophical ramblings on VO's twitch gameplay. As far as phones/tablets vs PC... there are actually some pilots who have made a name for themselves by regularly besting PC players while on a phone w/o any outside accessories. Try Googling "Vendetta Online KatoZee" to see what I mean. Awesome, man. I'll look forward to viewing it.