Link: VARIOUS DAYLIFE SQUARE ENIX ■ Explore the Unexplored In the year 211 of the Imperial Era, a new continent was discovered. Explore its every last cor… Buy Now Watch Media Details■ Explore the Unexplored In the year 211 of the Imperial Era, a new continent was discovered. Explore its every last corner as a colonist of Antoecia, while living your life to the fullest in the city of Erebia. ■ Features "• Character growth through everyday work Build your strength as a warrior performing manual labor, or hone your magic skills as a secretary transcribing powerful codicies. With over 20 job classes and more than 100 types of work for those jobs to perform, how you grow as a colonist is entirely up to you." "• Strategic Expeditions Choose what limited rations, items and camping gear you can pack in your bags as you leave the saftey of the city to confront the unknown. You'll battle monsters, bad weather, and food spoilage out on the various frontiers of Antoecia. When the going gets tough, will you press onward, or retreat to explore another day?" "• Innovative Battle System Introducing a twist to the traditional job-and-ability, turn-based battle. Work together with your allies to exploit the three CHAs: CHANGE your foes' conditions, build up a CHAIN of attacks and sieze your CHANCE at inflicting heavy damage!" Information Seller:SQUARE ENIX Genre:Role Playing Release:Sep 19, 2019 Updated:Mar 10, 2022 Version:1.6.0 Size:0.0 TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel shining jade likes this. Captain Morgan Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2009 161 7 18 Trauma Nurse Phoenix #2 Captain Morgan, Sep 18, 2019 When you consider the team behind this game, this make paying $60 a year for Apple Arcade a no brainer. This has been one of many great games so far. Wonder visuals and music. shining jade Well-Known Member Apr 1, 2013 387 3 18 #3 shining jade, Sep 18, 2019 Still confused by this one ... So it’s just battling or what else do u do? Morbus Iff Well-Known Member Sep 9, 2010 236 33 28 #4 Morbus Iff, Sep 18, 2019 I'm still "confused" on this one too. Certainly, it's a Squeenix game and I'll heartily play anything of theirs. But, the display on an iPad is ... jarring; it feels like a 3DS two-screen game that's been merged into a single vertical display, and a year-one 3DS game at that. There's a healthy bit of dialogue story-events to start, and once you finish the tutorial, it seems story-events continue to happen every half-day, which I also love. Expeditions appear to be the primary gameplay, which thrust you into multi-fight turn-based combats, with no auto mode (good). Past that, it appears to be primarily a life simulator; you work multiple jobs, you talk to people, you increase your spreadsheet numbers. If they keep the story coming throughout all of that, it'd be a win for me. tekchic and GameAndGive like this. tekchic Well-Known Member Jun 5, 2009 452 29 28 Female Software Developer Phoenix, AZ #5 tekchic, Sep 18, 2019 It definitely feels like it was originally built for 3DS, it's weird. So far I'm enjoying it, but I'm only about 45 minutes into the game. I've walked around, done an expedition, did some turn-based battling, did some "jobs" to earn money to upgrade my team, etc. I like it, but the text is silly tiny on my Xs Max. I'm actually playing it more on my iPad, but it does work on iPhone in a pinch or if you're good with thin, tiny text. Cloud saves work beautifully (I'm manually saving and using that because I'm paranoid). Downside is there's a lot of what feels like wasted white space where they could've made the text larger or changed that very thin font to something more legible. All in all, I like it though, I'll keep playing it for a few more hours. I'm a sucker for anything Squeenix. utestme and Morbus Iff like this. Dailon80 Well-Known Member Nov 10, 2014 3,574 66 48 Program Director/Radio DJ Eos #6 Dailon80, Sep 19, 2019 I’m enjoying it once I got it figured out. The screen is a weird setup for sure like ds/3ds and I really hope this comes to switch down the road. It’s a life sim/RPG So you work, social etc then you do quests which is battle... be sure you check required level of quest vs your team or you will get crushed. If you take each of your teammates out that will give them an ability early on after first quest. Don’t do second quest right off, first level up by working etc... also don’t forget to buy and equip weapons armor etc I hope I haven’t given anything away Only trying to help I have had it crash a few times but overall once you figure it out this is an amazing game and also a pretty deep game. Love the time/calendar aspect utestme, hisownsidekick and tekchic like this. GameAndGive Member Sep 8, 2019 5 1 8 #7 GameAndGive, Sep 20, 2019 Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2019 Played this game for while, it’s really great and challenging. Only thing to complain about is the lengthy dialogues. Morbus Iff Well-Known Member Sep 9, 2010 236 33 28 #8 Morbus Iff, Sep 20, 2019 What game I'm enjoying *more*, from a "life simulator RPG" kinda sorta approach, is King's League II. The strength of that one has pretty much put this one on hold for me. That one has "lengthy dialogues" too too. Lots of healthy story getting in the way of your team-building. Nonstickron Well-Known Member Sep 24, 2009 312 32 28 Graphic Artist / Pre-Press Central Florida #9 Nonstickron, Sep 21, 2019 I keep passing out during this beginning dialogue. Could there be a worse name for a video game? Various is not a word meant for titles of video games. Morbus Iff Well-Known Member Sep 9, 2010 236 33 28 #10 Morbus Iff, Sep 21, 2019 I'd totally download a game called "Various Match-3 Mechanics". tekchic Well-Known Member Jun 5, 2009 452 29 28 Female Software Developer Phoenix, AZ #11 tekchic, Sep 21, 2019 Haha, exactly -- but remember these are the guys that have games named "Bravely Default: Flying Fairy" and "Octopath Traveler". Once they get outside of "Final Fantasy" the names go bananas! utestme likes this. Baron Cappuccino Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Aug 1, 2011 266 14 18 Member-Owner Steampunk Cafe, LLC Plainfield, CT #12 Baron Cappuccino, Sep 23, 2019 The influx of so many games at once was overwhelming— I can’t even keep up with the GameClub beta, but I can easily say that this is my most played app of Apple Arcade. It took me a lot of trial and error to get a good grind routine going. My favorite part of RPGs is grinding levels and stat progression. Now I can’t stop. The starter party foursome is pretty endearing. It’s hard not to like everyone. Great game. utestme and andsoitgoes like this. User73972 Member Sep 16, 2019 18 9 3 Female #13 User73972, Sep 25, 2019 I just started this and it seems interesting Square Enix love their wierd names.. Bravely Default (3DS), Octopath Traveler (Switch), Infinite Undiscovery (Xbox 360), Last Idea (Mobile) solarnya likes this. Baron Cappuccino Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Aug 1, 2011 266 14 18 Member-Owner Steampunk Cafe, LLC Plainfield, CT #14 Baron Cappuccino, Sep 26, 2019 The thought of rotation, Netflix-style, had put a damper on my motivation for a bit, but I’m sure Apple won’t screw RPG fans on the service over. stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #15 stubbieoz, Oct 6, 2019 After two hours of playing I’m afraid this game is just a total disappointment for me. Trust me, the game is as dull as it’s title suggests. As has been said before the screen looks like it was destined for a DS. While the top half has some really nice graphics the bottom half is just wasted space. Even when it has a map of the area it is static and completely of no use. The characters are all generic and totally forgettable. The story is beyond boring, you are just a character and you do mundane stuff in the world. The combat is dull and offers nothing new, even though it thinks it does. I suppose I was excited that it has Square Enix associated with it but that association appears to be in name only, as there seems to be nothing else that would make anyone think it had that sort of quality. No doubt Apple had the same idea and thought that adding a Square Enix game to its Arcade lineup would entice more people to sign up. They really didn’t have to as there are so many other great indie games in the current package. Honestly take my advice and go play a Kemco game instead..... any Kemco would be better than this excuse for a game. hisownsidekick New Member Apr 12, 2019 3 0 1 Male #16 hisownsidekick, Oct 17, 2019 Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can't for the life of me figure out why one of my party members in this game has a green arrow pointing up next to their portrait. I've leveled them up and invited them out and it won't go away. What does it signify? Does anyone know? Thanks in advance for any guidance. jasontkp Member Jun 28, 2018 9 2 3 Male #17 jasontkp, Dec 18, 2019 I totally agree with you. it was deleted on my device within a day. ac166 Well-Known Member May 15, 2014 383 12 18 #18 ac166, Dec 18, 2019 I’ve been playing this a little while now (about 5 hours in), it seems to me that 90% of the game is just ‘jobs’ where basically you choose a job from the menu and then you get some Xp and a stat boost.. the repeat until you run out of stamina, rest, do more jobs. This is because it takes ages to level up like this and you need to level up loads before going on the expeditions (ie the combat bits) and after a while even the story pieces stop coming that often. Am I missing some more bits to the game? Ocassionally I’ll visit the baths or something but there doesn’t seem a lot of point... ? stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #19 stubbieoz, Dec 19, 2019 Nope, you summed up the game pretty well. There is very little point to the game that I found after some hours of playing when it was first released. Pointless mediocrity is a perfect description for this game. I just reinstalled the game again to see what it looks like with the patched landscape view on my large iPad Pro and it looks really good now. The presentation is top notch and the interface works really well. It lasted for 5 minutes and then was promptly deleted. ac166 Well-Known Member May 15, 2014 383 12 18 #20 ac166, Jan 7, 2020 Ah damn... I was kinda hoping maybe it got better or there'd be some big new thing that unlocked... kinda dissapointed (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
When you consider the team behind this game, this make paying $60 a year for Apple Arcade a no brainer. This has been one of many great games so far. Wonder visuals and music.
I'm still "confused" on this one too. Certainly, it's a Squeenix game and I'll heartily play anything of theirs. But, the display on an iPad is ... jarring; it feels like a 3DS two-screen game that's been merged into a single vertical display, and a year-one 3DS game at that. There's a healthy bit of dialogue story-events to start, and once you finish the tutorial, it seems story-events continue to happen every half-day, which I also love. Expeditions appear to be the primary gameplay, which thrust you into multi-fight turn-based combats, with no auto mode (good). Past that, it appears to be primarily a life simulator; you work multiple jobs, you talk to people, you increase your spreadsheet numbers. If they keep the story coming throughout all of that, it'd be a win for me.
It definitely feels like it was originally built for 3DS, it's weird. So far I'm enjoying it, but I'm only about 45 minutes into the game. I've walked around, done an expedition, did some turn-based battling, did some "jobs" to earn money to upgrade my team, etc. I like it, but the text is silly tiny on my Xs Max. I'm actually playing it more on my iPad, but it does work on iPhone in a pinch or if you're good with thin, tiny text. Cloud saves work beautifully (I'm manually saving and using that because I'm paranoid). Downside is there's a lot of what feels like wasted white space where they could've made the text larger or changed that very thin font to something more legible. All in all, I like it though, I'll keep playing it for a few more hours. I'm a sucker for anything Squeenix.
I’m enjoying it once I got it figured out. The screen is a weird setup for sure like ds/3ds and I really hope this comes to switch down the road. It’s a life sim/RPG So you work, social etc then you do quests which is battle... be sure you check required level of quest vs your team or you will get crushed. If you take each of your teammates out that will give them an ability early on after first quest. Don’t do second quest right off, first level up by working etc... also don’t forget to buy and equip weapons armor etc I hope I haven’t given anything away Only trying to help I have had it crash a few times but overall once you figure it out this is an amazing game and also a pretty deep game. Love the time/calendar aspect
Played this game for while, it’s really great and challenging. Only thing to complain about is the lengthy dialogues.
What game I'm enjoying *more*, from a "life simulator RPG" kinda sorta approach, is King's League II. The strength of that one has pretty much put this one on hold for me. That one has "lengthy dialogues" too too. Lots of healthy story getting in the way of your team-building.
I keep passing out during this beginning dialogue. Could there be a worse name for a video game? Various is not a word meant for titles of video games.
Haha, exactly -- but remember these are the guys that have games named "Bravely Default: Flying Fairy" and "Octopath Traveler". Once they get outside of "Final Fantasy" the names go bananas!
The influx of so many games at once was overwhelming— I can’t even keep up with the GameClub beta, but I can easily say that this is my most played app of Apple Arcade. It took me a lot of trial and error to get a good grind routine going. My favorite part of RPGs is grinding levels and stat progression. Now I can’t stop. The starter party foursome is pretty endearing. It’s hard not to like everyone. Great game.
I just started this and it seems interesting Square Enix love their wierd names.. Bravely Default (3DS), Octopath Traveler (Switch), Infinite Undiscovery (Xbox 360), Last Idea (Mobile)
The thought of rotation, Netflix-style, had put a damper on my motivation for a bit, but I’m sure Apple won’t screw RPG fans on the service over.
After two hours of playing I’m afraid this game is just a total disappointment for me. Trust me, the game is as dull as it’s title suggests. As has been said before the screen looks like it was destined for a DS. While the top half has some really nice graphics the bottom half is just wasted space. Even when it has a map of the area it is static and completely of no use. The characters are all generic and totally forgettable. The story is beyond boring, you are just a character and you do mundane stuff in the world. The combat is dull and offers nothing new, even though it thinks it does. I suppose I was excited that it has Square Enix associated with it but that association appears to be in name only, as there seems to be nothing else that would make anyone think it had that sort of quality. No doubt Apple had the same idea and thought that adding a Square Enix game to its Arcade lineup would entice more people to sign up. They really didn’t have to as there are so many other great indie games in the current package. Honestly take my advice and go play a Kemco game instead..... any Kemco would be better than this excuse for a game.
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can't for the life of me figure out why one of my party members in this game has a green arrow pointing up next to their portrait. I've leveled them up and invited them out and it won't go away. What does it signify? Does anyone know? Thanks in advance for any guidance.
I’ve been playing this a little while now (about 5 hours in), it seems to me that 90% of the game is just ‘jobs’ where basically you choose a job from the menu and then you get some Xp and a stat boost.. the repeat until you run out of stamina, rest, do more jobs. This is because it takes ages to level up like this and you need to level up loads before going on the expeditions (ie the combat bits) and after a while even the story pieces stop coming that often. Am I missing some more bits to the game? Ocassionally I’ll visit the baths or something but there doesn’t seem a lot of point... ?
Nope, you summed up the game pretty well. There is very little point to the game that I found after some hours of playing when it was first released. Pointless mediocrity is a perfect description for this game. I just reinstalled the game again to see what it looks like with the patched landscape view on my large iPad Pro and it looks really good now. The presentation is top notch and the interface works really well. It lasted for 5 minutes and then was promptly deleted.
Ah damn... I was kinda hoping maybe it got better or there'd be some big new thing that unlocked... kinda dissapointed