Possible /: I got raped pretty quickly against the glaive. I don't think the Petal was very useful /: Oh alright no problem tell me when you're ready!
Great video! nice to see that people are doing gameplay/kills videos already! On a side note, anybody wna play?
Nice job! Of course Taka would finish the stealthy job. The other players are probably like pulling their hair out by now. I did like that bum rush, suicide job we did at the end. After you went out, me and the SAW destroyed 3 turrets and half the vain. I saw you were telling us to hit the vain, good idea. We were going to die anyways lol.
They were gna lose anyway their vain was like at half?? I liked the ending when I managed to 1 v 3 and then yall came to finish the job! although it was stupid for me to rush the tower even tho I was hitting 700 per hit because of breaking point! Yeah I figured if you guys were gna die might as well try to take em down while you're at it!
Lol i saw you rush the turret! I was like omg he's lost it! I went to back you up to try and take the hits but i think you weren't able to get out of range in time :/ i actually always buy group healing at level 11-12 so sometimes you might notice your health go up while I stand near you. I probably should have activated it earlier.. Nonetheless i think your risk helped us win since we destroyed 3 turrets after that! The enemy spawn time was just too long to save them. And jeez how did you hit so hard?? At the end i saw you kill the guy guarding the vain in three hits. One hit took over half his health (critical?). You're so good!
Was curious if anyone here would be interested in a small competitive team? As they'll be adding in private matches and ranking system in the upcoming patches. I've already started a topic on the VainGlory forums and we're looking for players who can skype as well. I started the thread here: http://forums.vainglorygame.com/index.php?threads/team-alpha-omega-%CE%B1%CE%A9-na.2973/
I didn't wna waste my armour shredding stacks /: I thought I could get the turret before it got me /: I've noticed! I get that item sometimes too! I saw you guys push in and I thought it was a good trade on my part! Hmm breaking point (armour shred increases per hit) + high damage and attack speed! I had lifesteal as well so they couldn't even fight me 3 v 1 so I knew I could go in and fight all of them without worry!
Oh nice build! Do you think that would work for Joule? I've just been going for crystal energy buffs+cooldowns, health regen, life steal, and sprint shoes. I usually don't have much money for anything else. Occasionally I'll get a faster attack weapon but since I don't kill a lot I usually don't have a lot to spend :\
I always grab frostburn on joule first! The slow from crystal abilities syncs very well with your skill 2 followed by skill 1! Then I usually go aftershock/crucible/the healing fountain thing! I don't buy weapon for my joule because half of the time you're using your 2nd skill to damage anyway! Eve of harvest is a good pick also! And of course pick up a clockwork along the way
Oh nice tips Lucidra! I'll try that out. I'm free for a game. I wonder if Lucidra is there. I don't think all three of us have played a game together yet? :/