I thought they made him worse? I can't remember what they added. I just remember they took away a lot of healing and attack damage. Oddly you're better with him now than before. And our teammate Taka is also really good. Gah I think Taka is the most powerful. Just so damn fast and hits hard.
Oh and great games. Both games people gave up even before taking the Kraken. Most people keep trying until they inner turrets are destroyed. These people have been leaving even before that..
They gave him overdrive skills when the respective skill is maxed, I like that I get to spam the overhead spin skills at max level! I like the changes though he's less OP now than before Our team's Taka was a good scouter, he was able to catch the jungle heroes so quickly!
Oh man I feel bad for that last team. I hate it when someone sits out. Such a waste of time. This is probably the best streak I've ever had of 3 wins lol.
Yeah I know man the Catherine just decided to sit out the whole game. Anyway great games man a 3 win streak is great
First time I've had a three game win streak. I'm feelin good! Lost too much last week lol. I think we make a good pair. My two favorite strategies are you luring the enemy out to fight then me stunning. Or me stunning and then you appear from the Bush and ambushing them. Joule has the element of surprise that Catherine doesn't have with her stun. And combined with Taka's speed and hitting power is unstoppable
Luring people is fun man and then it's better after you turn the tides and kill them anyway I'm free now if you wna play!!!
Ohhh... I think our lucky stream will end though. Give me five. I really like a group of Joule, Taka, and Catherine. All my favorite units. Though not having a true ranged is a bit risky but Catherine can pull it off. I read online a lot of people think Catherine is one of the best units out there. Top tier. Some say she's the best.
Sure my game's fired up! I'm ready to go I can mid with Catherine! As you've seen just now She's one of the best because her stun is the most reliable. Hey uh Law I'll play about 30 mins later. Net isn't stable now due to heavy rain /:
Okay post back when it clears! Well if you have catherine and Joule on a team you have two reliable stunners and then have Taka there for assassinations to sweep up the mess.