Yeah they weren't but I'm not exactly an amazing player lol. Even on the round I won (i won one of two rounds I played) i got the most assists but zero kills with Joule. Apparently I save people's butts but then they always get the finishing kill. I'm probably in part just not fast enough and my level and gold always ends up being lower than everyone else.
Ah I'll give you some tips on joule. For joule's first skill, never aim on the spot the enemy is on unless they're attacking your teammates! Always estimate their direction and fire ahead. A slightly less known fact is that Joule's first skill can jump over terrain so you shouldn't worry so much about gangbang since you can jump over cliffs -> teleport. Can be used to push enemies away when they're chasing your teammates (eg jump in between them both and push the enemy away) Her second skill, starts off with slightly low damage but builds up more and more the more you cast it. Key thing though, don't miss the damage loss isn't worth the extra split second you take to aim and land a proper blast! It's also a great skill for farming the 2 camp neutrals or creeps! Works on tower but buff does not increase nor refresh Lastly, Joule's ultimate. A devastating blast that requires about half a second of charging up before release. This beam pushes Joule back a couple of spaces due to its sheer strength. Long cooldown but very high damage. Use it with an allies' stun to fully maximize its damage potential. Alternatively it can be fired when your teammates are being attacked to ensure you won't miss deals damage to towers but only half! Always try to aim and catch as many heroes in the blast as possible
Farm the neutrals joule is extremely fast in clearing neutral creep camps! Doesn't matter if you got zero kills in a MOBA, if at least one of your teammate/yourself got the kill and none of your allies died, it was a good trade and therefore worth it I tend to farm quite a bit with joule until about level 3/4 when I am able to get 3 levels into the electric blast so start increasing its damage before I start running around. A stun -> blast coupled with hits and damage done by allies usually does it for the enemies
Thanks for the tips. I'll have to try harder. Every time I do the stun even if I hit with allies there the enemy just runs and we get no kills. The stun only lasts for a second right?I don't think my allies are able to capitalize on it. I can't walk into enemy territory because I'm just too slow for hit and run attacks.
Yeah! You need to stack stun, with another one it'll be better and far easier to kill Joule's attack isn't slow though, hit -> blast cancels the animation and lets you land another hit immediately after
Just had a really rough match, the Kraken managed to turn the tides in an otherwise even match. 2 Joules 2 Takas and 2 Glaives, 1 on each side. Practically a mirror match and was hard as hell to play /:
Okay I'm free for a few rounds now! I'll get it started up. I guess I'll give Joule a try? Omg... Joule went F2P. Damn it.
No worries. I just played a few. Won one while oddly I lost the last two because someone decided to just sit there. We weren't even losing. I think it's a possibility they want quick coins. have their game sit there and you'll get some win or lose even though it's not that much. Otherwise there's no point to even joining the match if you weren't planning on playing at all...
lmao so many stupid players, either afk, goes into jungle and dies to spawns. Worse than league 3v3 kek. Don't play with a player named "McBroEpic" All he does is afk or goes into jungle even tho they're supposed to be in lane... aka Ringo. Even after I last hit everything this guy just follows me -_-
Play more and increase your karma level so you'll be matched with higher level players so this kinda crap won't happen