Universal Vainglory - (by Super Evil Megacorp)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
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    #1021 Adams Immersive, Aug 8, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
    I've had 3 or 4 such crashes in the past year, but luckily it reloads in maybe 10 seconds. I've also had sound or visuals go bad. My theory is that both problems happen when the game has been running for too many games/hours without a fresh start. So, every few hours, I force quit the app preventively.

    Agreed. There already SO many rewards for skill: Glory, level-ups, cards, rank, sunlight, chests, etc. More skill = more of all that stuff.

    Originally Karma did just measure "good citizenship": no AFK's, no dodges. (It also carried a bigger Glory bonus than now.)

    But now Karma mainly measures the following:

    1. Whether you're matched fairly with others (out of your control)

    2. Whether you're on a win streak or lose streak (out of your control, when the matchmaker decides to beat you down with high Elo opponents--or the reverse)

    3. Whether your teammates' undergarments fit comfortably, or exhibit chafing/itching of some type.

    4. Whether your play BR or not (BR is death to Karma since fewer people bother to vote, and getting NO votes up OR down is apparently still seen as a negative by the system)

    Kind of sucks.

    For what it's worth, I heard on the VG forums that supposedly Karma uses a "rolling window" of the past n games. (Don't know how many.) Each game doesn't just add the current up/down votes to your Karma, it also CANCELS the up/down votes of the oldest game in the "window."

    So you could win a match, carry the team, and get 2 up votes from your teammates and no down votes from the enemy... And lose your Great Karma! Because behind the scenes you were already close to losing from people false-down voting you, and when this game ended, the oldest game was "thrown out" of the Karma system. Suppose that oldest game had 5 up votes. Now you've just traded those 5 for only 2, and you've dropped under the threshold.

    If I could request 1 reform, it would be to calibrate BR Karma differently.

    And don't count "unskilled play" as a Karma vote! I always assumed it wasn't for Karma, merely for statistical tracking of the Matchmaker, and to make salty people have a way to vent without lying that you AFK'd. But it sounds like you can actually be BANNED for people saying you have low skill?? OK, another thing to reform!
  2. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
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    #1022 Adams Immersive, Aug 12, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2016
    PSA: the Fri-Sat and Sat-Sun card events are now FIVE wins long.


    Watch that 8PM (US Eastern) cutoff! The moment the game ENDS, not begins, is what counts I believe.
  3. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
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    Doesn't sound like people are seeing their expected 5th Win cards this weekend.

    So, my assumption: 5th Win weekends won't start until the 1.21 patch is out.
  4. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    Samuel needs a massive nerf asap. The amount of damage he does vs the amount of damage he receives is just ridiculous. Then also take into a out his self healing and he is near impossible to take down. It's to the point where all you see in the lane now is Samuel and it's getting beyond dumb at this point. I've mostly enjoyed my time with Vainglory but am growing increasingly annoyed with the game and am getting close to not playing it anymore. Thinking of getting a PS4/XBOX One S for my gaming itch
  5. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
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    I find BR a lot more tolerable. At least you won't always see the same heroes!

    I wish Samuel was that deadly in my hands. He's OK... but not OK enough to buy him. Baron tempts me more.

    What tier are you playing in? I don't think I've ever seen Samuel outside of BR (but I haven't played much Standard this season). I almost made Tier 6 last season but got stuck in mid-4 hell.

    (Probably adding a console for VR next year, myself!)
  6. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    Dell has great deals on PS4/XBOX One S right now. XBOX One S with Halo Master Chief Edition and Halo 5 and $50 Dell gift card for $300. PS4 with Call of Duty Black Ops 3 and NBA 2K17 and $75 Dell gift card for $300. I know 3 people with the XBOX One and none with PS4 but I've thought the PS4 was better all along. Decisions decisions
  7. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
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    I'm waiting for the PS4 Neo reviews at least, and PROBABLY waiting to compare Xbox Scorpio as well. (It sounds more powerful, yet I think MS requires a monthly fee? Not appealing.)

    Then I'll choose based primarily on which platform is best for indie VR developers—my immediate VR plans are iOS, but I'd love to go high-end, even if only as a hobby! But secondarily, the PLAY experience (VR especially) is important. If neither is great for small devs, then I'll get whatever has the best games and VR play. And then decide among Oculus, HTC, etc. for moving my VR game up-market (if at all).

    VR is just too new to decide now. I'll keep tinkering with my Oculus Rift and iPhone/Cardboard for now.

    Reminds me, I wanted to suggest to SEMC that they add Google Cardboard support to Vainglory spectator mode!
  8. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    You can remove me from the guild. I enjoyed my time with Vainglory but have moved on and don't see myself coming back. Got an XBOX One S and am totally back into console gaming. Actually think I might be done with gaming on an idevice altogether, although DRTC does still look great. All good things must come to an end and I feel like the end of the road has come for myself and mobile gaming. Thanks to everyone in the guild that I played with, especially Adams Immersive. He taught me a lot about the game and I always enjoyed our battles together.
  9. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
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    Have fun in your next phase of gaming! It was fun playing together--hope you return to the touchscreen again one day (even if not to VG). I may well branch out into consoles again next year, especially if Project Scorpio's VR plans happen to come together. (For now, PS VR seems a little underpowered, with mediocre controls, while Microsoft seems to have no plans for first-party Xbox VR. Oculus has fumbled in a few ways, and Vive is an expensive rats' nest of cords! Ugh! No clear VR winners yet.)

    Eric runs the guild but seems to be busy lately--you can remove yourself from the guild though (if it even matters).
  10. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    Coolidge, AZ
    Mind if I rejoin? Been playing a lot more lately now that I've had the free time and need folks to play with again. I've been enjoying both modes as of late.

    Booch138 in game ^__^
  11. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    Coolidge, AZ
    Hahahah I hadn't tried Samuel until I rolled him in BR and holy sh!t he is OP as hell hahaha. All the poke and one wrong move and he just obliterates. I approve playing him. He's a pain in the ass against though...
  12. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
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    There's no approval process--so welcome back :)
  13. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    i played this in 2014 when it was released, but since it's been a long time and lots of updates up to now, can anyone please tell me

    1) are the matches still around 20-30 minutes or can they be shorter?
    2) is the matchmaking balanced for your skill/level?
    3) can you play bot matches offline ( i read in the last update something about bot matches being removed)
    4) is there any offline/solo content and
    5) do you still need to study character forums for which items and upgrades to use, or can you just learn their abilities and play without worrying too much?
  14. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
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    #1034 Ayjona, Oct 14, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
    1) Regular matches are, but you can also play Battle Royale, no-jungle mode that clocks in at 5-10 (often my preferred mode).
    2) It was always intended to be. I think matchmaking has been improved, but it is quite possibly one of the most subjective aspects to judge in any game.
    3) and 4) No. Much like nearly every MOBA ever, VG is an online-only affair (mostly by necessity).
    5) In casual play, you can pretty much learn abilities as you go, and only use the in-shop recommended equipment builds. Though even casual teammates will thank you if you familiarize yourself somewhat with heroes in practice mode or read up in-game on their basic gameplay and abilities beforehand. The hero spotlight movies you can watch directly from the VG client are an excellent way to gain a basic understanding of each hero (they cover not only abilities, but also some common strategies and fundamental subtleties for that hero).
  15. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Ayjona, thanks very much for the replies - i find your comments useful in other threads as well.
    I'm going to re-download this and try this Battle Royale mode - hopefully it has rewards like the normal mode :)
  16. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
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    Dec 5, 2008
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    Further comment on 3) and 4): you can play full games solo now, with bot allies AND teammates (surprisingly smart for a bot... sometimes... but not that tough except for beginners). In fact, Battle Royale normally assigns you a random hero (even ones you don't own—good way to learn) but a bot Battle Royale lets you pick.

    So there IS solo content... but it still relies on SEMC servers, so it's not "offline." It won't work if you don't have Internet.

    And for 5), learn slow or learn fast, whatever works for you! It will try to match you with like allies and opponents. That doesn't always happen, but more or less.

    The new BR mode is great! Really good way to be forced to learn new stuff by doing it. And if you lose, it's not that frustrating since the match was short.
  17. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    Coolidge, AZ
    I second this. Losing doesn't feel like it sucks too bad with shorter games, you still tend to have a lot of fun especially if you just like to team fight. What I like most about BR as well is yes, not only are you forced to see how certain characters feel/play when you get rolled one you haven't played often (or ever) you get to learn how well they match up again/play well with others in team fights since team fights are pretty much happening constantly hahaah. Then when you get comfy with certain ones, try em out in standard when you have time. Definitely worth either situation rewards-wise.
  18. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    Thanks as well Adams! It's not ideal that the BR assings you a random hero and you can't pick one, but at least as you say it's shorter and doesnt sting as much if you lose.
    Also i logged as a guest, and i notice from the tutorial it unlocked for me Ringo Skaarf and Taka. Also those three are the only ones who say "Free to play" and don't have any price for permanent unlock. Does it mean they are permanently free and not rotated for new players?

    If that's the case i will restart, since my old account (level 3) has no permanent unlocks, and Ringo, Taka and Skaar show up with prices under Free to play..
  19. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
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    Dec 5, 2008
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    Hmm... not sure what you're seeing. The words "Free to Play" show up whether you own that hero or not (these freebies rotate). The PRICE shows up only if you don't own it. Even a Free to Play hero will show a price, because you can still buy it for your permanent collection.

    It does sound like you have some freebies there, not sure why. There have been giveaways in the past, but I'd think the would apply to existing accounts too. Not sure what heroes they were (different for Android vs. iOS).

    Maybe ask in the official forums. I can see what you might want to restart, if it means you can keep those.
  20. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    I'll be on for the next 3-4 hours if anyone wants to join up for some games ^_^

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