Universal Vainglory - (by Super Evil Megacorp)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Angmodurian

    Angmodurian Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    Yea probably is wins, not kill ratio. Well this game knows that if they give me seemi decent team mates i am crushing everyone so they give me a "challenge" lol. But well try to join guild or play in a team whenever u can. I am a veteran & an ex guild leader whose guild members that i found now created one of the biggest competitive teams. I only play a little now & i will not join any guild xD
  2. Ty-Ty2020

    Ty-Ty2020 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
    What team?
  3. Angmodurian

    Angmodurian Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    Lmao just updated it today & tried the new MM. What an eye opener. Even a vainglorious player like me is speechless with the matchmake. This new draft system pretty much kill off the game allowing me to carry as laner as now whoever gets to choose first would wanna lane. But i got those lanes of course with 2 team mates that is giving gold to enemy teams constantly. Never rage or anything, i played 7 games today. Got lucky first game with solo & met 2 pre mades. They added me we play & won additional 3. The other 3 solo match 100% lose lmao. You folks better get in a guild or group up, the state of the game is unplayable solo currently. Dont know what SEMC is doing really lol with the matchmake. This is so bad lmao. AND they must have made a terrible matchup, lmao one loss took out so much of my rank stats u can expect maybe 2-3 tiers below. Like i lost 3 it took out almost one bar down from gold to silver, if you lose more & drop u will get even worse matchups. This account is SA tier currently after server reset but well those competent matchups make it fall to silver hotness now. What a disappointing game, i dont really play often now but i will play even less now or stop altogether because its just not worth it. This game is becoming a hassle, cant just hop in & play but requires team mates searching lol.

    Tip: if u see your team mates rage ping u after a death u most likely can tell they are noobs. Make mental preparation & MUTE them so those do not affect you mentally. Once u rage, pretty much = lose because this game requires a calm mind to analyze. I have played this game since beta opening until now, MM getting worse & worse. At this rate, more people might just stop playing altogether with the remaining grouped up.
  4. geniusx

    geniusx Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2016
    little slow on my iphone5,need to buy new device,good game!
  5. Ty-Ty2020

    Ty-Ty2020 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
    Solo queue is fine. I soloed up to POA.
  6. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    Solo is all relative :) You are FAR more likely to get trolls, AFKs, ragers, and the like playing with strangers than with known teammates. I find it very unpleasant BUT better than it was a couple months ago.

    Solo + Draft would be a challenge—but they don't do that in Tier 4/5 where I hang out... the answer would be to get skilled at all 3 roles, since you'll only get first pick 1/3 of the time. But sadly, I'm not so good in lane. Since nobody wants to play support, it's all I end up playing—and I like the role, but my other skills stagnate from lack of practice, so if I do play lane (or even jungle where I'm rusty) the matchmaker thinks I'm way better than I am. Loss all but guaranteed... But I can't think of a solution. If it kept a different Elo rating for each role, you'd have to pick your role BEFORE matchmaking. Not really going to work.

    So what's the answer to that? Instalock the roles I'm worst at, as the only way to get real-world practice? We've all had THAT guy on the team... but it almost seems the game forces you to instalock roles you are bad at. So far I've refrained, and just settled for support nearly every game for weeks.
  7. Ty-Ty2020

    Ty-Ty2020 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
    Another issue is that it seems impossible to get to level 99 this season. I have yet to see a guild that's going to make it. My guild got to 99 in only half on last season but this time we are barely making it to 50. I don't know if they made it harder or not but now it's completely impossible
  8. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    They definitely changed that: XP progress for guilds is MUCH slower now. The TouchArcade has been far more active this season than last, plus we got a late start last season. And yet we made Level 20 last season—and will be lucky to pass 16 this season.

    I don't think they like giving out ICE!

    They should really have the rewards increase a little with EVERY level, so there's always an incentive. Right now, further incentives have become mostly out of reach as the season end approaches.
  9. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    What's up with all of the dual laning right now. I've seen more of it in the past week than I did in the 2 months prior.
  10. Ty-Ty2020

    Ty-Ty2020 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
    Hmmm that's interesting. I haven't seen dual laning since September. That had better not be coming back.
  11. Angmodurian

    Angmodurian Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    I soloed too to POA then i grinded with my team to vainglorious so i know what i am talking about. I have multiple accounts too i dont know how they count the MMR. Accounts with many wins ALWAYS get shit team mates. I am talking about a few hundred wins. Probably the game think u are so godlike u can carry 2 players with somewhat dysfunctional mentality to victory. Well good game but really this game doesnt bring me joy anymore. This tier system is a total farce.
  12. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    The new hero sounds pretty cool. Should be video of her in the next few days/weeks
  13. Nekko

    Nekko Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2014
    I swear to god I'm beginning to question the mentality and sanity of solo queue players in ranked mode. I just played and lost a match. I was playing support (Catherine) and bought Ironguard first, like always. For some goddamn insane reason, the guy I was in jungle with (Blackfeather) decides to buy Ironguard as well. "This isn't THAT bad", I thought to myself, it wouldn't matter who last hits, since we both will still get gold. This jackass of a player starts to spam pings at me whenever I last hit jungle creeps. Long story short, Blackfeather was hot garbage and we got destroyed. Worst part is, he spammed pings at me all match long, as if it was my fault, as if his awful 3/6/2 KD was any better than mine.
  14. Ty-Ty2020

    Ty-Ty2020 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
    you shouldn't take the last hits even with two iron guards
  15. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    Just had a ringo who rage-pinged every time I (support) or the jungler would eat some minions WHILE HE WAS DEAD that the turret was just about to kill anyway. If we didn't kill them, the turret is vulnerable to the enemy, and the laner could NOT get their gold no matter what, since he was dead and they were right up on the turret.

    And he spent a lot of time dead, while the enemy pushed aggressively, so this was a constant issue.

    When he finally decided we weren't just going to give our turrets to the enemy the way he wanted(?), he took revenge by following us around the jungle last-hitting our beasts.

    How I wish guild folks had been on instead! Solo really is rough.
  16. Angmodurian

    Angmodurian Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    Thats the reason i muted 95% of games. Its always those dudes that got killed raged ping me but as soon as i carry them to victory, i got honored? Lol seriously ping me every minute but the mute button is always handy. I am used to muting people since League of legends days. Every MOBA is filled with toxic players, if they rage ping u = 99% noob lol.

    Well the only suggestion in your case is if you see your BF is disfunctioning completely, mute him & go for offensive build already. If your laner is good (laner is the most important role of the game), you guys will have a good chance when initiating a good 3v3 engage. It really only takes one lucky engage at late game (around 15 min mark) to get you enough time to rush their bases & win. If people would have been halfway decent, this game doesnt really need skill at all, just good positioning & one lucky attempt at team engage to win it all. Your team can get many kills but u can still lose at that last engage ;)
  17. Angmodurian

    Angmodurian Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    #877 Angmodurian, Mar 25, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
    Yeah it was much better last time when guild rewards arent implemented. I played this game since early launch so i know. Back then more good players solo because there's no incentive to party, now they DO have greatly by accumulating guild points. The dev is making this game worse somehow unfortunately for solo players. Given the current situation, i would say 99% of good players provided already rare being recruited into various guilds already. Therefore, what soloers get are just being cannon fodders for these team games. Yes when i soloed, i get matched 80% of the time with pre mades. Well i can beat anything as long as the two team mates arent giving free gold + exp within 5 mins of the game. The pool of solo players are probably unskilled leftovers that are unwanted by guilds, you get the idea...

    This game has totally changed, i cant seem to play casual anymore. You cant just pick up, launch the game & play. You are delivered frustrating experience where i could have been having a better time doing other leisure activities. Its very sad, i used to play competitive with my own teams but its just tiring & you have to deal with many elitism of the elite folks thats why i took a long break & only play casual. Well i just uninstalled the game a few days ago after losing around 5 games straight at solo games. Really kudos to the Matchmake that can force a vainglorious player to lose 5 games in a row with every game carrying totally. I am talking about 10 kills 1 deaths sort of score...90% of those loss caused by players afking the game after feeding 6-8 deaths with 0 kills. Furthermore, those folks still wanted to take lane at the start (Oh my). Played my account to SA tier after the server reset but dropped it to hotness after all these mayhem lol. You can understand getting afkers at decentish level, well i actually had a wonderful time at decentish tier because i meet less trolls like these compared to soloing on higher tiers....well too bad next time pls party up when you play ;)
  18. Angmodurian

    Angmodurian Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
    The only way to sort the matchmake is really by democratic voting method. I suggested this on forum & probably SEMC heeded that advice but twsited my original plan. I advised them to allow opposing teams to judge the skill level of one another after a completed game. This will allow players to really play within their skill tier level. For example if you see this player play like an POA level but he is being matched to your hotness tier, you can vote him up & if he receives 5 votes of that his tier will rise to POA & he will go against POA teams. Ally team mates cannot vote each other, you can only vote your enemy so very little flaming will occur. This is just gonna be fair & enjoyable for all players, it makes no sense to have that useless tier that do not accurately judge the player skill level. I have seen players with SA tier but play like a Not Bad tier. Yes i added them just to see, well sadly its true. The game is very simple. If you get outskilled by your opponents thats pretty much it because it is a 3v3 game.

    I heard they are going to introduce 5v5, probably will give soloers a bit of chance because there are now more sklls combination. Well i dont think its going to change much either if you have pre mades versus soloers, the odds are still going to slide towards pre mades. Especially if u have dudes with SA tier that play like a not bad tier, oh well...
  19. Ty-Ty2020

    Ty-Ty2020 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
    Wow the rage is real
  20. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    5v5 would be awesome! Where'd you hear that?

    There's a new quick mode coming (new map?) next Wednesday too.

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