Depends on your device. IOS users should have gotten Koshka yesterday night (at least in East Coast USA, not sure about your location)
FWIW, the way I read it, you have to play a game to unlock it, not just log in (unlike red envelope daily glory). I don't think you have to win, just play.
I have found true love in Reim. He plays just like Jaina from HotS and that makes me happy. Had an abandoner in a game I just played and me and a Fortress almost beat the three of them. Hahahaah he does work in late game. Anyone wanna play today? I'll be available throughout and wanna contribute to guild games.
Actually you do not need to play a game. Simply logging in on a device will unlock the corresponding hero. I already owned Koshka, but I can confirm that I unlocked Ringo by logging in via BlueStacks.
Yeah reim is definitely strong this patch. His fortified health makes him crazy and it's really hard to die as him.
Yeah at first I honestly was extremely dissappinted but as I played with him more I loved him. Try playing him with fortress. It really helps with sticking to people.
What about daily reset? When you can get 100 honor for your first victory. At what tome does it happen?
Correct. (And when daylight savings time kicks in, it will become 8pm Eastern.) Special events like double glory don't always follow that same schedule. The recent single-day double glory, for instance, went from 11am Eastern to the following morning 24 hours later. Luckily, the announcement on the SEMC site included that detail! By the way, talk about cutting the 7pm deadline close... I played for 6.5 hours on Sunday and only managed two wins. I wanted my third to get the double glory! A little before 6:30 I started a match and knew it was my last chance. And I lost again! At 6:45 I started another game for the heck of it. Long shot. I won! I looked at my iPhone and it was JUST ticking over to 7pm. And I got my third win doubled (I'm pretty sure it's the win time, not the game-start time, that matters. Probably the moment the vain starts to shatter, since that's the moment the results go to the server, and even if you crash during the shatter you still get your rewards.)
Ardan is the best roamer IMO. It's so satisfying to land that perfect gauntlet or to make that clutch vanguard save.
I personally think Catherine is the best supporter. It's an amazing feeling when you're imagining the enemy's face as their attacks barely manage to chip away at your Stormguard shield. That and easily soloing Kraken, at least before it got buffed.
Hmm... It sounds like the best things about Catherine are all about... Catherine! And the best things about Ardan are about the team... I'm biased. When all I had was Catherine, I kind of hated playing Support. And it wasn't her fault--at that time nobody knew how to BE supported (Ironguard), and nobody would ever lock Support so I had to do it by default.
Yeah, to be honest, the only support Catherine gives is stunning and silencing enemies (I guess you could also consider her as a meat shield, ever since Kestrel was released ). You pretty much have to rely heavily on items if you want to support your team with her. As a matter of fact, when I first started playing Catherine, I wasn't really supporting my teammates, I played pretty aggressively and offensively instead.
I agree completely. I play roam as cath early game but late game I feel like my own carry since everyone kills themselves with my shield.
Ugh! If you pick roam then know that you need to pick up ironguard contract. Played 2 games in a row where someone chose roam and then just stayed in the lane and never picked up ironguard. Wtf is wrong with people.
I just started playing again, and it took me a while to get the hang of things(still am), but I always pick that when I play taka.
Taka is normally a jungle hero (see the roles for each hero in the academy), although advanced players do try other things with the roles! Ironguard is meant specifically for a support role: healing and defending teammates, and taking damage so they survive. BTW, Cards Crazy 8 starts tonight at 7pm US Eastern. 24 hours to get 8 wins and get better and better cards. No "commons"! And at 11AM Eastern tomorrow begins another 24 hours of double glory. The scoop: