Don't worry: taking the mine early wasn't a huge deal, because then the enemy would just take theirs, and it would even out. I believe EFord already removed people who joined long ago and never played. Newer joins seem to still be there, in hopes that they'll start. It's in his hands. (And I'm not sure how much info the guild leader has to work with. Can he tell how long ago someone joined?) You're right, that affects guild "heat" rewards.
Picked up Reim today and he seems ok. Haven't had a chance to use him in a match yet though. So I'm assuming he's all about crystal builds and little to no damage upgrades. Anyone have some insight on this? Thanks!
I like Reim but damn he really feels underwhelming. He doesn't have enough burst dps to hang with Taka and Koshka and doesn't have the survivability of Ardan or Krul and doesn't have the mobility of Fortress. He seems pretty good in early to mid game but in the later stages his lack of mobility and burst dps really leaves him in a bad spot.
I don't own Reim but in practice mode I liked that he had both melee attacks and long-range (since the cooldown on the ice spire is so quick). People say he takes too much damage and doesn't deal enough. But he has a LOT of power to slow/freeze you and keep you that way, if he gets close, so if played well I would think that compensates. Almost seems like he could be a Support, to me.
Cool to play with y'all! We got shut down, but it was nice to hang with TA folks and not randoms for a change! "Sleeply" in game in case anyone needs a partner. Cheers!
Just played a team in ranked that had to be using vent or Skype or something to communicate. They were way too coordinated to be 3 strangers/friends in a match. We lost in less than 10 minutes. ARGH!!!!!
Curious how much $ people have spent on this. I'm close to 2 months in and have spent $30. Not because I had to but because I've enjoyed it so much and there were heroes I wanted right away. This and Hearthstone are the only free games that I've invested in. Probably spend more in the near future #
I want to spend money to support them, but have had no need to game-play-wise. So I will probably buy ICE for a seasonal skin (the one thing you can never get with Glory or time). None of the ones so far have grabbed me—at least not for heroes I actually play. A seasonal Ardan or Koshka would be cool, since I play them most and yet don't like any of their normal skins. So far I have not spend any real $. I have about 83,000 Glory saved up. I have bought 8 heroes with Glory, and a few card packs, but still not enough to actually have any skins. When a Glory Box containing almost entirely skins I want shows up, I'll buy a bunch and see if I can get a Tier I skin. I own Ringo, Koshka, Celeste, Kestrel, Joule, Ardan, Petal and Catherine. I could probably do with learning them better and better before I branch out even more, but Taka and Phinn interest me some. I have a little ICE that I won (250) on the TouchArcade stream. Too little to buy anything with, but I'll more ICE when I see a skin I want! I don't spend ICE on heroes—waiting a week is fine by me. Even if I bought a lot of ICE, though, it would be good value for hours played! As for voice coordination, some consider it cheating. (I don't, since it's been an optional part of multiplayer for 2 decades; some people have an external advantage, be it a bigger screen, faster computer/connection, or VOIP.) That said, I have never done it in Vainglory. I think it could be fun, but of course the most fair would be if both teams had it.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking as far as a future purchase. Would be for a skin for a favorite hero or 2.
That seems pretty cray that you have that many heroes and bank and no skins yet. Five thou or so should be enough to get enough cards to destroy and craft the right ones for at least one skin. I really, really need to branch out. I've absolutely nailed Catherine to a T, but I'm too cowardly to venture into any other players other than Kestrel when a Laner is absolutely needed (though I still prefer playing Cath as a Laner if necessary). I reckon I could pull off Taka's disappearing act quite well, and Koshka seems fairly intuitive, but there are too many Koshka players out there to make it worth investing in her.
Interesting--I haven't done the math but 5000 sounds low for a skin. That's cool if you're right! I've only bought about 3000 worth of cards so far--and have destroyed none. Eventually I may have to, but if I can build up the cards to use as is, that's more efficient than recycling them. I can be patient, since as I say I don't like the existing skins for the heroes I play most. May as well wait and save up my cards, then! I do like the Celest skin and I player her most in lane, but my lane skills have fallen behind my jungling and support, and I'm not sure what laners I'll end up sticking with. PS buy Koshka if you want her. You need to own lane, jungle and support heroes, and if someone else already has taken jungle then it doesn't matter, but if jungle is left untaken, Koshka is a fine choice to use.
I feel like the melee characters are so much easier to use than the ranged. Melee being jungle/support and lane being ranged characters. There is just so much hit and run involved with the lane characters they need a lot more attention for them to be successful. Just my observation.
Looks like heroes are about to go on sale--along with the draft mode and tougher miners. And Ozo looks pretty cool! They are really cranking out new heroes absurdly quickly. I kind of hope it slows down! I'm looking at picking up Adagio, Taka and Phinn if prices drop. I'll have 4 each of jungler, laner and support. Assuming I like Ozo which I expect to. It sounds like ironguard will need to be used a little differently, which would be hell in solo queue. I'll try to stick to guild games! Two tips for getting into a guild game: 1. Each time you're ready to play, wait just 2-3 minutes to see if a guild member appears in green on your friend list. And 2. The Notify button at the bottom of your friends list will invite people who are NOT even logged in! Only those have Starred you and wish to be notified. But try it, and wait a few minutes: someone may show up And remember, don't surrender guild games. You get XP for a loss, but not for a surrender.
Don't know how people get into the third tier of ranked but still have no idea how iron guard contract works. 2 games today where I had iron guard but the jungler either wouldn't follow me to help kill things or they would just attack things before me. C'mon man!!
Haha I know what you mean, Fangbone. It won't be any better now that tougher jungle beasts will require Support to not take all the aggro anymore. Anyway, tons of Lunar New Year perks about to hit, so everyone be sure to play in the days ahead! (EDIT: servers are back up. Hero sales seem to be fluctuating from moment to moment, but it's not all of them on discount. Only one I don't own--Skaarf. On the bright side, the discount is large!) I may buy the $50 ICE pack. That's nearly enough for 4 seasonal skins, and there are other ways to earn a bit of ICE to make the difference. Besides, I only pay 80% of the price of everything on the App Store and iTunes anyway.
But the way, guild glory rewards now shown are really low! Fear not, SEMC says its only a display error and will be fixed. I can't help but think it sounds like a subtle backpedal rather than a bug fix, but either way, the 4-digit glory rewards should be back by season end! Anyone played Draft mode yet? It's being rolled out slowly and I have not seen it first hand.
Ok, this weekend, I'm going to try and play enough to gain 3 and a half levels so I can start playing in Ranked (I just need level 10). I don't really know how feasible that is, but I want to start contributing to the Guild more, and I can't do that in Casual. I have the 8 characters needed (Arden, Catherine, Fortress, Celeste, Kestrel, Skye, Vox and now Koshka) I just need the account levels.
Not so sure I like the changes that have been made. They changed a lot. How the builds are made, how much damage the characters are doing, how much damage the mobs are doing, how the ironguard contract works, etc. Before the changes I could easily get at least 10 kills with Krul now I'm lucky to get 7. Guess I'll have to play more this weekend and see.
I'm cautiously optimistic about the new changes, but time will tell. Remember, what makes things tougher on your team makes it tougher on the enemy too--we just have to learn to leverage that! We do seem to play a lot of Ranked, but we are happy to go Casual as well, so don't let that stop you! PS PSA: double glory on Sunday. Might even start the previous evening, based on past instances. No red envelope bonuses yet, but the guild rewards have been fixed, and Joule/Ardan/Skaarf are on discount.