So I lost great karma because somebody for some reason reported me as leaving a match as I got a message after it about leaving matches will get you banned but I've never left any..... Still getting annoyed by rude pings and idiots and tried a few groups where you have elitist idiots who moan about anything you do yet they die constantly and do worse than you anyway? Although I feel the problem for me is to go up rank I need a good team but to find decent players I have to be higher up anyway so am stuck with idiots until I never played at all with season 0 and started from the bottom. If the levels and cards ect were in game when I started though it would be crazy how much I'd have as I played constantly. Anyone have any tips on Vox? Started trying him yesterday for the first time and went crystal build which it said was for wearing down multiple enemies but I sucked, think I'll try weapon next. Started playing Catherine too who I haven't played in forever and I can see why so many use her as she's very helpful and pretty fun to play, I possibly like her more than Ardan. Seeing a lot of Phinn builds with weapon power now, he's extremely tough his slam is insane even as a support build but as the fact you can barely stun or slow him.
I use the mute function fairly often now which I don't like doing as I can't see if they actually stop being idiots and show something properly. Looking for EU players still to play with though, have over 500 wins on my account and getting use to the game again now.
I'll unmute later in the game, just to see if maybe their meds kicked inUNLESS they started out really awful with the spam, and then it's perma-mute. Sometimes I'll even mute someone who's not spamming or flaming, but simply making no sense whatsoever. They may be trying their honest best to communicate, but it comes across as nonsense. So eventually I may mute them so I'm only paying attention to the other player. What I really bemoan is that there's no more Warn or Avoid ping. People suddenly started using Warn to mean the same thing as Go Here. And yet other people still use to mean Danger or Avoid. So the ping, once so important, is now useless: it's meaning is known only to the sender.
Yeh I understand that one! So many people don't use the right pings for the right meaning. I especially hate the purple question mark when people spam it on you either A when your in the jungle and didn't by some miracle fly to the lane to save them or B your in the lane and didn't fly to the other side of the jungle to save them leaving your turrets unguarded to the enemy that's in the lane still. People use the purple way too much. My other issue is when you make it out of a fight basically dead but people keep pinging for you to get back into the group of 3 enemies all on your own and die? People seem to often want you to of course there are times where sacrificing yourself is worth it trying to buy time on the gold mine or for a turret ect but if your in a team fight fighting for nothing and barely escape with your life it's pointless to go back and die....yet I've found myself doing it a few times just because I get ping spammed. Yet you rarely get praise....I literally won the game for us yesterday and not one person give me thumbs up, they just got the kraken and were heading to our base my two team mates decided to go fight the kraken which is fair enough it bought me time, but we were already on their crystal so as a sneaky Phinn? I managed to get into their base and finish it off just before we were about the lose.
Found a great Glaive to play with today and I did Catherine for all of the games and won 4 out of 5 games today. All I need now is a good laner although he says he doesn't get to play very often : ( I really hate getting stuck in the lane these days I don't often find it fun anymore.
That's funny, it's the opposite for me, every solo queue game I get stuck with people who lock instantly on Lane, forcing me to improve my terrible Jungle game... If you still need a laner hit me up for a game, my IGN is KidsEatFree. I just joined the Touch Arcade [NA] guild thanks to Mr. Ford. Skaarf is my main and I play him whenever possible, and I'm working on Fortress as crystal tank.
My gosh I cannot stand my idiotic teammates anymore in solo queue. I played with a ringo (I was taka) IN A RANKED. He didn't lane. All he did was follow me then last hit my minion camps taking the gold.
Every. Single. Time. It's not that I'm bad with jungle (Kohska's probably my best) but I'm also good with lane (Celeste/Ringo) and by rights I should get the fun and variety of playing Lane about 1/3 of the time! But I rarely do, because I've been unwilling to instalock. Someone almost always instalocks lane... and it's a bad sign for their skill level. And then, essentially, we have no Laner as often as not, just an angry feeder who rage pings and steals jungle farm. And there I am, yet again, forced to lane with Koshka...
Yup so many retards out there I've been stuck doing lane and main jungle as both Ardan and Phinn. Jungle isn't so bad but the lane isn't too great as them. Had a petal today that was terrible and then just kept pinging constantly then decided they wanted to jungle instead of lane. I understand helping the lane when needed early game and a lot more mid-late game but I hate it when they expect you to be there constantly for every fight. I've often won games for my team just because the enemy team all fights in the lane and instead of joining I jungle farm quickly on both sides and end up a level 12 krul while everyone's still level 7 and then just lock them out of the jungle. But unfortunately today I gave in to the pings and the enemy got a joule well out levelling us
U can't win going soloq in this game anymore. This suck but I hate the tier compression so much. Noobs and trolls plague this game, guess it's time for me to delete and move on
Yeh I'm guessing the guys that aren't complete retards are higher up in the ranks yet my problem is I was away so long I started right at the bottom and can't get higher because I pair with idiots....I consistently outperform allies and enemies but of course do meet people better than me too but you can't win a game on your own even if you get 20+ kills and only die a few times if your stuck with morons you've lost. Getting irritated lately by people going for the kraken too early when the enemy team is all up and nearby....also wishing for a fu** you ping to be added to the game as I get so tired of people that don't know what I'm doing following them as support and keep pinging me and just general idiots pinging.
I found the tier compression actually helped me--or SOMETHING did, because since 1.9 the matchmaking problems have been maybe half what they were. Still annoying, but an improvement. At the end of the day, though it's not much fun having allies OR enemies who are much worse—or much better—than you are. The ideal is a close match-up of 6 equal players (and ALL being in Parties or NONE). It happens... occasionally And it's a LOT less frustrating now that I have my No Third Wins policy. Playing that much in one day is bound to aggravate me!
That's probably a good idea, over the weekend I played for the whole night Saturday and Sunday as I had nothing better to do. You still earn glory so slowly though also the cards for skins.
Perhaps I'm burned out with this game. Delete it for now and spend more time outside will probably help. Finger cross for some improvement with the match making in 1.10. If not I'm pretty much done with this
You shouldn't give up, don't you have any fun with it? Even though there are things that annoy me from time to time or daily I still have a lot of fun on the game. Besides when I drop rank because of poor allies I wipe the floor with nearly everyone and get back up easy.
Given that Rona is a rather... uhm, faithful recreation of and homage to Sonya, from mechanics to ripping barbarian physique and hairdo, I'm kinda hoping Super Evil Megacorp will ri... uhm, recommence Illidan next The unique combination of almost exclusively mobility(/escape/chase/avoidance)-focused abilities, super-low cooldowns, and no mana costs (= lots and lots of jumping about the place) makes for the most entertaining and engaging MOBA character I've ever played (together with weird and weirdly brilliant Abathur). I think this new archetype would be a good fit for Vainglory.
Rona can be pretty awesome, I like using Ardan more than Cathrine sometimes because it's nice to not worry about mana and have endless rage. Did anyone actually buy a Halloween skin? I think they are a good idea but the price band seemed a bit steep to me, the leat they could have done is lowered it to the closest ICE package although that's still too much to me. Something like £2.99 maybe....I bet they would make more through selling more than at a higher price.