I always just fork out the money for tier one and save the cards for tiers two and three. It'll take a while to get the cards but with the card crafting mechanic it is a bit easier. Not much, but a bit. Still too har to get tier 3 in my opinion.
Teams and Solo have never been seperated ij the past. Hopefully they will be in the near future... It is relatively inexpensive to buy a Tier I skin and there are a lot of players who have crafted Tier I skins that haven't spent a dime. Some have even crafted Tier II for free (don't know about III). Just convert your higher cards of heroes you don't play into essence and then make the cards you need.
So since I haven't been keeping up to date with the game for a while, the hero roster keeps growing but have they ever mentioned anything about a new map or 5v5? I'm not sure they will ever do 5v5 but new maps would be nice, it's been a while.
Yeh I've been playing with that, but I mean a whole new map not just a skin. It's nice that they did it though. It's funny how I have good days and bad days on this yesterday I won 5 games in a row today I won 1 then lost 3! All mainly because I keep getting people that either don't know what they are doing and do things they shouldn't or get a holes that just instantly pick whatever they want regardless of what others are showing they want to pick and then don't even do the job they chose! Most notably today I was waiting on Ardan and someone picked Catherine as roam so I changed my choice and then their item choices were diabolacle with no support and poor damage off the player. What happened to the trolling option when you want to rate people down anyway?
I would love to join someone's guild here. The guild I'm in is not active at all. I play at least once a day often 3.
If anyone has an EU guild like posted above my names Dagon in game. Mainly play Ardan but also enjoy Krul, Adagio, Taka, Ringo, Skarrf and Celeste, I'm probably forgetting some. I do play others of course as I've got everyone unlocked but aren't as practiced with them at the minute. Keep getting bored playing as Ardan all the time now so try to let others pick first and then fill the spot that's left. Really enjoyed Koshka and Glavie a few times. I love support but Fortress, Catherine and Adagio all don't seem as helpful as Ardan.
Hey, so is there a NA guild yet? I don't play every night (I'm a parent of two young kids) but I consider myself active/casual. 108 wins and I play a mean Skaarf. I'm definitely ready for a more... "consistent" experience outside the solo queue...
Is it just me that gets so irritated with your own players you wish they were with you so you could punch them in the face? It's so annoying when you play support and get spammed with purple question marks when your following the jungler at the start letting them get all finishing blows because you have iron guard but they don't understand what your doing. Plus just in general when someone doesn't understand what your doing and spam buttons.
It can be pretty painful! (I try NOT to get Third Win anymore, to limit the risk of having a bad matchup too many times in a row.) I almost always get a player instalocking Lane (meaning I rarely get to play Lane because I'm not rude enough to instalock). Half the time they then turn out to be terrible at laning.... The problem is that people get matched with people who are not of similar skill level (allies and enemies alike). I'm not sure what could be done about that other than growing the player base. (Also I hope your allies' Elo is taken into account when adjusting yours. If not, that's a tweak they could make.)
I've wanted to get into MOBAs for a long time (in a self-aware, reluctant, self-conscious, knowing-I-really-shouldn't sorta way ), but always been deterred by match lengths. However, neither of the new speed MOBAs for iOS (Call of Champions and Ace of Arenas) really did it for me, for a variety of peculiar and probably highly unjustifiable reasons. (I did have some fun in the HotS beta, probably because the different focus and low champion build treshold somehow offset the match lengths for me. Investing 20-50 minutes in a LoL match somehow seemed like a bigger hurdle when success and even having fun in those matches meant I also had to acquaint myself intimately with more equipment loadouts than a Vault Dweller with multiple personality disorder. Which is all rather contradictory, since I always extol the virtues of in-depth, complex games...) So, having recently gotten rid of my last ties to the broken, old world that weighted down our ancestors and bound them to static, sad lives (i.e., sold our PC and decided to rely entirely on my iPhone for all my computing, digital entertainment and communication needs)... ...what match timers am I looking at in Vainglory? From graphics and presentation, developer support and community to champion mechanics and ability effects, it really does seem like the mobile MOBA to participate in. I think half my desire to get into MOBAs right now is driven by the fact that Vainglory just seems like such a durned polished, awesome product. So if you can tear yourself from all the fun in Vainglory I am not currently having, help bring me into the fold
20–25 minutes is about right for VG. Could be longer; more likely shorter (at least when you're just starting). I was a complete MOBA newbie and enjoyed getting into VG; it has a learning curve, but you're matched with people (more or less) at the same point in the curve, and you will still win about 50% of the time even as a newbie. I found Ringo (lane) to be the simplest to start with; but you usually want only one lane player and two in the jungle, so if lane is taken, pick a jungler (I'm partial to Koshka). Master a couple heroes while watching and learning what the others do so you can defend against them. I found Call of Champions much harder to get into; seemed like a learning wall, one I'm not sure I'll put much more time into. (Too bad! On paper it sounded awesome.) VG has in-game tutorial materials. Watch those, then branch out to YouTube videos, wiki guides, and searching the official forums. You'll get the hang of it!
Only got a few minutes but Adam made a good post, realistically you can win in 10-15 but that's unlikely to happen often. It's more like 20-25 as he said and I'd hardly played any moba besides a Warcraft one years ago in sure that was real? But anyway yes this game is awesome and polished and I highly recommend giving it a try. I suggest you watch a hero spotlight first too as it'll give you a better idea of what to do. I know it makes you do a practice game anyway, but then with the available heroes if you read their skills and pick one you like the sound of and watch the spotlight it'll help. Krul was my first main hero and I still use him fairly often now, he's great against anyone that can't kill you in a few seconds. I've often won games just because I'm Krul and approaching 30 kills in a game. But then sometimes you have a bad day being jumped by a Koshka and Taka and have 0 chance if they are good.
I haven't touched Ranked in v1.9, but I will say the matchmaking in Casual does seem improved. Maybe Casual got an invisible Elo compression similar to the Tier compression in Ranked? (I'm curious to try Ranked now and see if it's still terrible for solo queuers.)
This game is perfect for new to moba-ers.... I've watched tons of LoL but never played due to family interference . So playing a mobile equivalent on air 2 is great!! I just started a couple of weeks ago and hit lol 13 last night. Starting out, the route I took was lane with ringing/saw... Ringo is much easier on learning because of mobility, saw is frustratingly slow but also very powerful early. When I got brave I went with glaive and taka in jungle and started learning the ins and outs of fast dps and evasion. Read some of the wiki on builds though, because the recommended equipment will help but is not always the best route to take when building. Catherine is my latest project, I enjoy the protector role but it's definitely much more difficult. I get lots of frowns on game but I stick to casual until I feel that I have a good grasp on the build.
Support is interesting—I'm new-ish at it (Catherine) but I also run into players who don't know how to BE supported. There's a lot of info out there on each Support hero, but it's aimed at MOBA pros. Very little info out there about Support as a role in general, for MOBA newcomers. Here's what I've come to: As Support, getting gold, XP, kills or turrets are not your mission. Your mission is: - Use Ironguard and ALWAYS first-hit, NEVER last-hit. Everyone gets a gold bonus that way. - Take damage so your teammates stay healthy. (Ironguard and defense items will keep you strong.) - Stun the enemy, focusing on the most dangerous one. - Heal and Block for your whole team: build Fountain, Crucible etc. - Keep vision on the enemy: mines and flares (I like Contraption for this, late-game). Put (some) mines where the enemy will walk past WITHOUT stepping on them, and then you won't have to keep replacing them. Flare or mine places where the enemy has been hiding. - Help your jungler first, your laner as needed. FWIW, attached are my current builds. I don't follow them blindly, but they are a starting point and an aid to memory so I can shop quicker, when I've been away from a character for a while. Good thing I have two iPads (I use my own iPad/iPhone app DotSpace to create these draggable builds. If anyone wants the app, Message me for a promo code.) The build I have been using for Catherine I now want to try (modified slightly) with Support Joule. (Ignore Petal in my builds--out of date.)
Hey guys I started a team named jazzee and I'm lookin for new members. If you're interested, add me in-game at TA_FRnchFRy. Also, please pm me your main 3 heroes on TA. I'm looking mainly for members that can be active and who will join team parties whenever possible. I'm tired of getting on teams while soloing that don't know their roles. Anyways, lookin forward to meeting some new members. Main 3: 1.) Catherine supp 2.) Taka jungle 3.) Vox lane or jungle
You forgot to say which server your doing a group on. I like the post on support you have a pretty good grasp of what your job is and yes I agree there are so many people that don't know how to be supported....I just wonder am I really that bad that these morons are at the same rank as me?? I still often get infuriated solo queue getting put against teams or having complete morons or useless people. Only takes 1 to lose.
Sorry I forgot to post that XD. I'm on NA. Currently have 3 members Edit: also, that's why I think there should be a 5v5 map update so that if 1 person drops out or falls behind, it's not gonna ruin the entire outcome of the game. There would need to be some rebalancing but I think SEMC can handle that.