Universal Vainglory - (by Super Evil Megacorp)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    I read a comment somewhere that you could play against bots, but the menu system is so unintuitive I am not sure if I am missing the option or if it doesn't exist. Is there an option to play full 3v3 matches with bots like FF?
  2. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Honestly I thought the interface is very well done and seamless and the only aesthetic I'd like to change are the actual turrets maybe the bases as I do prefer a fantasy theme to mechanical ect but that's just preference.

    Battles can be tactical and are as long as you aren't ganked by a team, but I've still had times I've beat 2 or 3 players all together.

    But I am excited for the game to see where they take it with updates and maps, different maps could change the gameplay quite a lot depending on what they do with it.
  3. Kirenx

    Kirenx Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2012
    The in-game interface is more of an issue due to the size and location of the different buttons. This is more something that comes up when compared to FF, although I know the placement of the skill buttons is a common complaint on the VG forums. As I don't have a hand that comes out of my stomach, I do hope they add an option to have the skills on the side so I can hold my IPad more naturally like most games allow.

    When I talk about the poorly designed interface though, I generally am referring to the menu outside of the gameplay. It is not intuitive by any means. There is so much information and different links crammed under each heading, much of which brings you out of game when selected, and none of it is organized in any logical sense, forcing players to navigate and attempt links often at random to find something that may be useful to them. The menu to start a match is bizarre, as the options are inconsistent. Public Match throws you directly into a game when selected, Training brings you into a mini menu, Practice puts you into the character select screen without any options, and Party automatically puts you into a solo party that you have to leave or recruit from to continue. This is not a straightforward system for new players who are looking for or exploring specific game options. There are complaints that people decline matches, but this is likely because they don't expect the match to start when they select the option as none of the other links in that menu start a match right away.
  4. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Ah yes inside the game it works perfectly for me but I'm on an iPhone I don't know what it's like with an iPad, rather than forcing everyone's controls to change they should just leave them were they are but add the ability for players to move the map and buttons to wherever they please.

    Outside of the game I agree it could be organised a bit better and it would be nice if the news didn't take you out the game so you can read some while you wait, although my wait times are always just 1 minute now.

    Still enjoying this game though, squeezing in a fair few games on weekends but struggling to get the time for my 3 wins a day during the week due to work.

    Sadly can't try or play Fates Forever for me : ( but I have high hopes for this, only time will tell if they prove to be good devs or not, they have an amazing base from which to build though.
  5. Adams Immersive

    Adams Immersive Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 5, 2008
    Freelance interactive design and programming
    #285 Adams Immersive, Nov 24, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
    Newb Q's of the day:

    1. When there's a chain of Shop upgrades (left to right, cheap to expensive, connected by a white line), buying a cheap item usually makes the higher items cost less; it's like you're buying just "part of" the highest item, which is nice beacause you don't have to sit on your gold until you can afford the last item. You can buy a lower item and not feel like gold has been wasted. BUT.... sometimes, a lower item will NOT make the higher item cost less, and then I DO regret the purchase. Question: What's the difference? How can you tell when a lower item will be credited towards the higher item, and when it won't be?

    2. Any tips for "running away" when you're outmatched and have no Turret to help you? Some Heroes just cannot fight certain others (or your Minions may have died leaving a Turret in your face). Or you're just low on health and need to teleport. In those case when you simply cannot kill a given enemy, fleeing/kiting seems to be the only option. BUT... you cannot shoot back while fleeing. The chaser is able to attack constantly--they can move AND fight. But you cannot; you can move OR fight (which I know is realistic: people attack facing forward). Question: What's the most strategic thing to do when fleeing? It seems like death is inevitable, so I just try to run in the most useless direction on the map--that way, I waste the enemy's time walking back again after I die. (Or they might even choose not to go that way, and let me live!) Anything else you can do?

    Got it! And to help my fellow newbies with something that wasn't clear at first (please correct me if I still misunderstand):

    Crystal Power and Crystal Energy are two different things!

    - Crystal Power is the amount of damage/effect that your 3 Abilities have. Boost your Crystal Power to make abilities more powerful.

    - Crystal Energy is the "ammo" or "fuel" used by your 3 Abilities. It's almost as though Abilities actually have two simultaneous "cooldowns" in a sense... One is a cooldown timer (easy to understand) that applies to each individual Ability. The other is a near-invisible tiny blue line under your health bar (also appears as a gray line beneath your Abilities)--this is your Crystal Energy, and it's a common resource used by ALL your 3 Abilities, but each Ability needs a different amount of it. It restores on its own (faster if you upgrade accordingly) and if you don't have enough "fuel" for a certain ability, it shows a lightning-bolt icon. Around the icon is a white ring which is simply another way of showing your energy bar--but in reverse, like a cooldown: when the bar reaches zero and disappears, you have enough energy for that one Ability. I think this could all be clearer (like not using blue, gray AND white in different places as your Energy indicator) but it's simple once you know.

    They must have meant Play > Practice. You can try out a character with no pressure because the only "bots" are the two sides' Minions. No bot Heroes--it's a "one on zero" match, but that means you're free to mine gold, play with upgrades, and test your Abilities. I find it a VERY useful tool, rather than floundering randomly to figure stuff out during a real game.

    P.S. I like the UI personally! My only gripe is the seemingly useless "Accept" screen. If anyone Declines, I wish the screen would just go away and bump you back to the menu at once... Instead, it waits for the circle to complete, but with orange Decline dots, it's doomed to failure. (And then I'm left to wonder why have Accept/Decline at all? Kind of a needless in-between screen.)
  6. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I can answer some. From my experience only fight when fleeing either if you can kite a melee with a ranged unit or if you actually believe you're strong enough to kill them (Takais good at this.). If you buy enough time you can actual heal enough to fight back. But don't get hasty. Dying is worse than fleeing.

    Other things you can do is run toward a teammate or ping to tell people you need help. If you're unsure of what to do, run to your own base and turrets. The enemy will give up if they have to wander too far as it's dangerous to go into enemy territory.

    Ps. I also hate the decline button. Why did you start up a matchmaking if you weren't planning to play? Seems ridiculous.
  7. VaroFN

    VaroFN Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2011
    In SFxT Mobile it's used to tell how laggy the match will be. If the accept/decline message seems to stutter a bit, the match will be laggy.

    I don't know if it's the same with Vainglory bcuz i4S.
  8. famousringo

    famousringo Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
    Okay, I think I know what's going on here. There are three tiers of items, basic, intermediate and top. Having a basic item will get you a discount on the intermediate items above it in the tree, and having an intermediate item will get you a discount on top items above it in the tree.

    If you end up getting both the basic item and the intermediate item in the same upgrade path, you will not get a discount for both, because the top level item is an upgraded intermediate item, which itself is an upgraded basic item.

    Make sense? I hope so, because there's an exception. Some intermediate items which combine to a top level item are upgraded from the same basic item. So you would get a discount for having one intermediate and one basic item, because that basic item could be upgraded to the other intermediate item before being combined to a top item.

    The only excuse I can think of is that it wastes less time of somebody drops on the matchmaking than if they drop on character selection. I'd rather lose 15 seconds of my life than two minutes. Yeah, I don't know why the hell people can't commit either.
  9. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    For the fleeing sometimes your actually better off just making a stand as sone heroes are hard to flee from so you might aswell give it a shot, sometimes you even win or at least hurt them them a lot.

    If you do flee having the second tier boots helps as once your running eventually you should edit combat if you stop attacking which will increase your move speed and also you can use the run boost.

    Running back to your turrets or base are the best bet, weaving through the forest is also great as they lose line of sight on you often and it buys you time to slip into a bush they may not think of, often I'll do that and hit teleport as soon as I get into a bush out of the way.

    As the other guy said ping your team too, when I see my team under attack and I'm playing the forest or have time on the lane I ping to tell them where to run and I head there to intercept. You can also ping yourself while running away or fighting just keep doing it and good team players will come to help you but unfortunately you get a lot of people that just play solo. If so just run towards them either they will help you or if not run off and let the enemy kill them. The last option is sad but sadly you often get stuck with useless players and using them as meatshields makes them useful.
  10. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
  11. Lucidra

    Lucidra Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    I almost never flee, Taka ALWAYS has a fighting chance :D
  12. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    The guy asked, I usually play Krul so don't need to flee unless I get jumped by all 3. Depends how good they have been all game too, for instance earlier i power levelled in the forest and hit 12 while they were all still level 8.

    Ended up singlehandedly winning the game with 201kills and 3 deaths while the rest of my team only had 3/3. Krul is my favourite but occasionally I'll swap for a change, not too keen on Taka yet but I'll try him more.
  13. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    If you can read this... Stop facechecking if you cant see the enemies on the map please. You know who you are.
  14. Lucidra

    Lucidra Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Wow shit 201 kills?! How?! That sounds amazing man the leveling section of Vainglory is a mystery to me actually since you don't actually see the physical bar and time seems to naturally give you exp as well. Hey Taka's great :) I haven't tried Krul either but he seems to have a bar that gives him temporary HP of some sorts. Played with good Kruls before, they were nigh hard to kill /:
  15. Lucidra

    Lucidra Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014

    How does one not see enemies on the map Ö :shock:
  16. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Bah typo sorry I meant to put 21 sadly my best is only 27 in one game so nowhere near 201!

    Yes Krul has an attack that gives a temporary health boost, his second adds stacks of weakness that makes your enemies attacks Wesker and when you trigger the ability it does massive damage and heals you a lot too. All of his attacks auto heal you too and the sword is great for running enemies or enemies triggering a special ability that you can stop with a stun.

    He also gets a speed boost and slows enemies with his first attack after hiding in the bushes for 3 seconds so he's good to jump people too.

    I agree about leveling sometimes I level when I'm not even fighting which is strange.
  17. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Oh for leveling, your leveling bar is REALLY THIN right below your abilities. Really hidden just like the energy bar. Both took me weeks to find..

    And from experience, you constantly gain points for leveling no matter what. Just killing things adds more to that. So you'll always be "leveling".
  18. Lucidra

    Lucidra Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Oh darn if you had 201 kills I would offer a sacrifice everyday to you to reach me how to do it! Yeah he seems to hit insanely hard /: probably one of the only heroes that can match Taka in a 1 on 1 situation! If I see a Krul early I'm gna run FAR FAAAAR away
  19. Lucidra

    Lucidra Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2014
    Not very intuitive hahaha would've expected better /: I would like physical numbers for health bars too but that may be asking too much.
  20. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Sadly early on Krul can't chase very well but once he gets the sword it's good if you get the 50% cool down rate which I usually buy.

    Although I do love glaive, koshka and Ringo for their ability to kill runners get pretty good kill counts with those.

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