I am not a MOBA person (I didn't even bother finishing the tutorial in DOTA 2) but I'm enjoying this. Definitely glad to have picked it up. On a side note, how is this compared to Fates Forever? I only played it once in the beta.
Fates Forever is much faster paced. Characters move, fight, and level faster than in Vainglory. Graphically they are about equal, however, I would say Fates Forever has flasher special moves. Vainglory has a far more interesting map, and while there is a single path from one base to the other, the "pve" zone offers a lot more incentive to explore than Fates Forevers. I find my initial impression is that they both scratch different itches, Vainglory sacrificing some of the accessibility that makes Fates Forever attractive to non-hardcore MOBA gamers, but adding a need for precession that will draw in gamers who want an experience closer to PC MOBAs. I find the interface in and out of game is far better in Fates Forever, but it has also been on the market longer and Vainglory will likely see a lot of patching as it is released to the full market. Right now I find Fates Forever more enjoyable to sit down an play a game or two, but Vainglory has the advantage of being new, and also seems like the type of game that has a lot of potential. Overall though, I don't see either game as superior enough to the other to dominate the mobile MOBA market. That may well change depending on which developer supports their game the most.
Wow. Thanks for spending the time to type all that! I'll definitely pick up FF on your recommendation. The info is very helpful and all very good to know.
Nice analysis. It sounds like it is a durned shame (and a loss of customers) that Fates Forever is not available for the iPhone, unlike Vainglory.
Don't forget this literally only just launched and is already this good, if it's well received I'm positive there will be more heroes and maps added in the future which would be very exciting! I have seen a few players do pretty well with petal, so far my best performances are with Krul, koshka, glaive and joule I suppose it's just a matter of play style but I don't think petal is OP as generally 9/10 unless it's a good player I'll crush petal. As for the other person mentioning unlocks when you buy the heroes with the valour your win or ice you buy you do keep them forever and can use them whenever you want. They did already tell me they plan to add more things to buy with valour so possibly they will add skins ect?
I'm on the USA servers, my name is mandoilgrand, feel free to add me. That goes for anyone else that wants to team up, kind of tired of the lack of communication in the game, playing with people that aren't strategic.
I do like the ping system but I understand. I saw you online and tried to send a request to play but you got off lol
What's annoying me at the moment isn't even the influx of noobs who are learning the game as that's fine but idiots that mess up the game. I keep getting people that go into the forest and try to steal all your last hit kills on mobs ect and fighting what you already are as if you miss the last hit they get all the money! I've emailed asking if they will add a system like WoW where the first person to attack it is the only one that will get a reward for it unless they run off or die. I know it's the same with the kraken but I could live with that just not the other mobs, I would like the kraken adjusted thoigh but until then I do as people do to me, wait until he's nearly captured then steal the last hit! Very cheap but hey...
I've tried MOBAs in the past and generally dislike the genre. This is the first one I've enjoyed, so hats off to Super Evil. To be honest, I'm still not a fan of the last hit/kill steal core mechanic. Imagine how awful an FPS would be where camping and sniping were essential to gameplay? That's what it feels like to me. But I can deal. At least at the lower skill levels. There are at least two heroes who match my play style and the matchmaking system hasn't let me down yet.
In Destiny PVP, I've gotten pretty good at walking behind a teammate, letting them take/do most of the damage and then getting the head shot to steal XP
I just played a match where the other team surrendered, the game ended and then I got the deserter warning and lost 50 glory points. WTF?
My first impression is that movement speed is really, really slow. I'm not sure I could get past that. The graphics are very nice though. I'm not sure that MOBA as a genre is something I really want to play on mobile though.
I like a lot these type of games and after playing for a while i can say thats it's a good game good graphics. what i didn't like about it was that the scenario was very little and it's just one, there is no joystick, the gamplay feels slow, there's just one option of 3 players. I hope that in the future they polish the game because i think it has a lot of potential. The best game in this genre for me it's HOC. ✌️
Really Suprised this isn't getting more attention here and on my UK app the store, the game is great and very polished and fun and the best example of free game I can think of in a long while. I had fun last night trying out Ringo the first time, I have about 70 wins now and still find it fun and enjoy playing new heroes or even my old favourites. I didn't get as many kills as I can with some of my favourite as he is squishy like a glass cannon and need to be careful but I got a few games with 10-15 kills and 0-1 deaths, I especially love the cripple shot to my team can get the player too as running off is so annoying! Also his final ability that chases down players running off is amazing. It's fun to start killing someone watch them run off and shoot your fireball to just get the message popping up you killed them. Poor guys thinking they got away
Haha, it's worse than that. I got far, far away thinking I'd weathered everything including the fireball. Then I notice my health tick, tick, ticking away. No potion, so I died alone in the safety of one of my own turrets. Damn you Ringo!
Ah yes similar has happened to me when not playing Ringo, I'm careful when I use it to try and judge how much damage and dot it'll do to finish them off. I also had a Ringo on Ringo fight last night and for the first time ever on the game we both killed each other at the same time. We were just using guns and speedup no fireball and as my last shot killed him his must have been on the way to me and killed me too : (
How do you sync progress between devices? I played through all the Training stuff on my iPad, and although I'm logged in as the same playername on my iPhone, it seems to want me to start Training over from scratch there. (Plus once I unlock characters I'll want those to sync too.) TIA!
It does all sync but sadly it doesn't register that you've completed the tutorial. Just complete it again and you'll be back where you were with everything you had. Seems to happen if you delete and reinstall or use on another device for the first time.