I'm sure Al Queda learned a lesson as well, and I wouldn't think they would be stupid enough to go through and make the same mistakes. As much as we got hurt in all the war, they got hit so much harder.
I'm kind of tied to North America because of work and family obligations. As soon as those aren't an issue anymore I plan on moving to some nice peaceful socialist European country where my tax dollars go to things like healing the sick instead of killing random Afghanis. Unfortunately, Canada isn't all that entirely appealing, and, well, Mexico isn't that entirely viable.
They're a terrorist organization with members who believe to their core that giving their life for their cause is the best thing they can do. They haven't learned any lessons, all us killing Bin Laden accomplished was adding to the national debt and pouring more fuel on the hate the extremists already had towards the USA.
Another great thing is to vote out the officials who you don't agree with. Unfortunately, I think most reasonable and logical people disagree with most of them, so we're screwed in that regard. And I get it. America is great. But right now, thanks to current and past leadership we are in a huge hole. Am I saying vote out Obama and slap in Trump? Hell no. Obama is a better president then any current Republican candidate is. But there's no way for us to recover if we keep chasing after the karate kid in a skeleton costume. As much as we work, and spend, and kill to find this guy or Osama, and as many of them as we kill, there will always be another one in line waiting. Terrorism is not a company or an organization. It's an ideal, and its one that you can't kill. Instead of invading the middle east, killing civillians, and planning secret missions, we should be using that money for far more productive causes. But as long as we keep wasting money as a nation, we'll just keep falling into a deeper and deeper hole.
I never plan on leaving America; nothing is perfect but if you believe in the principles of what America stands for then you can stay here and live towards reaching that ideal. Because I love America so much I believe in the right to criticize it, because the fact that dissent can be broadcast and respected is something that is beautifully American. ...all that aside this is B.S. that's all too convenient for the ppl that make money off of selling ammunition and petroleum; those are the real terrorists (like Dick Cheney)
Johnny come lately into this thread but uh, yeah. I aggree with Booch on this one. How hard is it to park Ole Gunny Hathcock / Simo Hayha outside the dudes house and just wait for him to come out. One bullet, game over. For those who dont know either one here. Read. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Hathcock
My problem is that you can't just keep "fighting" Terrorism. It's like fighting Jealousy. You just can't do it.