Urban crime by gameloft

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Sodsoulja1222, Nov 8, 2011.

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  1. jeffyg3

    jeffyg3 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2010
    Well it is a Gameloft game afterall. The only thing we can expect from this developer nowadays is usually a cheap mediocre console copycat experience that almost always gets ridiculously overrated. I used to be interested in upcoming Gameloft games, now everytime I hear of a new Gameloft game, I think "meh, who cares."
  2. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    The Comments are as follow:

    I could write down the other too but those are really, really close to a Ban if i would post them here.

    Looks like the Community doesn`t want to see anything at all from Gameloft that does have any Kind of IAP.

    While I can understand them at one Point I`m still wondering why they are all so upset:

    It was clear that Gameloft would force Freemium 2011/2012 after they had seen what other Developer like Glu & Co had earned 2010 with their Freemium Titles.

    And how far Gameloft would go was easy to see when they did released the Hero of Sparta II Update for the Paid Version that did Transfer it to a Freemium Title.

    To be honest it isn`t easy to support a Developer that obviously doesn`t give a shit about their Userbase and overall Gameloft seem to doesn`t even try to save what is left of it.

    I`m wondering what will be their next Move.
  3. Madman100

    Madman100 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    #63 Madman100, Jan 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012
    Wth. Do u know what you're talking about? While I don't completely disagree with u, it is easy to see, all the propaganda surrounding GL has clearly went over people's heads.
  4. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Yep same here. I was a huge fan of Gamelofts, bought most of their games, loved the Dungeon Hunter series, had the two Hero of Sparta game and many more.

    I didnt mind Six Guns until i carried on playing and realised it was very tricky to carry on without IAP's so i gave up on that.

    This seems more of the same. I've got both GTA games which arent freemium so i'll stick to those instead of this. Wont be buying another Gameloft game ever if its freemium. Its not just the freemium excuse, i'm gutted to see what they did with the Dungeon Hunter franchise which was my favourite game (DH 2) on iOS. So no more

    The thing is EVEN if they suddenly came out with 'okay okay it hasnt worked, no more freemium, the people have spoken...' i would probably ignore their games now
  5. sivyan

    sivyan Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    For my part, I loved Gameloft, they put out awesome quality titles BUT I loved Six Guns and Dungeon Hunter 3, so I will be downloading this too(it's free afterall, and you don't have to buy the iAP's to enjoy the game, for sure there is a lot of stuff that can be bought via iAP only but there is also stuff that can be bought with ingame earnable cash), and right now there are a ton of new good games coming, the appstore has grown to a new level, Gameloft isn't needed anymore to enjoy gaming on apple devices.
  6. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    Of course i know what i do. I did choose each of my Words carefully because naming someone something without hard evidence would result at TouchArcade with a Ban.

    When Gameloft did choose to treat their Customers like some cattle that can get milked at all costs they did forced a Reaction that probable nobody had expected.

    I can`t remember any Time in the past when someone at Gameloft of the leadership did bow before the community like they had done after the Hero of Sparta II fiasco.

    And while they did switched it back a few Days later it clearly showed what their first Intention was and something like that should never happened in the first place.

    What you call Propaganda seem to me more of a normal reaction about the current Situation. Gameloft could have easily prevent it but did choose instead to swamp the Market with their Freemium Titles.

    Overall the Community seem to dislike it - And that`s not something that came overnight.

    I had disgust it with a few Investors a few months ago and overall all of them thought that Gameloft won`t be able to hold their current performance if they won`t jump on the MMO Horse.

    They brought Order & Chaos Online and their profits did increase another Year. When the Investors thought that it would be Time to jump on the Freemium Horse Gameloft did that too.

    Slowly but they did it. First it was only optional and didn`t really affect the Gameplay overall.

    Now six Months later we are currently at a Point where you can read through dozen of Preview/Review where the Community seem to ask themself what had happen in the Gameloft HQ that made them switch completely to Freemium Titles while cutting out the Gameplay almost completely.

    Again I`m in no Way saying that Gameloft doesn`t do the right thing. Hell I`m looking forward to see the results for the financial year for 2011/2012 but from the Point of a Gamer the current Cut was definitely to harsh and Gameloft would do good if they switch back to their old Way.
  7. Madman100

    Madman100 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    "Propaganda" was referring to the Bull people make up in their own mind for the sake of complaining and spreading that Bull. GL did NOT make Hero of Sparta freemium.. You "chose your words carefully" for the spread of nonsense propaganda, it seems.

    ADR GANG Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2011
    Uggghh....another barebone GTA-wannabe from Gameloft. Only this time it is freemium shit. Really Gameloft? Really? You are going downhill with your shitty freemium games. From the look of the trailer, this game is going to be like Six Guns, no real storyline whatsoever. Just milking for money through those stupid IAPs. I hate you Gameloft.

    Also, why the hell is the energy bar presented in this kind of game? For god sake this isn't Farmville, this is a gangstar game. What do you need it for, beside another way to milk us with iap crap? At this point even the most loyal Gameloft fans would be pissed off.
  9. Psykikgmr

    Psykikgmr Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    They've been going downhill a bit before they started their freemium crap and crap they did with hero of sparta ii, brain challenge ii, and what was once a good game, The Oregon Trails now IAP is a must to continue even though u already have to pay for the game. Silent ops - crap, 9mm - lol, crap crap crap, shadow guardian - crap, splinter cell conviction - crap, backstab - ok, snorefest. Yeah. They've been going downhill before their laughable use of freemium, but it sure is excellerating their drive downwards.

    Gameloft, good riddence.
  10. lord-sam

    lord-sam Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Gameloft must have seen that when they made mediocre games for a set price, they made it into the 'Top Grossing' section, and since their massive switch to IAP, very few, if any actually make it there.

    Then look at the list at people like EA, Sega and even IllusionLabs in the top gross with set price games.
  11. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    So EA may be higher in the list, but if you compare their premium games to gamelofts I'd definetly say that gamelofts are better. Even the iTunes ratings are saying so. Look at EA games like Tetris, BFBC2, ..., they all have 3 - 4 stars, whereas Modern Combat 3 or Ordern & Chaos have 4.5.
  12. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    The Line between a Freemium/Free2Play Title and that what Hero of Sparta 2 was representing at that Day is really thin. It was like a slap in the Face of their paying Customers and the You don`t have to Upgrade wasn`t making anything better.

    Overall Gameloft had done the only right thing in this Case. Pulled it back and apologize. A wise decision and I have a huge respect for Gonzague who stood out of the Mass and had the Balls to say the right thing at the right Time.

    But that won`t change anything about the current situation. The Rampage against Gameloft won`t stop anytime soon as we both know.

    It`s Gameloft turn to proof that they are capable of getting up again on their feet, clean of that Freemium Dung of their boots and convince the iOS Community that they are capable of delivering some solid Products that deserve their Brand.


    Maybe it`s fine if they run that Freemium Model at the Android Platform where Piracy is like 90% according to some Developer and even Gameloft does celebrating their Sales when they reach in a Months thousand sold Units but it won`t satisfy the iOS Community and I`m sure we haven`t even reached yet the deepest moment of how the iOS Community can treat a Developer that does go this Way while everybody is expecting something else from them.
  13. weehoo

    weehoo Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2010
    the stars
    Put out the fire

    1. Hate to rain on the bashing session but Gameloft is losing old customers and gaining 10x more new ones.

    2. Not everyone is an old-timer when it comes to ios games. For those that can revel in the great past that gameloft once had, let it be a blissful memory. Whether we like it or not, Gameloft is making more money in freemium
    and customers new to ios dont have the old Gameloft to compare it to. They are a business first, video game maker last.

    3. Not trying to defend Gameloft but honestly. What would you do? Let the old games rot in the app store or find a new way to recycle an old "unwanted" game. Who is going to play the old hero of Sparta anyway?

    ***Let's just hope that their main IP's will stay true to the old formula.
    NOVA 3
    Order and Chaos. >>>> these games are the way I like to think of Gameloft.
    (when judging, judge someone's best, not their worst) they still own MP and FPS.
  14. WunDaii

    WunDaii Well-Known Member

    Exactly. I applaud Gameloft for being a good typical business company, but I hate them for being so.
  15. Madman100

    Madman100 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    #75 Madman100, Jan 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2012
    @Sanuku, you saying they made HoS II freemium is silly and devoid of logical sense, just stop.

    Proof that anytime GL does something there is always someone who will overreact and make something of it that it is not, just to complain.
  16. callmericardo

    callmericardo Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2011
    #76 callmericardo, Jan 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2012
    Must be hard for Gameloft to keep turning the same kind of profit they did before, when there's so much fierce competition in the store now. There are hundreds of excellent other devs that Gameloft's recent turn to Freemium has opened my eyes to.
  17. ADR GANG

    ADR GANG Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2011
  18. Dr. Deviation

    Dr. Deviation Active Member

    Jan 13, 2012
    Wow, this is almost literally a copy-paste game! If I had the files, I could do it too!

    dir 0j3ij039j2d03/Gangstar2.APP/
    copy all
    dir o9ijgf093ingn/UrbanCrime.APP/

  19. ADR GANG

    ADR GANG Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2011
    Lol Gameloft should have hired you and me to be their game designers. This way they wouldn't have to spend thousands of dollar on their useless employees.

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