Urban crime by gameloft

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Sodsoulja1222, Nov 8, 2011.

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  1. Sodsoulja1222

    Sodsoulja1222 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2009
    A new gta type game is to be released soon by gameloft called urban crime. You could see the achievements by looking at some gameloft live owners games. Such as _g4meloft_
  2. Nicoipad

    Nicoipad Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    Used to be titled Gangstr Free+++

    Not too excited with this. Even has some matching acheivment names as Gangstar 2.
  3. Dirty Harry Hannahan

    Dirty Harry Hannahan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Planet Earth
    What's going on with this game? Details?
  4. mobilegame08

    mobilegame08 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    #4 mobilegame08, Nov 8, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2011
    this is old name Gangstar Free +

    the beta testers are currently playing these games

    Gameloft in December is expected to launch most of them, even to see if I support the possibility of having an asphalt 7, every year has had to have this year!

    The Oregon Trail American Settler [all trophies defined]

    Playful Minds [all trophies defined] - 1 year and until now has never been released

    NFL 2012 [all trophies defined]

    Real Football 2012 [all trophies defined]

    SIX GUNS Free + [all trophies defined]

    Green Farm 2 [remake version 1?]

    Midnight Pool 3 [all trophies defined]


    the games below are only the same games letz golf 3 was on that list since December 2010, some games have been renamed in short games below may or may not be recorded by it.

    Fashionista FREE + [not more info]

    Texas Hold'em Poker FREE + [not more info]

    Silent Ops FREE + [not more info]

    Backstab FREE + [not more info]

    Fanstasy Town + [not more info]

    Axes of War [not more info]

    Dark Quest [not more info]

    Dungeon Hunter 3 [not more info]

    NOVA 3 [not more info]
  5. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    Axes of war = another god of war clone? Hopefully it'll be better than hero of Sparta 2... But I'm really excited for dungeon hunter 3 and nova 3, given the quality of their predecessors these should be great!
  6. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Six Guns is going to be freemium?..

    Nova 3 and Dungeon Hunter 3 are must-haves for me. Will be getting Axes of War as well if it turns out to be good.

    But wow, that's a lot of freemium stuff..
  7. Jdragoon19

    Jdragoon19 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    TouchArcade Forums
    Area 51
    Yeah, I don't really know how I feel about Gameloft starting to go freemium.
  8. Dirty Harry Hannahan

    Dirty Harry Hannahan Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    Planet Earth

    I dont like it. I'd rather pay for the game with out the bullshit.
  9. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    I couldn't agree more. There's nothing more annoying to me then a game where you are forced to either grind endlessly or continue to cough up money. But, I guess this shouldn't surprise me. GL has always been about the money, pumping out terrible games like silent ops and backstab for a quick profit. Not to mention how they made Let's golf 3 freemium already...
  10. DodgerBlue016

    DodgerBlue016 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2011
    I create awesome paper airplanes that I will sell
    Gameloft needs to realize that taking a premium gaming experience and making it freemium doesn't work for them. First person shooters, rpgs (single player, not mmos), or Gangstar or RDR style games doesn't make a good freemium game. It's far better to get the premium quality then turn that quality into a piece of garbage that you wouldn't be proud of. Plus, most of GL's expedition's on freemium haven't helped them monetarily. They don't get past the top 50 grossing ever (if i'm right on LG3 for example, which didn't do well) and for a freemium game, that's bad. Freemium is meant most of the time for a more casual-esque audience, not a premium group (most of the people that buy gameloft games) that wants quality.
  11. Brrobotix

    Brrobotix Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Under your bed
    +1, but the fact is that gameloft is all about the money and until they hit a wall with adding the freemium stuff into games, they're going to try to keep doing it to maximize profit. I hope they learn their lesson soon.
  12. Madman100

    Madman100 Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    I'd download a free version of any game I don't already own, as long as I can pick up the full version at standard pricing I don't see the big deal. If all the content is free I might not even mind saving a few bucks and playing here n there.

    Call me crazy but the word freemium doesn't bug me half as much as you all here. I can really see it as a great altenative to a lite version even.
  13. Taytay

    Taytay Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011

    truthfully thats really the strategy with freemium ,so they can bypass having to have a full paid version & a free demo version of the game ,but the strategy just doesnt fit right with certain games
  14. Kbom

    Kbom Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2010
    #14 Kbom, Nov 9, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
    I don't se the big deal either, in fact, I like the idea, you play the game, dont like it, delete it. Or you play the game like it, make an IAP and continu, only reason I can se why people would dislike IAP Is that they get hocked on the game and is forced to pay if they want to continue.

    I think it's more annoying to be forced to delete the lite version and then start all over in the full version, and isn't freemium just a mix between free and premium AKA. Premium game for free?

    Only real annoyance I can see is if they demand the IAP In the middle of a mission, then I would be so annoyed and angry that I would buy the game to finish it, even if I didn't like it. HAHA :D

    But I guess that would be the idea to begin with!:)
  15. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    ^Totally agree. I dont get why people hate freemium so much, probably because they cant get it for free from any sites with hacked games etc !

    I like trying out a freemium (or lite) version, if i dont like it i de-install it but if i do i'm happy to buy it inside the app. Dont see the problem at all. Easier for me as if i like a lite version i have to de-install the lite and then install the paid for version. With freemium i just type in my App store details and the freemium becomes the full game, not an issue.

    Yeah many Gameloft games are 'copies' of famous games out there but i havent got a problem with it. They release a ton of games and support iOS, if you dont like it dont buy it. Gameloft wouldnt release 'versions' of famous games if the original authors saw how great iOS was and released them themselves.
  16. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Houston/Austin, TX
    #16 backtothis, Nov 9, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2011
    That's not what freemium means. Wtf? That's just having a lite version where you can unlock the full version inside, which Gameloft tried with Starfront and Sacred Odyssey earlier this year. Freemium is what Let's Golf 3 is. Check it out. It's also what Brothers in Arms 2, GT Motor Academy, and more now are. Gameloft pulls the original games and puts out a free version completely filled with iAPs for things that could have been earned in the original version along with tons of iAPs for in game currency.

    Worried about not being able to steal the game? More like worried about not being able to pay the full price. Not only that, apps I paid $6.99 for are being turned into piles of crap. I actually enjoy quite a few of Gameloft's series immensely and buy their releases on release day.

    For the record, the having only a free version with an unlockable full version inside thing didn't work out at all for Gameloft. Sales were complete shit, and eventually, they decided to release full versions of both Starfront and Sacred Odyssey.

    Too long, didn't read? Freemium is what Farmville is. The people who want to pay are going to have extremely large advantages over the people who don't.
  17. Kbom

    Kbom Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2010
    So I missundertod what freemium was, is that a good reason to be rude? :confused:
  18. Lightlii

    Lightlii Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    He wasn't being rude, he just pointed out the facts to you about what
    freemium actually is, which you missed in the first place.
    regards ;)
  19. Kbom

    Kbom Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2010
    Hmm....I have had a hard day at work, I might have misread it, in that case I'm sorry.:)
  20. sid187

    sid187 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2009
    the problem is will there be a option to buy the full game ( i have no problem paying 10.00+ for a good game.. some do tho..) iv notice in a lot of freemium games you do not have that option.. i do not support freemium.. thats my choice..nothing more.

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