About 20 minutes after the power went out here the UPS my TV and game consoles were plugged into suddenly combusted. I was able to get the thing unplugged and put out before the fire spread but I won't know if any of my electronics are damaged until after the power comes back on. So far its been about 90 minutes without any power. This is actually the second battery powered device I've had suddenly catch on fire, it makes me a bit nervious about carrying my iPhone in my pocket. Will post pics once the powers back on.
Ouch that's bad luck I've never had a battery go that way on me but then I've never needed an UPS as the electric is usually very stable here. I was toying with buying a large battery (probably a power gorilla) for my ipod and netbook seeing this gives me second thoughts.
I decided to invest in one after a power surge destroyed my old Vizio two years ago, looks like it didn't help much. Luckily I moved the NES out of the way a few days before or else the fire would have melted the plastic and gone full flame before I caught it. Power was out for about six hours, went out again 12 hours ago and is still off.
Hey, What brand/model # was that UPS? I've got a couple around the house and I want to make sure I don't suffer a similar fate!
APC Back-UPS NS 600 Here's a better shot of the damaged area, the flame managed to get fairly large before I put it out.
Lol yeah, it's a quote from South Park where Peter the Apostle turns out to have been a rabbit. Anyway yeah, you made me doubt that they were brown I had to look closelier myself.
Thanks. So were flames actually coming out? Also, it's hard to tell, is this out of the side or the top? Does it look like it started from the batteries, or the circuit board itself?
The damaged area is on the right side with the copper plate and the area around it engulfed in flame by the time I got it outside. The battery leaked a small amount of some kind of silver goo by the terminals however the fire itself seems to have been caused by the electronics. The battery compartment is only slightly warped from the heat.
/end troll Well I dunno if this will help you, but I did hear that the iOS 5 beta created some serious hardware damage. If you've managed to install iOS 5 beta to your iPhone, it may fry out that USB iPhone connector, but it's just some rumor. It can also be the electrical wall socket that's causing those fires