[Upcoming] Smash Dungeon

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by plasticcow, Feb 10, 2019.

  1. KashifMalik

    KashifMalik New Member

    Feb 18, 2019
    Looks cool. I like the sounds in the game go really well the game. Can you collect any power-ups in the game?
  2. plasticcow

    plasticcow Active Member

    Hi @KashifMalik , yes there will be power ups dropped by enemies when you kill them to help you clear the area / room.
    These will provide a time limited ability in most cases. The flame sword and ice blast I mentioned in a previous post are examples of such power-ups you can gain.

    Enemies also drop gems which can be used to give you a more semi-permanent hero upgrade once you clear a level. Currently the upgrades are health, defense, attack, speed and skill upgrade (subject to change). The hero upgrade reduces the cooldown and other attributes of your special skill. For example the knights skill is a shield toss and upgrading this will increase damage and distance of toss. Hero upgrades will last until you die.

    Note there will be NO IAP's in the game so don't worry about the gems. In fact the gems I'm looking to replace with XP which will give you skill points to spend instead, but at the moment its gems ;)
    Legion180 likes this.
  3. Legion180

    Legion180 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    Sounds great!
    Good luck! Take all the time you need, we surely understand that sometimes things go not the way we plan.
    plasticcow likes this.
  4. Jackaluk

    Jackaluk Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Hope it’s coming along well!
    plasticcow likes this.
  5. plasticcow

    plasticcow Active Member

    Hey Guys,
    Sorry for the lack of updates. I had to take some time off due to serious family health issues.
    I've managed to put some time in here and there and I'm gradually get back to development so hopefully updates will be more frequent.

    I did manage to get some work done on the latest enemy. I'm not sure if he should be all about fire or ice or the current mixture of the two. The blue beam in the first image is an ice blast which will encase the player in ice, the blue area on the ground in the second image is a creeping ice blast that will again freeze the player if he walks over it, and the fire is - well fire :)

    weeper1.PNG weeper4.PNG Weeper2.PNG

    Next I need to work on a Final Enemy and then its a case of creating more room layouts and balancing.
    At that point I will probably be ready to put a beta together while I frantically go over all the effects again (I'm not happy with some) and bug fix.
    And finally review all feedback from the beta and take action where its needed.
    Legion180 likes this.
  6. Jackaluk

    Jackaluk Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    #26 Jackaluk, Apr 5, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2019
    Sorry to hear you’ve had a few family health issues, hope everyone is ok and it works out fine!! Game looking great! Can’t wait for the beta, controller is at the ready. Looking forward to playing it on my iPad Pro 11
    Legion180 and plasticcow like this.
  7. Legion180

    Legion180 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    Any news on the game? Assuming that you solved all your personal problems.
  8. plasticcow

    plasticcow Active Member

    Sorry for the lack of updates. I do tweet often but only like to show significant updates here so as not to spam.

    First the bad stuff...
    I lost about two weeks due to upgrading to latest version of Unity & source control issues but that's all dealt with now.

    Good stuff...
    There has been some design work gone into passive skills and additional room types to make things a bit more interesting. So for room types think Binding of Isaac where you have item rooms & challenge rooms etc. These are rooms that you dont need to go in to complete the level and rooms that you think is the risk worth the reward?

    I've added a minimap to help navigate and show adjacent room types.
    I'm currently adding passive collectibles. There are 30 at the moment, most of these grant the player with unique abilities. Some of these 30 items will come in common, rare and legendary rarities also providing a kind of upgrade path for items.

    There has also been some progress on adding the different room types. No lighting setup on these yet, just basic layout. As soon as we have some quality images for these I'll upload them here.

    I have the final boss enemy to decide on and code and maybe a couple more flying enemies and that should be enemies done for first release although apart from the final boss its looking pretty good on the enemy front.
    I need to improve the inventory screen to show the passive items and what they do.
    I need to design add consumable items and abilities (not IAP consumables). These will be things like the existing flame and ice swords, health boosts.
    Menu's need work.
    Bug fixes and tweaks.

    The todo list is actually bigger than that but those are the major points.

    So yeah still lots to do but there's an end goal in sight now although an ETA is difficult because some of it relies on my art skills for lighting and I'm a coder :)
  9. TigerrrUppercut

    TigerrrUppercut Active Member
    Patreon Indie

    Aug 8, 2016
    Mobile Marketing, Monetization & Community
    Victoria, BC, Canada
    plasticcow likes this.
  10. Legion180

    Legion180 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    Yeah, by the way, what’s with the beta? Any info?
    My mail is Legion180@mail.ru for TestFlight.
    plasticcow likes this.
  11. plasticcow

    plasticcow Active Member

    Hi @Legion180
    I don't have a set date on the beta yet but I'll be in touch with all here who have shown an interest.
    Legion180 likes this.
  12. jpgold

    jpgold Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    Online Ad Sales - Pandora
    New York, NY
    Cant wait!
    plasticcow likes this.
  13. plasticcow

    plasticcow Active Member

    Here's a quick update of what I've been working on for the past few days.
    There are currently 30 individual items which grant passive abilities and while some things are Armour, Speed, and Strength upgrades etc, there are one or two more interesting passive upgrades.

    Here's Mjölnir - The Hammer of Thor which grants the player a chance of Chain Lightning.

    And here's Dragons Breath. A single strike can light up your enemies and you can sit back and watch em burn!

  14. plasticcow

    plasticcow Active Member

    A quick update.
    I've finished up the consumable items which I think will be included in the initial release.
    These range from health, shield & speed boosts to Phoenix shot and Chicken Bomb plus more.

    I still need to review all the VFX for these effects and setup (create/acquire) unique 3d models and 2d icons for all the pickups - a number of which I already have and just need setting up.

    Next week will be about creating some new room layouts to mix it up a bit.

    Thanks for your patience. Its getting there ;)
    latte13 and Legion180 like this.
  15. Legion180

    Legion180 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    Great news! Take your time, make a good game. Premium game.
    Good luck!
    plasticcow likes this.
  16. Stephan0711

    Stephan0711 Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2014
    Love to help out with the beta when it's ready. Testflight email: iM3ViL@live.com
    plasticcow likes this.
  17. Capronissimo71

    Capronissimo71 Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    plasticcow likes this.
  18. plasticcow

    plasticcow Active Member

    Hi, just another quick update. No new screens to show as its mainly been about code.

    Last week I had a bit of a mare and found bugs in the collectible item code which could have potential memory and performance issues but thankfully I came up with a suitable solution towards the end of last week.
    This week has been about coding different room types. We now have a trial by fire room where you have to sacrifice some health to get passive items etc, a summoner room which has you summoning some tough mofo's to fight so you can get a good item reward and there's a transmute room which allows you to give up 2 or 3 basic passive items for a rare / legendary item.
    I still need to finalize a layout & and light these new rooms but that will come later and I'll upload some screens once that's done.

    I still have a list of jobs as long as my arm to do before I will have a beta available so I'd best get back to it ;)
    Legion180 likes this.
  19. Legion180

    Legion180 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    It’s starting to sound/look like TBOI. And that’s great. If you manage to make the game as replay-able as Isaac is - your game will be a huge success.
    Don’t hurry, take your time, we believe in you!
    plasticcow likes this.

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