Woah! An Ikarugish Fireball SE! I hope it's not tilt-only with tap to change polarity... Instabuying this!
No other known titles to surface this week? I guess that'll save me some bucks to put into some IAPs.
Nothing major for me, i hope the first table of Season 3 for Pinball Arcade comes out (Apple are holding it up apparently). Hope there'll be some surprises but i shouldnt moan, got 100's of games to give attention to so i'll go back to those (Been playing Limbo a lot)
I had to triple check the date to make sure its still only monday, maybe there are some few surprises, too early to tell... If nothing else surface (and if it does) get Trip Trap, its quite good!. A mix between runner, platformer and puzzle game. Recommended.
Hopeless is coming the 24th, according to Pocket Gamer. It's gotten a good reception on Android Supposed to be pretty good
Song Blaster could be interesting, a rhythm shmup combo is always an interesting one. It's already out in NZ
Hope theres some decent games today and a few surprises. Nothing i've seen so far i'm that interested in, 90 minutes to go till NZ releases ! Edit - (sigh), not much out currently, none i want to buy, looks like a cheap week for me!
First week in a while i didnt buy one game. Not many releases at all which was quite depressing, lets hope next week is better
There are a few new games from crescent moon games (creators of shadow blade and Ravensword 2) but the names slipped my mind
"Publisher." What i like about Crescent Moon Games is that Josh at least knows what quality is in games. I hate the switch-to-freemium of Space Chicks, but all their published titles are really solid titles (including Space Chicks).
Godfire: Rise of Prometheus Godfire: Rise of Prometheus is coming in 2014, though there still isn't a specific date we can talk about at the moment. Sooner rather than later, though http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=201234