The only must-haves i know so far are Kill The Plumber and Xenowerk. You Must Build A Boat sounds really good, but im afraid it might just be 10000000 (which i really enjoyed playing). Im hoping there are mechanics changes. The releases from tinyBuild Games are also quite interesting.
Updated upcoming list. June - Healer Quest (by Rablo Games) June 9 - Freak Circus Racing (by Jumbon Ltd) June 11 - Slipps Slopes (by Appsolute Games) June 11 - Spirit of War: The Great War (by Bulkypic) June 11 - Super Polygon (by danglingneuron) June 11* - The Abduction of Bacon at Dawn (by Batovi Games) June 11 - Her Story (by Sam Barlow) June 24 - Stack Heroes (by Callipix) June 24 - SpikeDislike3 (by JayenKai) Mid June - Beast Bound (by TBA) June - Condemn Adventure (by tinyBuild Games) June TBA - Divide By Sheep (by tinyBuild Games) June TBA - Omber (by Catacomb) June TBA - Pop Puff and Away (by Accidental Rebel Games) June TBA - Spin Commander (by Rohschinken Games) June TBA - Tongass (by Smappi) June TBA - Wrecked (by Flightunlimited) June TBA July - Kill the Plumber (by TBA) July 23 - Divide by Sheep (by TinyBuild Games) July - Lost Horizon (by Deep Silver) July - Ocean Blast (by Pandastic Games) July - Shooting Stars (by Bloodirony Games) July - The War of Mine (by Bit Studios) July - Wally's Caves (by CallysCaves) July - The Ember Conflict (by EmberApp) Late July * Not confirmed yet but estimated by developer or ITK source.
Oraia Rift is a Zelda like game I'm working on! Upcoming in 2015! I will provide ETA soon in the upcoming thread. New Oddworld game coming.
That's weird. I received a press email from them yesterday saying it was out :/ Edit: Just got confirmation that release for iOS is June 11.
Updated upcoming list. If you know of a game, the developer, or date of release please let me know. June - Freak Circus Racing (by Jumbon Ltd) June 11 - Slipps Slopes (by Appsolute Games) June 11 - Spirit of War: The Great War (by Bulkypic) June 11 - Her Story (by Sam Barlow) June 24 - Stack Heroes (by Callipix) June 24 - The Abduction of Bacon at Dawn (by Batovi Games) June 25 - SpikeDislike3 (by JayenKai) Mid June - Beast Bound (by TBA) June - Condemn Adventure (by tinyBuild Games) June TBA - Divide By Sheep (by tinyBuild Games) June TBA - Omber (by Catacomb) June TBA - Pop Puff and Away (by Accidental Rebel Games) June TBA - Spin Commander (by Rohschinken Games) June TBA - Super Polygon (by danglingneuron) June TBA - Tongass (by Smappi) June TBA - Wrecked (by Flightunlimited) June TBA July - Kill the Plumber (by TBA) July 23 - Divide by Sheep (by TinyBuild Games) July - Lost Horizon (by Deep Silver) July - Ocean Blast (by Pandastic Games) July - Shooting Stars (by Bloodirony Games) July - The War of Mine (by Bit Studios) July - Wally's Caves (by CallysCaves) July - The Ember Conflict (by EmberApp) Late July * Not confirmed yet but estimated by developer or ITK source.
Urrrgh bad day for me today, perhaps just one game i'll get, the rest dont appeal to me at all. Suppose it gives me time to play the other 700 games i've got installed instead !
Hopefully a surprise later but i'm not holding out much hope. Just one of those weeks sadly Edit - What a surprise it was!
Tongass is in waiting for review now. It's maybe approved in this week. I will update in the upcoming thread when it available to download. Thanks for your mentions.
The Abduction of Bacon at Dawn, June 25 "The Abduction of Bacon at Dawn, the Chronicles of a Brave Rooster" will be released on June 25! Here's the game intro: Webpage:
My apologies, I had a real tough day on Wednesday and spent the evening zoned out playing Dark Souls. Completely forgot it was release night.