I finally have a game of my own, aiming for November completion: Scree. (A casual, abstract physics game which grows in complexity as you progress.) Details and screenshots (maybe a video soon): http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=242344 P.S. Spirits of Spring looks really neat!
Shadowrun: Dragonfall is pushed to November according to HBS Twitter. Edit: also http://www.butterscotch-shenanigans.com/2014/10/crashlands-alpha-trailer.html?m=1 Not in 2014 maybe. Thought people might be interested though.
Ones im most looking forward to right now: Chaos Rings 3 Heroes & Castles 2 Exiles: Far Colony The Sailor's Dream Mission Europa 2 Aralon 2 FF7 G-Bike
Offroad Legends 2, the sequel to the amazing Offroad Legends, just might be out the 6th. If not, I would think the 13th.
It's more than instabuy for me, I have so much love for the Simogo guys it's insane. They've probably made three games that have defined iOS gaming for me (Beat Sneak Bandit, Device 6 and Year Walk).
That's so true but it would have been much appreciated if they at least updated Beat Sneak Bandit for iPhone 5.
"Harebrained Schemes We're submitted to Apple so we're at their mercy at this point but it should be soon! ยท about an hour ago" HBS Facebook page. The Shadowrun news I've been waiting for. Edit: Confirmed as separate App.
No firm release date yet for Beans Quest 2: Bean Dreams by Kumobius but beta testing has started and the game feels very nearly ready, shouldn't be too long at all.